Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 11

When Melissa entered the classroom most of her class mates were already seated. Once again she could feel the stares of everyone in the room resting on her soft belly. She was conscious of every slight jiggle of her body as she had to walk past everyone to get a free seat in the back. Everything felt so unreal to Melissa. It felt as if she was in the wrong body, everything was so different and uncommon. Finally Melissa made it to her desk and took a seat. Her whole body was shaking, she had to process everything that had happened to her. "Well I better get used to that fast. This is my life from now on", she thought and shuddered. She couldn't wait for the class to start so that people would stop staring at her.

The teacher finally walked in and Melissa felt a wave of relieve rushing over her. As the class started she could relax a little and also enjoy the feeling of her belly bulging outward when she was sitting. But that feeling only lasted for a short moment. After a while the teacher looked into the class and spotted Melissa sitting in the back. There was a short moment of silence and the teacher's look showed that the whole situation was very awkward for him. "Melissa", he finally said, "could you please get up for a moment?" Melissa's heart began to pound fast as everyone turned around to look at her. Her knees felt so weak that she had to support herself on the desk as she was slowly getting up.

When she was standing at last her teacher's eyes widened a little. "Well, I don't know how to say that. But your outfit violates our school's clothing policy. It's a little revealing." Once again Melissa could feel her face getting red as the whole class was giggling. "Does someone of you maybe have a set of clothing Melissa could change into?" the teacher then asked the class. The girl next to Melissa raised her hand while smiling and looking at her. "Perfect, why don't you two go into the changing room so Melissa can change into proper clothing. The girl nodded and started walking towards the door. Melissa followed her hesitantly. On her way she could hear her class mates whisper all kinds of comments about her to one another.

Melissa followed the girl into the changing room quietly. Once there the girl opened her locker and took out some shorts and a t-shirt. She handed them to Melissa with a grin. "Here I think those should fit you a little better than your current clothes." She then looked at Melissa. "Wow, you really did let yourself go over the break." "Yeah, it might be that I have snacked a little too much", Melissa answered looking at the ground. The girl laughed. "That's what you call a little? You must have been really pigging out to gain that much." "It was just so good. I couldn't help myself", Melissa replied ashamed of admitting her gluttony. "Well, whatever you say tubby. Let's just hope you can fit into these clothes." With that the girl went back to class leaving Melissa behind, more embarrassed than she had ever been.

Melissa looked at the set of clothes in her hands. They looked a little bigger than her current ones. They would at least cover her up, but she was pretty sure that they would still be really tight. "At least I'll be able to button the shorts" she thought as she tried to pull down her hot pants. But they weren't moving even a little bit. Melissa pulled harder and harder but she could get them to come down. She sucked in her belly as much as she could but still didn't have any success. "How is that possible? They can't be stuck on me!", she said to herself. She layed down on the bench and tried to pull on them as hard as she could. After a few minutes without success she collapsed, completely out of breath. Defeated she had to admit to herself that she was too fat to get out of her old clothes by herself. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized that she had to go back into her class to ask someone to help her with that problem.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Wow! Great new chapters, especially the latest (32). Thank you so much for continuing this epic. But you have only succeeded in whetting our appetites for more, I hope you realize. smiley
Perenolde 6 years
Thanks for the update! This is my favorite story on the site by a large margin. You are really good at writing domination fiction.
Jdm 6 years
Hell yea! Thanks for posting!
Jdm 6 years
Best story on here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love so more! When yiubhsve tine of course
Fluffylove 6 years
Could you do a follow up,with Mellisa and Allison as girl friends in college. Mellisa has gotten fatter,but now in college Allison starts to become the chunky girl.
Fondyfa 6 years
I was hoping we get a Christmas gift and another chapter. It is still by far my favorite story ever. Thank you for such a great story
Champ 6 years
Hope to read more soon.
Perenolde 6 years
Love it! Always look forward to a new chapter.
Supercode 6 years
Great chaper! I love how secretly symbiotic the relationship between Mellisa and Allison is! Even as Allison is humiliating her former rival, she is secretly giving Melissa exactly what she wants! Cant wait for the next chapter!
Cali 6 years
Hey guys, sorry for taking that long but I finally managed to write another chapter and next one is already halfway done so you can expect another update soon smiley
Champ 7 years
I concur with fondyfa!
Fondyfa 7 years
I hoping for a update soon. It the best story ever. It might be time for a Chloe sighting. Thanks for this amazing story
Supercode 7 years
Great update!
Perenolde 7 years
Great update! Thanks for sharing!
Champ 7 years
Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I just re-read the story and it is amazing. Keep up the good work! cheers!
Fondyfa 7 years
I have read this story more than any story ever on fantasy feeder or dimensions. It the greatest story ever. I loved the chapters with her cousin. How they traded places it so hot. I love everything about this story. I go back to chapter 4 a lot where she
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Hope Allison gets jealous of Amy's team humiliating/turning on Melissa like that! I could see Allison getting possesive like that...
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see how fat she will become next! Excellent story!
Nok 7 years
chapter 28. OMG. That pic of her with the coach needs to be illustrated by somebody.
Ottogerg 7 years
In love
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