The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 2 - wardrobe malfunctions & a fattening dinner

Liam quickly reverted to his normal self and took the call from Rochelle whom found herself in a pickle!

Liam: Hey Shells, what's going on?
Rochelle: I can't fit in any of my dresses, I've gotten so plump and big!!!
Liam: There is no way I'm believing that!!
Rochelle: Please help me, come to my place!!
Liam: Why would I do that?! I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your best friend!!

Liam reached Rochelle's apartment 10 minutes later, and he entered the room with a wardrobe of 100 dresses!!

Liam: Whoa!! That's like $10,000 worth of dresses!!
Rochelle: Ugh, I can't in any of these!!
Liam: Shells, I'm here.
Rochelle: Help me Liam, none of these dresses fit me!!
Liam: Be serious, you need to try some on.
Rochelle: I've tried also all of them. I cannot get them past my thighs!!
Liam: How about that pink one with that white pattern and that? Try that one.
Rochelle: Except that one, I haven't worn that since Easter, didn't I look good back then?

Rochelle tried to squeeze the dress past her waist and it was an enternal struggle. Her job was done easier when she unzipped the back of the dress and her body weaves through the dress easily but she couldn't zip the back again.

Rochelle: Ugh!! Liam, can you help pull this zip for me please?!
Liam: Stop acting like I'm your boyfriend!! Boyfriends do that, not best heterosexual best friends.
Rochelle: I'm not naked, it's alright, please come in.
Liam: Fine I'll come.
Rochelle: Quickly!!! I'm about to rip this dress!!
Liam: Omg Shells, you look absolutely drop dead gorgeous! No way that dress looks snug. You won't pop, even if I pin your tummy!!
Rochelle: You kidding me?!! You know how hard it is to put this dress on?!!
Liam: I don't know what you are blabbering about? You look amazing!!
Rochelle: Just zip the back for me please.
Liam: Just put a hoodie on or something, it will cover some of your bulge.
Rochelle: I know one fits.
Liam: That one looks awesome. You are so fortunate to have a filled wardrobe, there are very few girls I know that have a big warbrobe.
Rochelle: How do I look?
Liam: Just beautiful Shells.
Rochelle: Good, now let's go to dinner.

Liam and Rochelle dined at an Italian Restaurant, they had two appetisers each and shared 3 entrees. They were a little naughty and ate two desserts each, and it was enough to satisfy those porky bellies.

Rochelle: Oh my gosh, I'm so full.
Liam: I can no longer compare your size to a cow, what's the difference?
Rochelle: Oh shussh!!!
Liam: What? You are really starting to fill out nicely.
Rochelle: Stop admiring me, you're making me fatter!!
Liam: How am I making you fatter?
Rochelle: You encourage me to eat, you make me feel too comfortable about my body because you like my physique.
Liam: True, but I haven't forcefed you through a tube and I've never feed you until you were full, until now. And I keep telling you, you look so much better when you are bigger.
Rochelle: Oh shussh!!!
Liam: Anyway, we have something to go to. We're going to Shannan's party for a massive celebration of graduation!!!
Rochelle: Sweet!! Before we go, can I go get a new dress, this one you like is about to RIP!!!!!!!
Liam: Did that really rip?!
Rochelle: No, but it's about to.
Liam: I'll buy a new dress for you.
Rochelle: But you already just bought me $200 worth of chocolates.
Liam: Just doing something for someone I've been best friends with for 8 years.
Rochelle: Aww that's sweet.

It was 9:25pm and they both made it to Shannan's place, and Rochelle was confident to show off her curves and her voluptuous body in her new dress.

-Knock on door-
Shannan: Hey guys, welcome!
Liam: Yo Shannan, sweet place you've got here!
Rochelle: Yeah, and what's cooking.
Shannan: Hahah, I love a girl who loves food, you look gorgeous!!
Rochelle: Thanks Shannan.
Shannan: We've got an hour to spare and have got nothing to do except meet the DJ and blow up all the balloons. You want to do something?
Liam: I don't know dude, we're the only ones here and .... wait! You're throwing the party!!
Shannan: Correct.
Liam: And you've planned everything for the night, and you are the organizer, so it should be up to you.
Shannan: Hmm good point, I'm a big gamer and the PS3 just got fixed, so you guys want to play while I finished up in the kitchen.
Liam & Rochelle: Alright.
Shannan: Or you guys can help cook with me, and we can get the food out faster. I'm cooking up chicken wings, pork ribs, pizza, and some little bites.
Liam: I want to cook.
Rochelle: Me too, I'd like to cook.
Shannan: Alrighty chefs, meet me in the kitchen, the DJ just arrived.
Liam: Wait, one second, is Brianna coming tonight?
Shannan: I believe so, want me to text her?
Liam: This is not going to go well.
Shannan: What's wrong? You broke up?
Liam: No, but she's being scared of me, I don't know why?
Shannan: Then why are you two together?
Rochelle: We're best friends.
Shannan: Oh alright, now get moving, I've got things to take care of.

Just 15 minutes were left until the party, Liam's girlfriend, Brianna arrived at the front door. Liam looked at the front door and his heart sunk down to his pelvis, thinking that the night won't go well for the both of them.

-Knock on door-
Shannan: Oh hey Brianna come in.
Brianna: What's going on Shannan?
Shannan: Can't wait till the party?
Brianna: Oh yeah!
Shannan: Want a drink before you snack on some munchies?
Brianna: Yes please.

Shannan called for a drink as Brianna took a seat in the lounge room. Liam walked to the lounge room and spotted Brianna who was stunned by his appearance in the house.

Liam: Hi Brianna ....... ummm, why are you shaking since I came? Come on babe, speak to me.
Brianna: .......... I-I don't want to get h-h-hurt that's all.
Liam: What's going on? Since when have I hurt you? What do you fear of me?
Brianna: .............. I can't say it. I'm too sc-sc-sc-scared.
Liam: Well, if that's how you want things to be, if that's how you feel, then fine! Let it be your own way.

Liam walked away, feeling sheepish visually and feeling shattered inside. He headed bsck into the kitchen, feeling mentally distracted.

Rochelle: What was that?
Liam: It's Brianna!
Rochelle: Oh my, that sounds bad.
Liam: Yep, it's bad news. She fears I will hurt her, she refuses to listen to me and she wouldn't tell me what's wrong.
Rochelle: That is so worse than I thought! You would never abuse a woman!! Wouldn't you?!
Liam: Absolutely not, I may play with your stomach when those buttons on your outgrown jeans popped, you wouldn't call that abuse?!
Rochelle: I actually liked that.
Liam: Shusssh!!! Now take off that jacket, you don't wear that on a dancefloor.
Rochelle: But they will show off my hideous love handles!!
Liam: F**k that, take it off, and let your inner beauty shine!!
Rochelle: You might want to pipe it down, Brianna is weeping, she's literally crying her eyes out.
Liam: Oh s**t!! My relationship is in the deepest pit it has ever fallen into, this time there is no way out of this diaster.
Rochelle: If she doesn't talk, then I will step up. I may get a few slaps to the face, I don't care if I do, I want this problem to be solved.
Liam: Thanks, but things haven't gone too far yet.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!