Bellevue tower

Chapter 5 - epilogue

"It was good seeing you again!" I say, reaching wide to give Dean a goodbye hug.

We were back in his room and we both had to get back to our regularly scheduled lives.

"You too!" he says, squeezing me into his pillowy torso. My arms are cushioned by his marshmallowy waist and lovehandles, my hands sliding up, palms and fingertips gliding over the buttered rolls of his back. He reaches over my shoulders and just...engulfs me. His shoulders, arms, boobs, belly, all the parts of the human body you interact with in the sweetest of hugs, were magnified and softened to make for the most satisfying embrace I have ever experienced.

Maybe one day I'll tell him about this moment and how nice he felt. But not right now.

For a second, I thought he was yawning, but as the sound increases in decibels and lowers in pitch, I realize he's "making room" again. His body's already preparing itself for its next meal, absorbing everything it wants from its last feast and using the rest to announce added pounds through a trumpeting victory.

Perhaps for the first time ever, Dean ends the hug and blushes for the brief moment our eyes meet. He turns and waddles over to his bed, slowly rotating to face me upon reaching it. He falls backwards into the vertical support of the bed and it slowly transitions to a more horizontal status.

As he rubs his belly, groaning at the pressure of being stuffed again, he farts once more, deeper and louder than before. "You should probably go. It's only going to get worse," he says, almost panting.

"Don't be a stranger," Dean adds.

"Believe me, I won't," I say as I lean forward to kiss his plump cheek. He blushes and smiles, but takes a deep breath before farting again.

"Sorry," he says, lowering his head.

"Don't be," I say, putting my finger beneath his chin and lifting his head up to meet my gaze. "It's just what getting fatter sounds like."


Closing his door behind me, I smile inwardly as I begin sauntering down the hall. I already can't wait to come back. I'm both happy for Dean and, I guess, a little relieved.

A nursemaid smiles and greets me as I continue to the elevator and I return the gesture. After another few steps, I glance over my shoulder to see her pulling up to and entering Dean's room.

I have trouble suppressing a chuckle and again turn my attention forward. I hit the elevator button to head downstairs and wait for the lift to arrive.

My stomach rumbles a little and I realize I'm hungry again.

I'm thinking about what I'll pick up on the way home. I mean...all I had was a salad....

The End
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Sokotron 8 years
Amazing!!! Loved it! Please write a second encounter with him at last floor! smiley
Sokotron 8 years
Amazing!!! Loved it! Please write a second encounter with him at last floor! smiley