The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 9 - one more stuffing

Liam and Rochelle would reach Liam's apartment 20 minutes later, as Rochelle would be sleeping there that night. But it wasn't a wise choice. Liam was his evil self again, and he was up to something.

Liam: Haha, it's your first time sleeping at my place.
Rochelle: Yes ain't that awesome?!
Liam: Yeah, especially when I tie your body on a chair, with your hands tied behind your back, and your feet tied to the chair legs!
Rochelle: What?!
Liam: Oh yes you heard me. Have a seat, I'll be right back.

Liam left Rochelle alone for a few moments until he came back with some tape and rope.

Rochelle: Oh hey, wait ... what are you doing? Stop that!! Let me go!!
Liam: Now, you will never leave me.
Rochelle: As if I'll ever leave. Even without being tied while sitting on a chair, I'd still stay put.
Liam: Yeah, anyway I want to ask you. What is one food you wouldn't live without? I want to know.
Rochelle: Wow, I don't know, I love food so much that I can't pick a favourite. I do love donuts though.
Liam: What about if you have some now?!
Rochelle: Oh sh*t, that's a load of donuts you got there!
Liam: Yeah, what donuts do you want?
Rochelle: I don't know.
Liam: Don't be shy, have as many as you like.
Rochelle: Sure, I'll go for two of those custard filled ones.
Liam: What?! Two?! You should have like at least more than a dozen!
Rochelle: Nah what the heck, I'll have 3 of those cinnamon donuts. But why am I tied to this chair?
Liam: So you will love me forever.
Rochelle: I do love you but what about Brianna?
Liam: Just shut up and eat you big helpless whale!

Rochelle downed those donuts in just seconds, she started to get teary as she begged more.

Rochelle: -Sniffles-
Liam: What wrong baby?
Rochelle: Umm I can't believe I'm saying this but can I have some more?!!!
Liam: Oh sure, help yourself.
Rochelle: How can I when I'm tied to a chair?
Liam: I'll move the donuts to the table, then you can feast away!!
Rochelle: Why don't you have some?
Liam: I'll have more worries about my waist.
Rochelle: What about mine?
Liam: Nah, you need to get bigger, I don't.

Rochelle would down 13 more donuts and all the stuffings from the present and past were really starting to take its toll. Her waist had started to expand and her belly started to strain against her belt.

Rochelle: Ugh, Liam, would you unbuckle this belt around my dress?
Liam: Certainly.
Rochelle: Yeah, oh no! You broke it!!
Liam: Oops. More donuts?
Rochelle: YES!!!
Liam: Hahahahahah!!!

Several donuts later, Rochelle's belly had gotten beyond chubby, her boobs would reveal a cleavage and her thighs would start to thicken.

Liam: Wow girl, 34 donuts!! You are just an amazing bellystuffer!!
Rochelle: What?! You kidding me? You wrecked my dress! Looks like another dress in my fat dress pile.
Liam: You want anymore? You can take all of them home except this delicious, tasty apple crumble donut!!

Liam would down that donut in two big bites and without warning or any awareness of his curse, his body had started to get rounder, his shirt no longer covered his belly and his jeans would go to waste after another button was popped.

Liam: Oh f***!! I forgot that I'm not supposed to eat that!!
Rochelle: You know, I'm not so overwhelmed anymore about you stuffing food down my throat. I feel much more satisfied when I'm full, I feel joyful and I feel happy in my tummy.
Liam: Glad to hear that, but I need to take care of something that involves you.

Liam grabbed a plate from a kitchen cupboard, he would untie Rochelle from the chair and she was about to be given something very special.

Liam: I made this just before our date, I want you to taste something special and I want to take you to a special world where you will have the desire of living as a foodie. Now, these are my signature brownies with cinnamon and apple, along with a generous dallop of whipped cream and several large scoops of ice-cream. Now darling, I want you to enjoy this. Tell me if you like it.
Rochelle: Well I'm looking forward to having some of this.

Rochelle would have one large spoonful of Liam's naughty dessert, she would smile after she had tasted one of the most luxurious desserts she had ever digested in her life, if not the best. Her smile would grow, so would her stomach in three seconds, she had let it out and her entire dress would loudly RIP!!!

Liam's face was priceless, he couldn't believe what he had saw, he was down to his very knees, his eyes were wide open and as she slowly expanded, he would say, "You are the Gaining Goddess!!"

Rochelle's body revealed a grown pair of boobs that were officially DD, her face had taken many pounds as it grew a second chin and her cheeks were chubbier and rounder. Rochelle's belly was large and bouncy, it would expose a belly overhang over any bottoms or pants she would wear. Her rump ass would be plump, juicy and thick. Any bikini bottom wouldn't be able to fit with that ass. And her thighs of thunder were ridiculously thick, large and flabulous, and any pair of jeans would no longer fit past them.

Liam: WOW!!!
Rochelle: I'm glad that I wore a bikini underneath, although it is so incredibly tight that my full ass is hanging out. Ok, you can stop staring at my tits. Slap my ass, I don't care.
Liam: I-I umm it's been years since I've seen you in a bikini and boy you look so much better now than the past.
Rochelle: Lol back when I had no curves back then. That is a fair point you made there.
Liam: Yep, I cannot believe what I have done to you over the past year or so, you can call me "The Evil Admirer," given my behaviour.
Rochelle: That's true, that is a great nickname, handle, and reference!
Liam: Yeah, but now, you have really grown into a really beautiful woman. Those assets you have are just so .... womanly!!!
Rochelle: Haha, thank you! I'm fortunate that you adore my body during the times I hated it. You do make a great boyfriend!
Liam: Yeah, but like I said before, we are only destined to be best friends. It's a shame yes, but I have to find the one I can't live without.
Rochelle: I understand, but one thing we will never know, if our relationship would last forever.
Liam: Yep, anyway this is probably what my future wife would experience every night before she sleeps, eating, forcefeeding, bellystuffing and gaining.
Rochelle: Yeah, I'm actually happy that I experienced this and look, you are slowly getting rounder again! I see your stomach pushing out slightly!
Liam: Oh my, well let's get some sleep. We have a big plan to proceed with tomorrow! Also I'll go find a guy who may be interested in you when I have the time.
Rochelle: Sweet! Goodnight babe!
Liam: I'll accept that reference for one last time. Sweet dreams Shells!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!