Caught by vivian

Chapter 3

Those days I was introduced to one of Vivian’s friends for the first time. Vivian dressed me with a t-shirt and put me on my wheelbelly, this prepared we waited for Gabrielle to arrive. When she came I was surprised that she wore the same clothes as my Vivian (she was a tall lean bodybuilder, too, as You may have guessed): Just high heels and a short jacket which hardly covered her bum and crotch. I knew that Vivian usually would wear just a tight short muscle-shirt under her jacket to cover her breasts, but no underwear at all, she always was ready to make me kiss her fanny! Would it be the same with Gabrielle?

The two women hugged and kissed and touched each other for minutes, more like lovers than friends - I was surprised again. Possibly there was more to know about my feeder’s life! But then Gabrielle turned to me, she squeezed and poked my belly:

“Hi, I’m Gabrielle and You must be Vivian’s Belly! She told me so much about You and I’m really happy that we meet now! You’re wonderful, magnificent, so fat and round, You’re the ultimate toy”

“Hi Gabrielle, thank You, nice to meet You, but…”

“Just call me Mistress Gabrielle, would You!”

“Yes, of course…”

“Goooood Belly, now come on and don’t forget the rest of You, hahaha!”

I wheeled my belly behind them into the dining room where we sat down at the table… well, not really: They sat down at the table and sat on my chair next by, my fat masses resting on the wheelbelly – for I couldn’t sit at a table the normal way anymore, something had grown in the way.

Happily they chatted away about the good old days, the girls at the gym and so on, while they just had coffee I was fed cake after cake. They both had big spoons and fed me up, massaging my huge gut, hugging, poking, touching my bulge. After a while they got up and took off their jackets – oh yes! Gabrielle was naked, too, the muscle shirt didn’t count. They came near to each side of my belly and started rubbing their wet pussies at my flesh while still kept feeding me:

“Now that’s a good piggy, eat, eat, get full, get ripe!”

Vivian couldn’t hold her juice anymore: “Now stick Your right hand into my pussy and Your left into Gabrielle’s. Do it, quick, I need it!!”

This was the most magnificent sight ever: Two strong ladies massaging and feeding a huge fat belly while being penetrated by hand, moaning in orgasmic pleasure. But what about me?

“Vivian, please, fuck me, I need to be reliefed! It wouldn’t do…!”

“No, my cow, You know it cannot be now, be patient, we’ll get there… oh my god, this feels so wonderful, what are You doing to me! I wanna fuck Your face!”

And so they did! I had to wheel my nearly full belly into the sleeping room and got laid on my back. First Gabrielle mounted my face while Vivian sat on top of my belly, squeezing and massaging it with her hips, her feet hardly touching the blanket – such a fat cow I was. Then they changed positions and it all started again.

After being satisfied they laid down each side of me and talked about the future, feeding me again with cake because I wasn’t full enough.

“Will You grow him much further, Vivian?”

“No, he’s pretty finished, I got back to feeding him for his pleasure. His body-shape is perfect, there’s the next step to do now!”

“You’ve told me about this. Did You already start on it? And does it work? I cannot imagine…”

“I have started and it does work, have a look Yourself – spread Your legs, my sweet cow!”

They sat between my legs and inspected my growth:

“Oh Vivian, this is unbelievable! He’s… he’s…. gonna be fantastic, a horse and a cow in one! The girls will love it! Oh Vivian, You have to invite all of us, we organize a little party for the old friends…”

“Yes, yes, it’s all planned, but not immediately – don’t touch his dick, it needs to grow ripe before using – I will tell everybody when the cow is ready to be milked, trust me!”

“Wonderful, just wonderful, I can’t await the day to come!”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 13 years
Very unusual, but imaginative fantasy piece! I liked it!
Td0057 16 years
Great imagination! Please let us read some more.