A gypsy, strange dreams and growth.

chapter 8: massive changes

He woke up with her, but not 300 pounds of her, it was a dream.

She was sucking his c*** though. She took her lips off his hard d*** and replied to him.

"You had morning wood. I couldn't help myself"

She continued again until Justin began to cum.

Again he came very hard, and continuous.

She sucked down his cum.

Justin looked at the time he didn't have much time till work.

"OH, baby, Oh" He said as he tried to convince himself to tell her to stop.

"I have to go to work! OH!" he said as he continued squirting cum down her mouth.

She then pulled his throbbing man hood out of her mouth.

"I'm so sorry babe!" he said apologetically.
"You're so sexy, babe" he said with a kiss on the cheek and a slap to her a**. I loved her now big a**.

He very quickly got up, and started to get his work clothes on. He ran to the kitchen grabbed some fruit and two protein bars.
She followed behind him and handed him his water bottle. He grabbed clothes and kissed her passionately.

"We'll finish this tonight. Don't enjoy your day off too much! Here's my credit card, if you need to buy yourself lunch or anything..." he said with a smile and dashed out the door.

It wasn't long after he was gone that she started to get hungry again.

She began by cooking a whole pack of bacon, and sausage, and began mixing waffle batter with chocolate chips.

Once the bacon and sausage was done, in the grease, she scrambled six eggs. She began pouring the pancake batter on the pan.
She spread lots and lots of butter over her mountain of chocolate chip pancakes and topped it with syrup, whip cream and fruit.

She then sat down at the table with all her food and began chowing down. She finished her breakfast with a whole thing of glazed jelly donuts.

"mmmmmmm, delicious", she said as she bit into a jelly donut.

She finished her breakfast and began the hunt for something to wear.

From the pregnancy clothes her mom bought her she picked out a blue dress and topped it with one of Justin's tee shirts.

None of her underwear or bras fit her anymore so she had to go commando today.

On the way to torrid, she stopped in for a snack at the same sub shop she had before and picked up three of the same subs she had yesterday and this time no drink, and walked across the street to the bakery to get the cake she had yesterday but this time two of them.

And she bought three extra-large milk shakes to wash it all down. She wolfed down one of the sub and washed it down with delicious Oreo milk shake.

Then she went in on one of the cakes which didn't last as long as she remembered it yesterday. She started to feel her shirt getting tighter so she decided to save the rest for a snack. She was greeted warmly by a large black lady who asked if she could be of any assistance.

"I've put on some weight and I need new clothes and I don't know my measurements now" she said sheepishly.

"Nothin' to be ashamed of, honey! I'll take
you back to the dressing room and we'll measure you up and get you good to GO!" The large associate replied cheerfully.
Julia smiled as she followed her back to the dressing room.

"I'm going to need underwear too!" Julia spat out as the large lady walked off to get her measuring tape.

The associate nodded and started to grab multiple garments and under garments.

"My name is Janice" The bosomy associate said as she measured Julia.

Alright try this bra on.
"It's 36 D!" She said in disbelief. She had gone up in cup size! Last night she thought she was a C cup, but either she measured wrong or her boobs grew.

"It's what I measured." Sure enough the bra and panty set fit.

Her panties were now size XL. The pants and skirts she picked out where all size 16!
She had gotten bigger!

"What's wrong darling?" Janice the associate said sympathetically.

"I've put on more weight than I thought" she said with a frown on her face.

"Honey, I think you look damn sexy! Besides it looks like you got it all in your a** and boobs!" Janice said sincerely.

Julia smiled really big. Julia looked at her curvy figure in the mirror, running her hands down her curvy waist to her wide hips. She started to play with her big boobs. Pushing them together, feeling her now large nipples which stuck out.

As she felt her large nipples, it reminded her of the pepperoni on the subs that were left in the car.

"Do you mind if I go get my lunch out of the car?" she asked.

Go right ahead darling. She put on one of the shirts and pants Janice had picked out and ran out to her car.

