A gypsy, strange dreams and growth.

chapter 7: pink spongy substance

That night they had another dream...

Julia woke up thirty pounds lighter, with a bit of relief.

Justin and Julia started talking about their dream and how real it was. He mentioned to her that he thought big girls were attractive in a classic sense, and often under appreciated for their beauty.

She was a little taken aback by this information; she had always thought he was into the fit thin girls.

Justin was celebrating getting a new job and decided to uncork a bottle of wine. Time and a couple of bottles went by and they decided to retire early because they were both pretty drunk which made them sleepy.

As she went into the bathroom, she walked into something. At first she thought it was steam or mist, but as she stepped into it felt a little wet almost like algae, a light jelly like substance.

She walked in there so fast that she couldn't avoid it. Without thinking she inhaled a little bit of it, which started a chain reaction.

The substance filled into her mouth, as this happened it had a weird taste and made her feel full.

After a few minutes of standing in silent shock, of what happened, the feeling went away.

"The strangest thing just happened to me." she said after she walked out of the bathroom.

"oh, yeah? What happened?" Justin replied, with a slight slur in his voice.

As she began to explain the jelly like substance that filled her mouth, her cheeks and face began to swell.

He interrupted, "darling, your face is swelling."

She went in the bathroom and examined her face in the mirror.

Playing with her now big cheeks, she looked at her chin and noticed she had a double chin, but her body was still thin.

As she continued to play with her face she noticed her hands were getting bigger too.

She had sausage fingers and fat hands and then she looked at her fore arms and they were a bit bigger also... He came behind her watching her in the mirror he noticed her butt getting bigger, but it wasn't just getting a little bigger it grew into a huge ghetto booty.

Like her butt was a balloon and it just inflated.

"Darling, your butt!" he exclaimed in shock.

She felt her bottom and how big it was...
"What's happening to me?!" she asked, pleading.

"It must be an allergic reaction! I'll grab some medicine and call 9-1-1."

As she turned around her arms and face were big but her chest and belly were still as normal.

"It's funny. I've had allergic reactions before and this doesn't feel like that. And my clothes they've grown to fit me?" She replied quizzically.

She began to get extremely wet.

As Justin went to grab his cell phone to call 9-1-1, Julia came up behind him, and began massaging his c***.

Justin put the phone down, before he could dial.

She pulled his pants down and began sucking his c***.

Justin was so turned on; she was sucking c*** better, about as good as in their dream. He admired her big butt, and so badly wanted to *** her from behind.

He saw her butt grow a little bit more. This turned him on so much that he shot his load into her mouth extremely hard, but she sucked it right up.

He had thought he was finished but then he came some more, and some more. He was shivering and screaming as he did this and then finally he finished.

She took his c*** out of her mouth and looked at him, when he opened his eyes to look back he was met with a surprise. Her tits were now popping out of her shirt! They were massive, and through her shirt you could see her now pointy nipples were sticking out.

"Oh my GOD!" she said looking at her boobs and pushing them together.

"I could get use to this" he said smiling.His c*** became hard again.

She was still very wet, she took her barely fitting top off exposing her giant breasts, she rubbed them in his face.

He sucked on them, and kissed them all around, pushing them together in his face. He kissed her all over, until she finally couldn't take it anymore.

She pulled his pants down again and jumped on top of him, riding him.

Her tits were bouncing up and down; luckily he came several times already because he surely would have erupted by now already.

Pump after pump she moaned more and more with ecstasy, her big butt bouncing up and down.

She started to get a bit quieter with an intense look on her face, so he slapped her a**; she screamed a little and gave him a devilish smile. Which then he gave her a deep long stroke, and with a scream she orgasmed.

He did it again and again, and she had more orgasms than she's had ever. With perfect synchronicity, screaming they finally orgasmed together and were done.

She was all out of fluids on the inside as well as he so they decided to head to the kitchen to get some food and drink.

After she put on a tee shirt that barely fit her now and a pair of underwear that looked more like a G-string. They both pigged out in the kitchen.

"You're so sexy, baby" Justin said to Julia, while eating a sandwich.

"This is the best sex we've ever had!" She replied, while shoveling ravioli in her mouth.

"I love your big tits and hot a**" he said to her putting his arms around her and kissing her on the neck. She shivered with delight.

She began eating on a chocolate cake, and finished it fast. Justin was already full but after she finished the cake she was still hungry.

"Have you got any of your fluids back yet?" Justin asked her.

Which she did reply, "Yeah, I think so. I'm so hot for you... As soon as I'm full... maybe we can go for round two??"

"Hell yeah baby! I'll be in the bedroom waiting for you." he replied excited and made his way to the bed room.

Justin had fallen asleep from waiting so long when only to be awoken by her yelling.


He came into the kitchen, and her belly was sticking out, and her hips were now really wide.

Justin's boner got really big; it got so big that it stuck out of his pants.

"Your'... C***!" she replied.

He looked down at his c*** and he couldn't even fit his hand around it, it was so big; he pulled it out to get comfortable.

She began to walk towards and she could feel more than her boobs jiggle and bounce up and down... she felt her belly jiggle, she looked down at herself. Her shirt didn't fit anymore, her tits were sticking out, and her belly was now massive and her rolls of fat mushroomed over her legs, breasts resting on top of it.

She could feel several rolls of fat, she had massive love handles and she had trouble getting to her vagina because it was buried in fat.

Justin's c*** grew a bit more and he involuntarily ejaculated all over.

She screamed and gasped as a little hit her. She tasted a bit of his cum as it flew at her.... She never liked the taste of cum but it was.... Good? She wiped it off of her and began licking her fingers.

Her legs and butt grew a bit more. She ran to the bathroom to weigh herself. She was now 300 pounds.

"I'm fat", she replied while picking up her protruding belly.

"ooooo", she said to herself.

All of a sudden, she became overwhelmingly wet but she didn't know why...

Justin came up behind her, putting his arms around her large love handles and massaging her giant tits.

Her vagina was dripping on the floor she was so wet.

"I love you. This has always been my fantasy..." he said to her.

He kissed her fat neck and felt her big belly, sticking his finger in her massive belly button.

She attempted to massage his c*** but could not fit her hand around the shaft, so instead...

She bent over, and pulled his massive c*** into her. He began f***ing her p***** from behind, as her massive body jiggled up and down.

She was so wet and hot and his big c*** began spraying like a fire hose into her p***** and she began orgasming wildly.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Faadventuretime 4 years
I needed to edit and work on this one further but just never got around to it. Thanks for the input though. smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how big she's going to end up being