The evil admirer - the gluttonous curse

chapter 10 - plan turns into action

Liam and Rochelle would fall asleep just minutes later as the next day dawned. It was a big packed day ahead and everything would have to go as planned. Firstly, Rochelle chased after Brianna and asked about her relationship with Liam.

Rochelle: So, how are you and Liam going?
Brianna: Well, it's in a dark place at the moment.
Rochelle: Aww, what's wrong?
Brianna: You probably know already.
Rochelle: Well Liam did say you refuse to talk to him at times.
Brianna: Hmm true but I'm just really scared for being hurt by him. I have a feeling that he has an evil side.
Rochelle: No way, you're kidding me! Liam and I have been best friends since the high school freshman year and he has always been so kind, trusting and supportive. I doubt he is evil and besides, you are so lucky to date him.
Brianna: Yeah, we should talk somewhere else, grab a bite to eat and discuss all this. Janine? Rochelle and I will be at McDonalds if you need us, ok?

While lunchtime came by, Rochelle and Brianna would have a rare girl talk, they were good friends but haven't hung out together very often. They would order a heap of fries and Big Macs and the girls got talking.

Rochelle: Ok, now Liam. He's a great guy, you are so damn lucky to be with him, he's so friendly and nice, and he can't be evil.
Brianna: Sure, all the luxuries he gets me, all the dates and the romantic nights, they were all special but there's a catch.
Rochelle: What?!
Brianna: He's been taking me out to lunch & dinner a lot, feeding me constantly with ice-cream, stuffing my belly to bursting point and I've been struggling with my weight since the first date. And look at me, my boobs are literally spilling out of my dress right now, you think I'm getting fat?
Rochelle: Well I have to admit yes, but I'm a big girl just like you, Liam likes it when I flaunt my curves and embracing my stomach. But he must be rich, how many big ones has he wasted?
Brianna: He's so f***ing filthy rich, he has a very wealthy family, his father owns an oil company and he makes millions, and his aunt is a anaesthetist!!
Rochelle: Wow, something that I didn't know. And Liam has been feeding me constantly too.
Brianna: Really?
Rochelle: You see, my waist is just like yours, fat & round, thighs are like cottage cheese, asses are plump & soft and our boobs are like f***ing pumpkins, bigger than watermelons.
Brianna: Hmm, but it's our faults too.
Rochelle: Yeah, we should have stepped up and said, no more ice-cream, no more twinkies and no more trips to the pizza bar where you can potentially enough two whole jumbos pizzas to yourself. And we didn't exercise at all, got lazier and we failed to woman up as we let ourselves go.
Brianna: Very true, now I feel less scared of being teased. I can speak to Liam now, and I highly doubt it was his fault, he was just treating us girls while we relaxed in luxury and paradise, of FOOD!
Rochelle: Yeah, those were good times. And he's getting fat too!!
Brianna: I know, he exploded right next to me when he was taking a break at work!!
Rochelle: Did he eat at that time? I hear he makes the most of his break time eating several footlongs in a day, he never gets fat, well until now.
Brianna: I don't know what happened, at least he got a taste of his own medicine.
Rochelle: Haha, yeah. But I'm sorry for snatching Liam the other night.
Brianna: I understand, you were alone and he thought I was mad.
Rochelle: Yeah, but we better get going, the girls would be looking for us.
Brianna: Oh yeah. Should we like confront Liam?
Rochelle: Nah, it's our faults too. We really shouldn't blame it all on one person. Let's not worry about it and lose the weight.
Brianna: Sure.

Rochelle and Brianna caught up with the other girls as the guys were about to give them a call.

Brianna: We're back girls!
Katrina: Nice, now where is Rockmans?
Rochelle: Down the other side of the mall, why go there?
Katrina: Ugh down all of way over there?! So far away! I need some bigger dresses, blouses and shirts to replace the ones I ripped sometime ago! And nobody has my damn size!
Lilly: How did you manage that?
Katrina: Oh, one night, Li...
-Phone rings-
Lilly: Hang out a sec, my phone is ringing. Hello?
Johnny: Oh hey babe, me and the guys have a surprise back at Shannan's and we would like you and the girls to come by.
Lilly: We'll come unless you tell us what it is.
Johnny: I can't, it won't be a surprise then, will it?
Lilly: Oh ok then, we'll be heading down there shortly, bye.

Johnny: Good now let's clean up this place!
Shannan: Yes of course, sure Liam was a pig last night eating boxes of pizza and leaving the boxes lying around, but I'm not lazy. I understand Liam, you get very hungry. How did you go with Rochelle last night?
Liam: She actually liked being forcefed. She ate lots of donuts, and she had some of mu homemade fattening dessert. My Artery Clogger Brownies with whipped cream and buttermilk ice-cream.
Johnny: Wow, did she like blow up?
Liam: Yeah, and she likes being her bigger self now.
Shannan: Well good on her, you took great care of her as usual. And what's that bulky thing in your pocket?
Liam: It's something very big but you'll have to wait and see.

Minutes before the girls made it to Shannan's house, Liam would go to the bathroom, take a snooze on the toilet and connect with Satan for a final time.

Liam: Ok Satan, one last deal. You make me skinny now and I'll confess to all, if it fails you can fatten me twice as much, I need to look good please?
Satan: Hmm.........
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Foodiegut 8 years
Thanks a lot Annie!