A gypsy, strange dreams and growth.

chapter 6: dreams made reality

She looked at him scared, analyzing his face for any horror, but there was none. She sunk her head down.

He came up behind her and began kissing her neck and shoulder. He felt her arms which were a bit bigger. She felt his shaft rock hard up against her a**.

He was turned on, and his now bigger p**** was making her wet.

She began jerking him off but couldn't fit her hand around his thick c***.

He began massaging her bigger tits, and kissing her neck. He brought his hands down her love handles massaging and feeling every soft curve.

They kissed each other passionately as she jerked him off and he pushed her into the bedroom.

She giggled and looked back at him with a playful look. She got up on the bed leaning slightly forward, her tits hanging down, and thick a** in the air.

He stood there, with his c*** hard, just taking in his voluptuous girlfriend, with the same look she had on her face a couple of days ago but this time he was ready to f*** the shit out of her.

She motioned with her finger, for him to come here.

He obliged, he crawled up on the bed, as he did this she sat up.

She ran her fingers down his neck to his biceps then feeling his hard chest.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you" she replied with a touched look in her face.

They began to make out passionately.

She took his hands and brought them on to her breasts.
He began massaging them.

She heard a growling sound but it wasn't from her for a change. She looked at him and said, "We should get you something to eat."

He smiled back at her, got his boxers on and made his way to the dining room to get something to eat.

She pulled out one of his tee shirts and put it on; it was tight on her, making her stomach stick out.

He sat down and began wolfing down some of the pizza. He offered her some but she replied. "I'm good. I think I'm going to have some cake."

She walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a chocolate frosted, red velvet ice cream cake, the jumbo sized Neapolitan ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. She pulled the entire cake out of the box and put it on a plate, and the followed it by scooping multiple scoops of ice cream all over it, until it looked like a mountain, then she covered it in whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Then she had a good idea!

She pulled out the back of chocolate chips and poured them over the mountain, and with a spoon began chipping away at it.

The room melted away and she was in ecstasy. All the sweet flavors mingling with her tastes buds making her so wet, she wanted to touch herself, but then as if her dreams had come true she felt her boyfriend's stiff rod poking her from behind.

She stood up and didn't stop eating, but stuck her naked fat bum out.

He slid his finger up her vagina and she began to quiver, and she stopped eating while he began massaging her wet p*****.

"OH" she moaned passionately. "OH don't stop! OH, Oh, OH" She gasped as he slid his large c*** in her followed by slow steady pumps.

She had waited so long for this and she pulled his large c*** deeper into her and screamed.

He began to pump her harder and she began to orgasm.

She orgasmed repeatedly and finally felt satisfaction again and again. She stuck her hand in the cake ice cream mountain and began eating it and she orgasmed even harder.

They ***ed for hours until finally they got tired. The cake ice cream mountain had been decimated hours ago and they decided to take a shower together before bed.

They gently kissed, and washed each other in the shower. Him feeling her stomach and boobs, kissing her gently and then they fell asleep in each other's arms.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Faadventuretime 4 years
I needed to edit and work on this one further but just never got around to it. Thanks for the input though. smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how big she's going to end up being