Amanda’s tale

chapter 13

Her moan inflamed him as he played with her, touching her, blowing on her nipples wet with his saliva, then taking them into his mouth again warming them loving the effect he was having on her...never before had he been with a woman so receptive, so responsive to his gentle touch.

Her body shuddered over and over as he slid his finger into her, feeling her warmth surround him, her inner muscles squeezing his digit as he moved it deeper inside her, ever deeper stroking the almost imperceptible nub of her g-spot ultimately triggering an orgasmic eruption that almost threw him off of her.

He collected her juices in his palm and sampled it, licking his lips. "An excellent vintage," he smiled "definitely full bodied, a little young but extremely mature for her years."

With a contented grunt he lay next to her, propping his head on his hand as he watched her, his other hand stroking her soft flanks as his heart stopped racing, his great belly pooled on the bed between them.

Her heart pounded and her head spun from all the attention he was giving her. But she wasn't one to be undone. She allowed herself to rest for a moment, kneading his belly fat like a cat. He was huge and she loved it. The very sight drew her crazy. She turned to face him and pressed herself deep into his belly. She turned her face to his and began to kiss him. Her kisses became almost frenzied as she felt his breath catch again. Very gently, she moved a knee forward and felt what she knew was there, a hard and huge erection between his legs. Her hands played all over his body while she buried her face into his neck to suck and lick there for a while.

Moving down, she kissed and suckled his nipples before starting her kisses down his huge expanse of belly. She made little love nibbles all over it and swirled her tongue in his belly button. Slowly, she continued on down. Until he could feel her warm breath against his thighs. She kissed his legs and licked all around.

She moved between his legs with precision, waiting for the perfect moment. He couldn't see her over his huge mound of a belly but he could feel her warm breath against him. Ever so gently, she placed a kiss on the very tip of his erection, causing it to throb involuntarily. Her hands worked his soft fat and her hair tickled his thighs. The anticipation built in him and he gave out a small moan as he felt himself get wet. That seemed to be the cue she was waiting for, because before he realized what had happened, her lips were pressed around him and her tongue slid down his shaft as she pushed it towards the back of her throat.

Gasping in the sudden shock of him being totally engulfed in her sweet mouth he dared not move, his erection throbbing from her attention to him, hugely aroused by her as she suckled him.

Somehow she new exactly where to touch him, how to lick, to kiss, to press into him, grasp and gently squeeze his soft fat, moving it against and around him almost as if she was positioning him for something, his orgasm welling deep in his groin.

Sensing his imminent eruption she released him, still playing him, keeping him on the very edge of his precipice as she rolled him to his side facing her.

Then almost cat like he felt her stretch out against him on her side, her liquid breasts pressing warmly against his and felt her draw her knee up against his underbelly, now a liquid sack between them on the huge soft bed, pressing upwards until her muscular knee was firm against his scrotum and erect cock, her body surrounding him, curving around his abdomen like an earthen dam contains a small farm pond, and then very catlike he felt her tuck her head under his chin, softly sucking his baby soft neck fat almost purring as they lay together face to face, arm in arm, their backs to a long forgotten world outside.

He had never been so hard, so erect before in his entire life. Every touch caused his member to throb as she rhythmically pressed it up into the soft fat of his underbelly.

"I want to keep you like this forever" she whispered, "hugely fat and hugely aroused as you grow fatter for me." She felt him shudder at her words, and she knew she had him completely in her spell. "Yes, fatter...this belly I am now cradling in my arms is going to get a lot bigger. Not so big that you can't move around, but big enough that you will need me to love and care for you for as long as we can imagine."


more to come
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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DODbhm 2 years
Holy crap, this is smoking hot. Would love to read more.
WayTooThin 8 years
Chapter 14 had an unexpected twist. Very interesting
Chrysophase2003 8 years
This is some of the best erotic writing I've seen in years. Please, keep it up. Please, this is a skill few people have and many want.
Asi 8 years
Please continue
Pd500 8 years
Fantastic! Chapter 9 is getting hot!
FA Guy 8 years
Great additions to the story. Keep it up.
Pd500 8 years
I'm loving where this is going!
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait for more chapters.
Jktab 8 years
Biddygal 8 years
this is a lovely sweet story. I am looking forward to the possibilities. You've created some really 3D characters in such a few chapters. Bravo.
Giantjay 8 years
I agree, a wonderful start! Looking forward to more!
Story Consul... 8 years
oh, I can't wait for more...
Rstlne 8 years
Mysterious and pretty cool in general.
Pd500 8 years
Nice start!