Caught by vivian

Chapter 4

The next weeks were filled with intense loving, feeding and playing. Vivian and I spent together every second we were not asleep (except her workouts at the gym), she fed me the most delicious, home-made dishes. She did everything to make it a pleasant waiting-time for me. But she couldn’t spare to be licked, she became really addicted to this!

When she was out she made sure I was comfortably laid on our bed, TV and computer to my service. Over the bed at the ceiling she had installed a barrel which she kept filled with juice and every time she left, she attached a hose to my mouth (I couldn’t remove it myself) and switched the tap on – slowly but surely my belly was filled up with delicious fresh juice! Vivian didn’t want to grow me anymore, she just wanted to enjoy my tight full belly. Every time coming back she gave it push, listened to the fluid sloshing around inside and smiled:

“Oh you fat sexy belly-toy, how ripe and full you are, come on and serve Your mistress!”

One afternoon she returned from the gym and rushed to me in the sleeping room. She jumped on the bed I was laying on, climbed my belly and sat there smiling:

“Good news, belly-toy! We’ll move into a real house – a big house!”

“Hey, great! When?”


“That’s quick!”

And so we did! We left the complete old furniture behind and I realized that Vivian had to be a quite wealthy person. Gabrielle came for help with a big van in the evening. They covered me nakedness as far as possible, put my gut on the wheelbelly and together we pushed it into the back of the van, where I collapsed into a pile of comfy cushins.

This was my longest trip on my own legs for months and to my great pride I realized that my manhood had grown to an amazing size: My balls where hanging down to my knees and walking was really difficult, while Vivian had to bend down my penis a bit because it would have been trapped between my gut and the wheelbelly otherwise. Wow, must have been half a metre long now – minimum! Gabrielle begged for staying in back with me, but Vivian didn’t allow her so:

“No, we all have to wait and I want to keep Your hands as far away from this mega-cock as possible. You drive!”

And so we drove to the other side of the city to Vivian’s new house. The ladies helped me out off the van and guided me through house and gardens while I wheelbellied my masses behind them. It was a wonderful extent bungalow from the 60ties, completely refurbished and with the newest household-technique. There were plenty of rooms, a nice pool and huge gardens with a high fence, so no one could see what was going on inside. Just perfect!

Back in the house it was time for Gabrielle to go because Vivian wanted to use me alone the first night in her new house. But in the hall Vivian pushed my gut from the wheelbelly and I collapsed on the floor, wobble, creeping on my knees and hugging my monster-tummy!

“Well, what does a good belly-toy do to a helpful friend like mistress Gabrielle?”

“Serving her?”

“Yes, You sexy piggy! Come on Gabrielle, have him!”

Gabrielle slipped out off her jacket and laid down on my belly like on a bed.

“He’s a bit empty, could You fill him up a bit, please!”

Vivian gently inserted a tube into my throat and filled me with water until Gabrielle shouted:

“Stop it, he’s just fine!”

Then she made herself comfortable on her “bed”, trapping my head between her hips and fucked my face.

“Oh Vivian, I’m so jealous about this licky-piggy! If there’s anything I can give You to become his owner – just tell me, please!”

“No way, Gabrielle”

After Gabrielle was gone Vivian took her place on me.

“Well, there’s one thing I didn’t tell Gabrielle! Guess what!”

“No idea, really.”

“You’re finished!”

“What finished? You mean… we could!”

“Yes, we’ll have sex right now!”

She heaved me back onto the wheelbelly and pushed me forward into our new sleeping room. Our new bed was as big as a lawn! She laid me down, pushed my belly away from my hips to expose my manhood.

“Oh my goodness, this is the greatest penis ever! I’ll be the first woman milking a human horse!”

“Please fuck me, my mistress!”

“Impossible! If You could see the sheer size of Your milker and Your udder, You would know why! But I never planned to do so, I’m not into fucking that much, licking is more my style, as You stupid piggy may have noticed! And You are a perfect suck-slave! But don’t worry, we both will have plenty of pleasure!”

She pushed a button and from the ceiling over the bed fell a long metal-cylinder attached to a hose. This cylinder was slid over my ever-stiff penis and fixed. I nearly was mad awaiting my relief! Vivian patted my balls:

“You’re the most stupid helpless piggy-cow in the world – and You’re mine! What a huge udder this is, full and swollen!” She showed me a remote-control:

“Know what this is, boy-toy? Not just a simple remote, oh no! This is my ultimate boy-control! You will begging to me to use it when your udder is full and swollen – and it will be full quite often! This remote controls the machine You are attached to now and I think You know what kind of machine this is!? Yes, You full belly-boy, a milking-machine! Shall we have a go, shall we?”

“Ohh Vivian, I…. Mmpf – suck!”

She made me shut up by sliding with spread legs over my belly and stuffed my mouth, again I served my mistress and then she switched on the machine! I cummed the first time after 5 seconds and then a hundred times more, I don’t know. It was a feeling like fucking a tight wet pussy and getting a blow job the same time, it was mind-blowing!

She let me be milked and milked and milked! Even after she was satisfied she lay naked on my belly, exposing her strength an beauty to me and enjoying watching her udder-boy being milked dry. I couldn’t give anymore, but she didn’t want to stop. I begged!

“Stupid cow, at first You want to be milked, now You don’t! Think what You ask for! Oh no, my good penis-slave, I was just kidding! You’ve produced more than a litre tonight and proved to be worth all that work! I enjoy my rule over You so much I can’t tell it! But now let’s go to sleep, in the morning I want more sperm, got me?!”

Vivian changed my diet for maximum sperm production, she kept stuffing me and made sure I was always full. At first she milked me 4 times a day for 15 minutes each and then went up to 6 times for half an hour each – a real hard exercise, but we succeeded!
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Giantjay 13 years
Very unusual, but imaginative fantasy piece! I liked it!
Td0057 16 years
Great imagination! Please let us read some more.