Julia grabbed one of her subs and a milk shake, as she started to walk away from the car she stopped herself and grabbed the second one as well. She sat in the dressing room wolfing down the first sub like she had just broken a fast and was starving, not fully satisfied she started on the second sub and quickly finished that, and washed it all down with her milkshake.

She tried on all the clothes Janice suggested which didn't fit perfectly, but Janice quickly bought back a bigger pair which fit. She purchased them and made her way home.

Before heading home she picked up a piece of the double Dutch fudge cheese with her chubby hand and bit into it with mouthfuls. It tasted so good to her she began feeling wet yet again but it wasn't enough to get the same reaction as before. Her appetite was growing!

She got home and began cooking food, lasagna, frozen pizza, meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, steak, whole sausage links. She was slowly burning through all the groceries she had gotten yesterday. Cookies, Oreos, pie, cake.

Her clothes started to feel tighter again! Her stomach poked out of her shirt. She didn't notice as she ate through the five gallon ice cream. She had to unbutton her pants. After finishing the ice cream, she searched for more food but she had eaten through everything. She wanted to eat more!

She had to go back to the big girl clothing store and get her clothes let out. She had to set her seat in her car back a little more now. Before going there she stopped in at her favorite Mexican restaurant which happened to be next door.

She ordered several Grande burritos, while waiting she devoured chocolate bars. Eating made her feel better; it turned her on, and satisfied her. Her order was ready, she took them to go.

Eating them in the car, her pants were becoming unbearably tight now. She walked back in the store with her clothes.

Janice looked at her with a look of surprise.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked.

"I need these let out." Julia replied while turning red in the cheeks.

"Oh my" Janice said silently in astonishment.

"I don't do that here but I can return these clothes you haven't tried on yet and exchange them for some better fitting items. How's that sound?"

"That sounds good" Julia said while smiling.

Julia had now gone up in cup size to a 44 double E and waist was now an 18.
She asked Janice if she could make sure they were extra loose. Janice complied and brought her a set of brand new clothes to try on.

Janice being an expert at her job picked out exactly what she wanted. Julia decided since her hunger was so insatiable to make sure she bought extra clothes in bigger sizes, making sure they all had elastic. And then she began to wonder...

She saw some lingerie on the wall. A Frilly black lace number with a robe. Do you have that in my size?

"I believe we do." Janice replied.

She tried it on in the dressing room. She admired her large boobs, feeling them and jumping a little to watch them bounce up and down. She liked that a lot. As she jumped her fat jiggled and now bigger belly moved up and down. She wasn't just thick any more she was straight up fat.

On her way home she picked up a bucket of chicken with sides, she sat down at her kitchen table and ate piece after piece, and then the sides. She then made her way to the bathroom.

She was slightly afraid to get on the scale, but she sucked it up and got on the scale. As she looked down at the changing numbers it finally stopped at two-thirty nine.


For some reason she got a little excited about it, but then started to wonder why.

She was more comfortable in her body than ever and liked herself and her body from her big boobs, giant a** to even her big jiggly belly.

She picked it up and dropped it, just watching it jiggle. Poking her finger in her belly button to see how far she could stick it.

She began playing with her boobs which she loved to do. She remembered when all she had was a flat chest. She really never wanted to go back to that. She heard the door open.

"Honey, I'm home! I've brought a couple of surprises." She heard her husband say loudly.

She yelled back, "I've got a couple of surprises for you TOO!" She looked down at her large breasts.

"Close your eyes and come in here!" She scurried to get her lingerie on.

"Don't open your eyes!" She yelled, turning the lights off.

He walked into the dark room feeling around a bit. "Can I open my eyes now?" he asked impatiently.

"Not... quite... yet... Come a little bit closer" She replied.

He crept in a little bit closer; she shivered a bit anticipating him. Closer and closer he moved until suddenly his hands grabbed something. It felt like Julia but he didn't know what part. She giggled.

"Get on your knees" she said to him. He complied.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Faadventuretime 4 years
I needed to edit and work on this one further but just never got around to it. Thanks for the input though. smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how big she's going to end up being