The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 3 - the killer party & the gluttonous curse

As Liam tried to keep things together in his head, the party was about to start. The food was all set, the DJ was ready, the strobelights were switched on and it was going to be a big few hours ahead. Seconds after the DJ started his music, Liam's college friend Johnny arrived at the door along with his girlfriend, Lilly.

Liam: Yo Johnny, what's happening?
Johnny: Just chilling with this dazzling girl who is so down to Earth!!
Lilly: Haha hey, where's your date?
Liam: Oh, things have gone wrong between me and her, she won't talk to me, she's scared of me, fearing that I will hurt her, it's a big meltdown!
Johnny: Have you broken up? Why is Rochelle with you?
Liam: Brianna hasn't dumped me, she won't speak up, and Rochelle is here because I didn't want to come without a date and I wanted to come.
Johnny: Fair enough and Liam, coming over here for a quick sec.

Liam: Yeah?
Johnny: Just between us, how do you think of Rochelle's poundage?
Liam: Yeah, she's a lot more voluptuous Johnny: Do you keep telling her that she looks good with the extra pounds?
Liam: I keep saying that to her, she doesn't believe me.
Johnny: Just tie her hands and legs, make sure you look serious and you tell her that to her face, that's the only way she will believe you, I did that with Janine.
Liam: That brazilian chick? Damn she turned out delicious.
Johnny: Cool, now let's hit the dancefloor, and I wish you good luck.
Liam: Cheers Johnny.

By 11:00, all 60 invited guests arrived at Shannan's place. Guests included Johnny's friend, Alicia and her boyfriend Corey, Liam's victims, Kym, Janine, Nikki, Caitlyn and Tayla, Liam's mates, Paulie and Lachlan, and Rochelle's best friend, Cassie. Liam was offered to dance with Rochelle and it was certain that he wouldn't feel comfortable.

Rochelle: You want to dance with me?
Liam: Hmm I don't know Shells.
Rochelle: Listen, you and Brianna are likely to be no more, you'll have to move on sometime. Now's the best time.
Liam: Hmm ok, I hope you are a good dancer.

Liam and Rochelle ran onto the dancefloor, Liam then wrapped his arms around Rochelle's potted stomach, he was excited to fulfill his wish of wrapping his arms around a woman's stomach, but when she allowed him to squeeze her love handles, he felt like his life was complete.

Rochelle: Why aren't we dancing? And why are you so obessed with feeling my bloated stomach. it's big, so what?
Liam: I just can't stop staring at it, I want you bigger, I want you so big that you can fit into anything but sweatpants.
Rochelle: I don't care if you do that when we're alone, but not in public. Now dance!!!

Liam and Rochelle danced for many hours, they had a few drinks, and Liam went nuts since Johnny wouldn't stop staring at Lilly's flat boobs.

Lilly: Why are you staring at my boobs?
Johnny: You need breast implants, you are so flat. No boobs, no ass and no meat.
Lilly: Ugh, I kind of agree with you, I need bigger boobs.
Liam: Haha, good stuff Johnny.

The party ended off with some good news for Liam. Brianna did speak to him, but it was sweet and sour altogether.

Liam: Oh, hey Brianna.
Brianna: .........
Liam: Were you going to say something?
Brianna: Umm ........... I can't say it. It's too hard.
Liam: Just take it easy, open up.
Brianna: Umm .......... do you think I'm getting fat?
Liam: Well no.
Brianna: Ack I knew I shouldn't have said it, I knew I was going to grt hurt. Aaaaaah!!
Liam: Take it easy, grab a hand on the handle! Firstly, I never call girls fat because it's never wise to do so.
Brianna: Yeah?
Liam: And secondly, you look dazzling tonight in that green dress, f*** being worried about your body, because most other guys will like you.
Brianna: Really? W-what else?
Liam: Ok, thirdly ....... you look better with the bigger body.
Brianna: You always say that to other girls, like Rochelle.
Liam: She was just self-concious, and I felt bad for her.
Brianna: And you didn't even ask me to dance with you like, what the living f***?!!!
Liam: I thought you were mad and it would be best to leave you alone at that time.
Brianna: Ugh, seriously what is going on?! And you danced with Rochelle?!! Why?!!!
Liam: She was alone and she would cry if I didn't.
Brianna: Ok then, what about.....
Shannan: Guys, GO HOME!!!! I'm getting sleepy here!!!

