The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 5 - forcefeeding at its finest

Three weeks later, Liam got out of bed, 30 pounds heavier than last month. Rochelle would return home that day and Liam wasn't ready to show what he had become. Liam kept weighing himself repeatedly for several hours, thinking that the scale was wrong every time, until Rochelle knocked on his door. Liam tried to sneak on some shorts, which were all too tight, and he didn't have any luck with his shirts either. While failing to look presentable, Rochelle came inside anyway and she was shocked to see what Liam had become, she didn't know who he was.

Rochelle: Liam, I'm here, AAAHH!!!
Liam: Hey, Shells.
Rochelle: One thing to ask?
Liam: I know what you are going to ask. What happened? I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm cursed. When I date two girls at once, I get this curse which makes me get fatter like no tommorow.
Rochelle: Oh, why did everything have to fall onto me?
Liam: Yeah, look at me expand, my ass is inflating, see?
Rochelle: I guess this is my fault.
Liam: And I don't know how to break this curse. How the f*** am I going to make this stop?!!
Rochelle: Hmm, should we get a doctor?
Liam: We'll do it later, I have to do something with Katrina. You won't mind, won't you?
Rochelle: I surely don't. Go on babe. I'll get you new clothes and I'll put on your favourite movie you always wanted me to bring.

Liam's mood was brightened, he got new clothes and was back to his evil self. He would hit the supermarket and get all the pastries, cakes and donuts, he bought what he had binged on the other night.

It was 11:00 at night, Liam stopped at Katrina's house, getting ready to do something he had for a long while. He gave 3 loud knocks on the door and Katrina failed to answer, she just got home from her friend's house, she was about to go to bed. Liam lost his patience and knocked down the door open and he couldn't wait to get started.

Liam: You didn't reply to my email!!
Katrina: H-H-How do you know I live here?
Liam: Facebook never keeps secrets.
Katrina: What?!
Liam: Hahahaha, look at your profile, it says 6 Borneo....whatever it was..
Katrina: What?! OMG!!!
Liam: Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!! You are going to be given ...........
Katrina: Uh oh!
Liam: A treat!
Katrina: What?!
Liam: Yes a treat, I have a great supply of donuts, boxes of cakes and lots of pastries. I bought some of the foods you absolutely love.
Katrina: Why did you threaten me earlier?
Liam: Will you stop freaking out? I'm being .... nice.
Katrina: Ok, I've something to tell you. You are the only person I know who cares for my tummy. I'm always hungry and nobody would give a little cookie or something, and you come here unauthorized, broke into my house, to give me food. That's crazy, thank you.
Liam: Well enjoy, help yourself. I might have a slice of cake or two.

Katrina without patience, she quickly started filling up her plate with cake and donuts and more mouthwatering pastries. Liam couldn't be any happier, she was falling into his trap, and she would soon cop the consquences, and follow the path of obesity. Katrina would then experience what Liam endured a few weeks ago.

Liam: You're enjoying that mud cake? You've almost eaten the whole thing!
Katrina: ....... OMG, why did I eat so much?!
Liam: Don't worry, I've eaten a whole mud cake plus 2 dozens of donuts. And look at me, I'm getting rounder and your dress is getting tighter!!

Katrina began to feel a lot fatter inside her body, she began to blow up and her arms, legs and face began to swell up.

Katrina: Liam, I think I'm full.
Liam: You ain't full enough honey, you need to eat more, you are as thin as a rake, EAT UP!!!
Katrina: No I'm serious, I'm as stuffed as a thanksgiving pigeon.
Liam: Here, how about some donuts?
Katrina: Aww, just two won't hurt, right?

Katrina took a bite on a jam ball donut, her belly reacted and started to expand. Her top button of her dress would pop, revealing a pair of her C cup boobs and the top half began to sag over her dress.

Liam: Ack! Ow! Was that the top button in your dress?
Katrina: Yeah, will you stop staring at my tits?!!!
Liam: I'm not, your stomach is about to blow!!

It wouldn't take more than 10 seconds before her dress finally gave up. The rest of the buttons didn't pop, instead the dress loudly ripped, her plump belly had expanded to new levels, her arms were puffy and the dress then reveal her bare, large, wobbling tits.

Liam: Well done darling, you did it!
Katrina: What? What happened?!
Liam: Face it, you blew up.
Katrina: You're kidding me, that was a $500 dress I just ripped.
Liam: Whoa!! 500 big ones!!
Katrina: Ugh, I knew I had this coming one day, but not tonight!
Liam: Oh, I got to go, you want to keep those pastries?
Katrina: You can take all the donuts, I just want these danishes and cakes, they are delicious.
Liam: Thanks, bye.

Katrina then started to weep, sobbing her heart out. She refused to believe what happened to her body and her dress. But for Liam, he refused to stop laughing, his mission was complete and he couldn't wipe off his wide grin.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!