The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 6 - a silly stuffing & a deal with the devil

Another six weeks had passed, Katrina would weigh 35 pounds heavier, while Liam broke the 200 pound barrier, thanks to his curse. Katrina had totally given up on herself, she melted down so badly that she turned to food and she had never stopped acting so gluttonous. Liam had also lost hope, he was about give up, trying to win Brianna's heart back. He tried several times but never succeeded. She would panic, and run away, every time. Liam finished work one day and went to see Paulie about his problems and he would give him some advice.

Liam: Hiya Paulie.
Paulie: Whoa, ain't you getting a little tubby?
Liam: Hahaha.
Paulie: What's the order mate?
Liam: Two of those triple cheeseburgers, three of those big macs, and four of those double quarter pounders.
Paulie: You want meals with that?
Liam: Yes please.
Paulie: Whoa!!! You're going to be more than tubby, past chubby, you are now going to be fat man!!
Liam: I know right.
Paulie: I heard this was coming, Sharni told me you order 50 pancakes or something.
Liam: Yep.
Paulie: What's going on dude, you've gone so soft and pudgy and ....
Liam: Can I discuss something with you now?
Paulie: Sure, I'll take a break, I'll be back.

Paulie called his break and Liam got his order. They would sit outside and discuss everything that was going on about Liam.

Paulie: Ok, what's going on?
Liam: I have big problems, as big as my weight.
Paulie: Yeah?
Liam: I can't believe I'm saying this but, I have this weight gain curse.
Paulie: What?
Liam: Yeah, it makes me pack on the pounds so quickly, and they are those extra pounds that stay on forever,
Paulie: Damn.
Liam: Yeah, I feel so self concious right now. I feel like a disgusting mess!!
Paulie: It's alright man, so how did you get this curse?
Liam: Ok, I'll be straight with you, I have a date with Rochelle.
Paulie: WHAT?! No way!!
Liam: I wanted her to feel special, alright?
Paulie: Alright.
Liam: I cannot bully a girl or date two chicks at once, and I'm now supposed to have a date with her.
Paulie: Oh no, you're totally in the sh*ts at the moment.
Liam: And ever since Shannan's party, and after I made that dreaded date, I've been cursed ever since.
Paulie: That's upsetting. So when do the pounds pack on?
Liam: I'll show you, it could happen anytime, even when I'm eating. I'm currently eating my third big mac and you see my ass inflating. My ass gets so plump, and it gets so much softer.
Paulie: Whoa, that's messed up.

Paulie watched Liam's ass grew for many minutes until Liam had finished 4 large sodas and his 4 large fries, and there was more spurts of growth to come. He unbuckled his belt to release some of his bulge.

Liam: And you see, I have man tits now, I can play around with them and they jiggle so much.
Paulie: Wow!!
Liam: I feel so flabby and so jiggly, and my pants are getting tighter. This expansion isn't as bad as before, last time I expanded, Brianna was f**king next to me when I blew up.
Paulie: F**k!!
Liam: I'm now starting my first double quarter pounder, and I'm expecting very bad to happen here. You see what I mean so far?
Paulie: It's hard to believe when you are right beside me.

Liam's pants were getting ridiculously tighter, his belly was being to stick out of his shirt that was beginning to rise up.

Liam: Yep, you see my belly is getting noticeably rounder. My shirt was riding up and my thighs were swelling up.
Paulie: My goodness Liam, you are about to blow up, but don't worry, I won't run away.

Liam's face was bloating up. His third chin was starting to form, his cheeks were getting rounder, his large round belly was pouring over his thickening, swelling thighs. His pants were beginning to rip at the back again, and the elastic on his shirt was not going to last much longer.

Liam: You see me getting meatier?
Paulie: I sure do, your pants are ripping.
Liam: Here we go again, one final bite of my final double quarter pounder, and I shall let it out!!

Liam to his expectations, ripped his pants, snapped the elastic and broke the belt, for a second time. Although he didn't want to get any bigger, he was relieved to hear Paulie say he was evident and he was right.

Liam: Tada?
Paulie: Wow, I'm glad that I stuck with you, you were right.
Liam: Yeah, and now I'm fatter than ever, for certain I've passed the 220 pound bracket.
Paulie: Ok, we need to fix you up. We need to find out, how are we going to break your curse, how are we going to keep your weight under control and how do we win your girlfriend back.
Liam: Yeah, but I've got a date with Rochelle tonight, what am I doing do?
Paulie: I'll have your clothes covered, you just need to make sure you don't make a fool out of yourself tonight.
Liam: She eats a lot when we dine out together, so that will help things a little.
Paulie: She's gained a lot of weight, hasn't she?
Liam: Yeah .... I've got another thing to tell you Paulie. You know how Rochelle, Brianna, Janine, Caitlyn, Nikki, Kym and Tayla got fatter and stuff yeah?
Paulie: Yeah?
Liam: I'm responsible for turning them into fatties.
Paulie: What?!
Liam: Well, not only me, Johnny and Shannan were involved in this too.
Paulie: No way!!
Liam: We've been forcefeeding them, welcoming them to food, and tricking them into overeating to make them all fatter.
Paulie: That sounds awesome.
Liam: Yeah, when they find out, they are going to be so pissed at us. And that's why Brianna keeps blaming me, she was told she was too fat to be in a movie.
Paulie: Wow.
Liam: I feel so guilty and ashamed. I deserve to be fat.
Paulie: Sad to say that you're going to keep getting fatter if you don't do something about it.
Liam: Yeah, my clothes don't fit me anymore, my swim trunks don't stretch out to fit my *** in, my tits are visible through my shirts and my belly and my thighs jiggle when I walk.
Paulie: Wow, that sums up the life of being a fatty.
Liam: Yeah, wait .... I've got one thing on my mind that might help.
Paulie: What?
Liam: I might make a deal with the devil.

Liam would drive straight home, he would throw away another set of work uniform, he grabbed a couple of donuts and went to sleep, so he could connect with Satan again. He entered the dream in Satan's office, he'd meltdown in tears to hopefully make Satan feel a little sorry for him.

Liam: Excuse, I can talk to you?
Satan: Hahahah you sure can!!
Liam: What could help me get rid of this curse?
Satan: For the umpteenth time today, I'm not telling you.
Liam: Come on please, I'm hopeless at the moment, I just want all this to end!
Satan: Ok, umm, I'll help you get rid of your curse, if you do the following:

1. Allow me to fatten you up to 300 pounds
2. Subscribe to get free 3 dozens of donuts and free buckets of fried chicken everyday.
3. Allow me to temporarily diagose you with CED, complusive eating disorder.

Satan: Come on, I'll help ya.
Liam: Deal.
Satan: Let the fattening begin!!!

Liam was then told about clues to get rid of the curse for good, and once the curse ended, he would get his body back. He then awoke and immediately started to expand once more. His thighs widened, thickened and expanded, his belly was rounder, bouncier and larger, his ass would grow and his boxers would rip off. All this new blubber was soon to be worth it, as he got to town, got new clothes and barely made it to his date with Rochelle.
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!