Brianna freaked out and left in just seconds, Liam then drove Rochelle home and before she headed inside, she wanted to ask Liam somthing.

Rochelle: That was awesome Liam, what a fabulous night.
Liam: Yeah, you are a really good dancer, it was really fun dancing with you tonight.
Rochelle: Any chance of hanging out like this? Like a date?
Liam: Well sure, but we better lay off the extra courses, they really filled us up to almost immobility tonight.
Rochelle: Haha, I want to give you something?
Liam: A kiss?
Rochelle: Yeah, you are a great guy, I really like you.
Liam: Haha, let's make the date in 3 weeks, since you are going to see your family tomorrow. That will also allow me to fix things with Brianna.
Rochelle: That's good, can I sleep at your place tonight?
Liam: Oh, I've got other things to care of back home right now, sorry. Well here's your stop.
Rochelle: Well goodnight, love you.
Liam: Love you too?

As Liam headed to his apartment and fell asleep, inside his dream, he was being handed a curse that would haunt him in real life. He was getting kicked out of the heaven bubble and moved into Satan's hellhole.

Liam: Ugh, what a deep sleep. AAAHH!!! Why am I wearing prison clothes?
Heaven Guards: Liam, it's time to go. You've served your life in luxury.
Liam: Ugh, what's going on? You cannot kick me out, I live here.
Heaven Guards: You broke a promise that you should've never broken.
Liam: Wait, you can't cut me off!!
Heaven Guards: Farewell. Say hi to Satan for us.

Liam then fell out of the clouds, fell down deep into their earth's crust, he smashed his head into Satan's hellhole gates, and was taken away by the hands of Satan.

Liam: Oww, ack why did I end up here in the first place?
Satan: You'll find out why, come with me.

Liam found himself in a courthouse, which was ruled by Satan and there was no way he could escape.

Judge: It has been stated that while you had a girlfriend, you were found last night being asked out by another girl and you accepted the date. God was so upset to hear this, in fact, he was too upset to kick you out, and the guard took care of things. And you find yourself here, facing all the heat while walking on thin ice.
Liam: Judge I wasn't trying to cheat or go against the rules, I was trying to make another girl feel good about herself.
Judge: It was also rumored that your girlfriend saw you two kiss, and you held hands and drove home together.
Liam: I may agree to some things you said, but I was mindful about my relationship and I know it wasn't over between me and Brianna.
Judge: But you were blushing, you were attracted to that girl, what were you thinking?
Liam: Ugh, I'm so screwed, but I will stand strong and not plead guilty.
Jury: Your honor, we made a decision and Liam is to be found guilty.

The courtroom was in shock, Liam melted down, but was prepared to found out the consquences he would have to copper.

Judge: You will be sentenced to ......
Satan: Hold it right there, I want to take care of this. Liam, you're a nice guy, aren't ya?
Liam: Yeah.
Satan: Good looking? Attractive? A Good person?
Liam: Yes, yes and yes.
Satan: WRONG!!! You are not good, you are evil, just like me!!
Liam: .....
Satan: You will not be given any sentence, but you will be given the curse of gluttony!!!
Liam: Oh no!! Not the donut bellystuffing machine!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Liam would have this curse which would haunt him for many days coming. When he was cursed, it would become easier for Liam to pile on the pounds. He would stuff himself until he bursts out of his clothes and it would be near impossible to return back to his normal self. Whenever he would date two girls at once or abuse or hurt a girl, his curse would start from the next morning, and it would be unknown if he could break the curse and get back to normal.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!