Project mother

Chapter 2 - the experiment part 2

She was in love with her body, and wondered how it would change. Her newly raging hormones left her frustrated most of the time. In fact, she wanted to get herself knocked up pretty much all the time. The fantasies she had were somewhat odd.

Some lucky women were actually given the job of "birther", and it was her job to lay in a bed 24/7, being artificially inseminated through a pumping tube and carrying multiples. Her belly swelling to unimaginable proportions, and then squeezing one out so they could fit another one in. Some women were always pregnant, and they were simply baby factories. She actually wanted to become this woman. Like a queen termite, just a lazy, bloated blob of flesh, immobile and being fed constantly by machines and hoses pumping weight gain compounds into her mouth, pumping out babies as quickly as they could fertilize her. It sounded like a great life for her, and she could work in her sleep. If only her body could hold up to it.

For girls who were infertile, they now had pregnancy simulators. A woman could go to a public facility where she could swipe a credit card, get insurance approval, and get hooked up to a machine that would pump fluids into her, making her fat and bloated and get doped up with hormones to make her feel like was pregnant. She'd take water pills every day to keep her bladder swollen and peeing constantly. Metabolism depressor pills to make her body burn fat and energy more slowly. Then she could waddle around wearing maternity clothes with a real, bouncy beach ball belly and no one would ever question it. She'd get all the attention like she was expecting, but with no due date.

It sounded like Heaven to her.

She was fascinated by how babies were made.

She liked to bloat herself up with the shower hose, turning the flow up as high as she could. She would only stand this for about a minute, maybe two at most before her tummy started to ache. She waved her pendulous belly around, feeling the warm liquid moving. She almost imagined she felt her boobs expanding too like water balloons. They would hang down to her knees. She imagined them full of warm white milk, in fact she rather felt like a cow or a pregnant mare with her large round tummy weighed down by the liquid. She'd sit back on her buttocks and feel her stomach, trying not to knock the water hose so deep inside her. It felt so soft, yet firm. Like a half-inflated beach ball. As her stomach started to near its capacity, she'd feel the dull ache which would slowly turn to a sharp pain in her gut which told her she was full. She'd quickly reach up and turn the faucet knob on the bathtub. Then, gripping it with both hands, she'd slowly...slowly....slowly pull out the hose stuck down her throat. She almost never gagged. Her muscle control was perfect.

Then, she'd feel her round belly again, swaying between her legs. Sometimes it almost seemed to reach to her knees. She'd start to play with her nipples and it would almost always make her wet. She'd feel the hot liquid running down between her legs and moan a little bit and bite her lip. Then, shakily, she'd slowly rise to her feet, holding her belly in both hands. Wow, did it stick out so far! She couldn't believe how full her belly was. It was so round too. She couldn't see her feet under the big bag of her protruding stomach.

She'd slowly step out of the bathtub, dripping, and step onto the thick glass scale. She'd watch the dial turn to...a hundred and thirty-four pounds! She weighed only one fifteen when her stomach was empty. She was carrying around almost twenty pounds of water in her belly! Her feet felt almost crushed by the extra weight of the swaying bulge in her midsection. She'd then wrap up in her pink bathrobe and roll up her hair in a twisted towel, and tiptoe out of the bathroom.

She'd often lay in bed after doing this, in her soft pink bathrobe, feeling the liquid inside her. If she shook her belly, it would often sway back and forth. She loved to do this while on the toilet. She would push it out, and suck it in, and push it out again, feeling the heavy tides of the liquid inside her and the warmth of the belly resting on her thighs. She'd massage her boobs and shake her belly, rubbing her legs together to stimulate herself, and she'd cum into the big Maxipads she bought and hid under her bed.

It often took her the rest of the evening for it all to slowly empty into her bladder. Then she'd have to go pee ten times an hour like a pregnant woman.

After a while though, especially when she was twenty-one, her body started to show the effects of her gorging and bingeing. Her tummy started to look bloated and poke out all the time, like a girl who's drunk way too many beers at frat parties. It started to sag a little bit around her middle, because her tummy was getting stretched so much it didn't shrink anymore. She started to get some "rolls" that looked like flab, but were just loose skin. When she really started to push the limit and upped her capacity to three gallons, ten liters, the fluid started to soak into her skin and she retained it. Her hips got wider and her legs got kind of flabby, and her ass got bigger. Her belly started getting stretch marks around her navel, and the sides of her belly. Her parents saw her with her shirt off once and were concerned. Her stomach was sticking out so far beyond her bra and was so round and hard they thought she was pregnant. They made her take a test. It came out negative of course. They told her to stop partying so much and drinking all that beer, because girls could get beer bellies too. She wasn't drinking anything, except water.

After a while her gorging and bingeing started to really be hard to hide. She had to wear sweatpants to school and elastic underwear, and support hose. Kids started to make fun of her in school, calling her a cow and a horse and a hippo and other rude things. They said she was built like a black woman, all boobs and belly and ass. She often had to wear pantyhose with tummy toning panels to hide her flabby midsection and tone down her hips and butt. It rather looked like she had already given birth.

A few years of a strict workout regimen and going on a diet had fixed all that. Her flabbyness went away and she was now skinny as ever, with a flat tummy again, but there were still the faint shiny stretch marks on her tummy.

Anyway, the doctors knew nothing of her secret fetish for making herself bloated and fat, and were doing the test simply for medical reasons.

They wanted to see how her body would adapt to bearing multiple offspring by simulating pregnancy. This was done by engorging the body tissues with water or a special fluid, simulating her water weight and fluid retention. Her breast capacity would also be tested, along with her milk production. All of this was done with special machinery. They would test her abdominal muscles and her stomach wall, and the strength of her pelvic area with traction exercises and by bloating it with a non-volatile mixture of carbon dioxide gas and carbonated liquid, basically seltzer water. She would receive this both orally, intravenously and through an enema. She was not looking forward to that bit.

The elasticity of her young supple skin would also be tested. She would be put in a sweatbox and it would be incubated to 110-120 degrees, just enough not to overheat her body, to see how it would perform under added stress. Then finally, she would have to get up and walk around the room while fully engorged, to test the stress on her hip joints, soles of her feet and the weight of her heavy breasts on her neck and shoulders.

If all these were proven and her body was ready for the challenge, she would be approved for the fertility drugs and hormone therapy, and artificial insemination.

She could not wait to see how her body would change.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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Chrysophase2003 2 years
Still just as good years later. I didn't pick up on the dehumanizing aspects the first go around. Like, if a woman failed the test but got far enough for the weight gain change, too bad for her. Same with protagonist picking up on hints the ICU nurse let'
EbonGL 9 years
Very good!
Chrysophase2003 9 years
I came to this story late and now kind of wish I knew what the alternate ending was. Shock and horror are spicy at times. It was fun, but I could see the point where she changed. Her character was interested in changing, up until she learned it was permanent. There's a slight flaw in character continuity there. Otherwise hot hot hot!
BellyLuvr84 11 years
After a year, I decided to come back and change this story to give it an alternate, and much more happy, ending. I was never much for shock and horror anyway. Hope yolu guys aren't weirded out by this bizarre fantasy and will encourage me to write more.