The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 11 - the guilty confessions

Liam would get his wish, he went down several sizes, his stomach would flatten and he would regain his abs and his toned stomach again. His chest, bottom, thighs and his arms were all toned and he would look so very handsome for the first time in weeks.

Liam: Thank you, and one last question, do I go back to heaven?
Satan: Yes, you do, you served your time here but it may not be over yet, farewell for now.
Liam: Thanks, goodbye.

Liam would regain his confidence, his smile and his abs of steel. He would get back with the guys again and he was happy to announce that the curse is about to break.

Paulie: Whoa.
Johnny: Damn, look who is back!!
Liam: Hey fellas.
Paulie: I remember those abs. Did the curse break?
Liam: It's about to, once I confess to those chicks, my curse is broken and I'll be back to my normal self again, like right now.
Shannan: Great, now you can look more presentable to the ladies.
Liam: Yes, my chest of metal and steel is back, everything is. I cannot wait to see these girls.

The time had arrived, the moment of truth, and it was time to take the heat. The girls arrived and it was time to come clean.

Lilly: Hey guys, you wanted to surprise us, what is it?
Johnny: You'll see, ladies come on in.
Nikki: Geez, Liam looks skinny now, what's going on?

The girls were looking gorgeous and glorious, some looked very flabulous as they flaunted their curves which got the guys' attention. Alicia, Lachlan and Cassie would also come for this gathering, even Katrina, the most recent girl to be fattened. Nobody would know what was in store and it would be in 20 minutes time until it was time for the guys to confess it all.

Johnny: Ok girls, take a seat please ......... Ok, we need to talk about the main topic, why you girls are here? Well it's going to be hard to explain, much to our nervousness, pain and guilt.
Shannan: We would like you to look at yourselves. Look at your body, examine all the curves you have, discover your inner beauty and embrace the great art of being yourself.
Paulie: We are here to tell you all, how did you become that person and how did you earn some glorious features.
Liam: On behalf of all of us four guys, I am here to admit that we made you gain weight, we did it, it was us all along. We made you become bigger women.

There was a small moment of silence until the girls would gasp in shock and they would cry indefinitely until the guys were down on their very knees.

Janine: You did this? You made us gain weight? How could you?!!
Liam: It was mostly me, I'm the devil here, it was mostly me. Paulie did nothing, and Johnny and Shannan were followers, I'm the evil one. The Evil Admirer I can say myself!
Kym: Ugh, why did you? You deserve a slap to the cheeks.
Caitlyn: How did you get so skinny so fast and we grew fatter than ever!!
Katrina: Liam you are a monster! How could you turn me into a cow?! Why did you?!
Liam: Girls settle, we have to tell you something, Rochelle knows about this. We are attracted to girls with curves, meatier girls, girls with bellies and girls with beauty inside and out.
Girls: Huh?!
Paulie: I may not have been responsible, but we have to say that you girls were so f***ing skinny when we all first met each and every one of you. We then figured that those bone-bagged bodies, skinny waists and skinny sad looking faces didn't fit into this society around us. When we became closer as friends, we noticed that you girls weren't happy women, you were wannabe models, twigs and there was nothing comforting to say when you were skinny.

The girls were confused, they didn't know they were unhappy, they didn't know they had low self-esteem, nor they did know they were hating themselves.

Johnny: We took you girls out to dinner, at least three times a week, you finished everything on those plates and you liked the company and comfort whilst in public, As the weeks flew, you became real beautiful women, we noticed you girls were happier than ever, you became more confident and you were enjoying life, thanks to us. We helped you find what makes you happy and we helped you girls gain the confidence to do anything you beautiful human beings desire.
Shannan: Look at all the positives now, you girls look jaw-dropping gorgeous. Have you realised how many admirers have come by you? Have you realised how happy you are now? And have you realised how much you love yourselves with your new bodies? And we have to say, on behalf of all the guys in this society, we love you girls with your new voluptious, curvaceous and gorgeous bodies. Those kind of physiques are to die for in this world, you girls are so lucky that we made you stand out in a positive manner.

The girls cheered and applauded, but Liam was not finished. He wanted to tell someone something special.

Liam: I wish a shoutout to Brianna, if you are not happy to be with me, that's fine, but one thing you have to learn, is that not all guys are a**holes, I would never hit a girl, nor I will insult them in any shape or form. I know a lot of guys around me, particularly these three here, they are polite and they are very respectful to all women. But I have one last message for you before you are likely to leave me, you will always be in my heart, forever.
Brianna: Really? Then I'll ask you some questions.
Liam: Ok then.
Brianna: One, do you like me?
Liam: Hmmm ..... no.
Everyone: OMG!!
Brianna: Ugh two, would you cry if I walked away from your life?
Liam: No.
Brianna: Wow, you are such a cold hearted jerk. Three, will you consider me being someone you can live with?
Liam: No way in hell!!
Everyone: OMG, Liam, what are you on about?
Brianna: -Sniffles- Fourth, what are you always thinking about?
Liam: Hmm food.
Brianna: I can't argue with that. And finally, do you want me?
Liam: Nah, I want to avoid putting up with this heat.
Everyone: OMG, Liam, you're a prick.
Brianna: Well, I guess this is over. Farewell, I will no longer need this necklace you gave me.

Brianna then tries to run away in tears but she was stopped by a seriously lovestruck Liam.

Liam: Brianna wait, those answers are wrong. I was just being sarcastic and being like a jerk was not my intention. Please allow me to answer those questions correctly.
-Everyone gasps-
Liam: Firstly, I don't like you, I love you. Secondly, I would die if you walked away from my life. Thirdly, you are not some girl I can live with, you are some girl I cannot live without. Fourthly, I always think about you, I cannot ever think of a moment when your heart is not there with me. And finally, I don't want you, I need you, you're my everything.
Brianna: Really? You really mean that? You still like me plump and chubby?
Liam: No, I love you plump and chubby.
Everyone: Awwwwwww.
Liam: Yes really. Anyway I've got something to ask you.
-Everyone in room in shock-
Liam: I need us to be together for the rest of our lives, I need to be with you for every moment, and past the eternity. So, will you marry me my dear beautiful, beloved Brianna?
Brianna: Yes!!!

Everyone stood up as one and applauded, Liam and Brianna were officially engaged, there was joy and happiness and all was forgiven. The kiss was dreamy, passionate and powerful, the diamonds on the ring were real, sparkly, shiny and bright.

Brianna: OMG we're going to get married, OMG!!!
Liam: Yes we are my love, we certainly can't wait!!!!
Johnny: Any chances of doing those things soon Liam?
Liam: We will later, but now I have a very special young woman to marry. Oi Rochelle. Get your chunky little ass over here.
Rochelle: Congrats the both of you. What is it?
Liam: Come here, thank you very much for helping me repair this relationship, and when you know it! Anyway here, you can have this.
Rochelle: Wow, daily dozen donuts deliveries!! What about the KFC bottomless bucket of fried chicken subscription?
Liam: Nope, I unsubscribed, I feared that KFC would go broke someday if that subscription continued for any longer.
Rochelle: Haha, thanks for plumping me up, Lachlan and I are going out.
Liam: Wow, congrats. Good luck on your date and remember, keep those curves, he'll love you forever.

Well everything worked for the best, a wedding was coming soon, the girls forgiving the boys, and Liam broke the curse, once and for all.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!