The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 4 - the gluttonous curse kicks in

Liam woke up immediately after that dream, as soon as his eyelids sprung opened, the curse had setted in, his appetite would grow, and so would his belly in many hours coming. He daydreamed for a moment or so, and he was soon tempted that the best start to the day would be having McDonalds breakfast.

He got out of bed and put his workpants on, although he hadn't paid much attention to his body lately, it didn't take long until he realised he was having trouble getting his ass to fit in the pants.

Liam: Oh, was my ass always this big? I know my ass may be bigger than most guys around me, but I never knew how big my behind has grown in the past years. Let's see me in my favourite swim trunks. Well my bottom has always been a little bigger than normal, but I've never struggled to get my pants on as much as today

Liam would put on a nice shirt to look more presentable whilst going to McDonalds, he did his buttons, started his car and left for work. He'd drive to the nearest outlets on his way to work and order a load of extra buttery pancakes, smothered in sweet warm maple syrup, making a heavy caloric breakfast feast. Liam saw another past girlfriend, Sharni and she was shocked to hear her ex, who was expected to be an NBA champion, was going down to the brink of obesity.

Liam: Oh hey Sharni, how are things going?
Sharni: Hey, OMG! I can't believe you ordered 50 pancakes!! I'm glad to say I'm not making you pay. Why are you indulging yourself?
Liam: I don't know, I must've had a dream about pancakes and they kept screaming out, "Eat Me!!"
Sharni: What about you being an NBA champion? You just can't throw away your dreams for stuffing your face with pancakes!!
Liam: I'm just cheating on my diet today, I haven't cheated in years.
Sharni: Ok, I'm just worried. I may be trying to put on weight but not that way! Here's your pancakes.
Liam: Thanks Sharni.

Liam downed all but one pancake in 20 minutes, his belly was so stuffed that his buttons on his shirt were about to pop off. He took just one bite of the final pancake, his belly started to bloat up, and one by one, the buttons had started to pop off. As Liam finished off his last pancake, his ass started to inflate, it grew until the back of his pants ripped a little and his butt crack was starting to show.

Liam: Ugh, what is happening to me?! My belly is sticking out like crazy, my ass is inflating, my buttons have popped and my pants are ripping!! What's going on?

Liam's shirt was beginning to tear at the seams slightly, he loosened his belt and his pants stopped ripping. He then parked his car at subway, and he did not look forward to starting his 8 hour shift. His pants were tight as hell, they were ripped at the back. His shirt was no longer wearable, looking how shabby it is. It was looking so small that his belly was slightly uncovered, revealing his love handles and his muffin top belly. Looking so pudgy as soft, he walked inside and some of his workmates welcomed him, but they definitely noticed Liam's unrealistic poundage.

Liam: Hey guys.
Everyone: Hey.
Kaylah: Say, isn't your uniform getting a little small?
Liam: Yeah, may I please?
Kaylah: Sure, Cassie will take care of this.
Cassie: What size do you take?
Liam: Medium or Large.
Kaylah: Darn, we only have small, 2XL and above.
Liam: So I have to work, looking like a fat pig?
Cassie: You look fine, it's not a big deal.
Kaylah: Yeah, Dave looks unhygenic as usual, look at him. DAVE!!! Wash your hands, they are dirty and stinky!! And stop picking your nose!

It was about lunchtime and it would be time for Liam's tummy to rumble.
Liam: Can I have my free lunch now?
Cassie: Sure, have as much as you like.

Liam helped himself to two chicken schnitzel footlongs with double meat, pineapple, double bacon, extra melted mozzarella cheese, salami, jalapenos, bell peppers, lettuce and onions. He also added three large sodas and 4 cookies as his sides. As Liam was about to start eating, Brianna made a surprise visit, and his face froze for a few moments until his head was back in planet earth. She sat next to him and spoke for a while, but Liam was more focused on eating then listening to her.

Brianna: Hey Liam, thought I'd make a surprise visit. Liam? Liam?
Liam: Oh, oh, hey. Such a surprise to see you.
Brianna: Is that sub for me? Or does it have jalapenos?
Liam: It does.
Brianna: Oh anyway .........

The conversation went on for a while, Liam finished his first footlong and his first two sodas. As he got started on his third soda, his shirt was starting to ride up, and his belly was starting to bulge over his belt. Liam felt a little embarassed and he tried to hide the fact he was getting fatter out of nowhere.

Liam: But you have no reason to be scared.
Brianna: Yeah but I'm just really ..... Liam, are you alright there?
Liam: I'm just fine, my knees are a little sore.
Brianna: I don't think it was your knees, you were looking more down your stomach.
Liam: And the belt was annoying me.
Brianna: Alright, so ........

A few minutes later, he finished the third soda and Liam was starting to feel more insecure. His shirt was riding higher than ever, his round little belly was showing and he was beginning to bloat up. He began eating his second sub, and things got worse from there.

Brianna: And that's how ..... Liam, what's going on?
Liam: Nothing, my belt is annoying me again.
Brianna: I can't see your belt, your stomach is bulging over it.
Liam: Oof, it won't unbuckle!!
Brianna: Your stomach is in the way, didn't you look a lot skinnier last night? You do look a little fatter?
Liam: I'm often bloated from eating.
Brianna: You must've had a lot of beers last night, that bloat isn't going away.
Liam: Yeah, and now I realise how drunk I was last night.
Brianna: Haha, great way to pack on the pounds like me.

Liam felt a little better after revealing those extra pounds, but he had another thing coming. He had finished his second footlong, and he was stuffed to immobility, he had 4 cookies left and he was unsure if he were able to fit them in, he was about to pop. He gave Brianna two of them but he still had a challenge of eating the other two. He took a bite of one of the cookies and he began to struggle to suck up all the bulge. His pants were getting tighter, the pants started to rip again and his shirt was stretching out and it almost couldn't take it anymore.

Liam: Mmm that's so good ......uh oh!!
Brianna: What's wrong?!
Liam: I'm about to blow up!
Brianna: What do you mean?
Liam: My belt is about going to break, the shirt elastic is about to snap and I feel absolutely gluttonous!! And there is worse!
Brianna: What?!
Liam: My pants are ripping!!
Brianna: Oh no!! You are getting fat!! Don't take another bite or you will...
Liam: What?

Liam's shirt couldn't take it. The elastic snapped, his belt broke, his shirt tore, and his pants ripped loudly, loud enough for not only for Brianna to hear but also the workers.

Dave: What was that?
Kaylah: I don't know, wait ....... Oh dear!!! Cassie!!

Liam felt very sheepish and his heart opened as Brianna freaked out during the big rip and she ran away, which absolutely tore Liam's heart out.

Cassie: Liam, are you ok? Don't worry I'll get you new clothes. What's wrong?
Liam: That was my girlfriend, well ..... distant girlfriend, I embarassed myself at a time we could've been back together again.
Cassie: Aww, it's ok. You can take a break whenever you need to, but you cannot leave.
Liam: Thanks Cassie.

Liam would get new uniform and took breaks for the rest of the day. Liam would head home and he would binge eat for many hours. He binged on donuts, pastries, chocolate, cookies and ice-cream, and he would also down many gallons of soda in a short period of time. He weighed 152 pounds before bedtime, he had gained 7 pounds that day, thanks to his curse.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!