Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 12

Just as Melissa was about to leave the changing room she remembered that she hadn't even looked into the mirror yet. So she walked up to the mirror in the room, took a deep breath and looked up. The sight of her new figure left her breathless. Where there once stood a hot and athletic girl there now was a chubby out-of-shape girl stuffed in way too tight clothes. Everything on her body was covered in a layer of fat. Her face looked significantly chubbier, making it hard for her to recognize her face right away. Her breast also had grown a lot and were spilling out of her top. Her chubby belly was exposed for everyone to see. She shook it and watched it jiggle in awe. At last her ass and thighs looked bigger too but they were crammed into those ridiculously tight pants so you couldn't tell just how much they had grown. Melissa spent some time staring at her body and grabbing her fat in all the different places. She knew now that she was quite the laughable sight and it made her happier than she had ever been. She knew that this was her first step to becoming the fat piggy she wanted to be.

As Melissa stood in front of the door to her class she was more turned on than ever before. This was going to be the compete humiliation she had always secretly dreamt of. She slowly opened the door just to be once again greeted by the stares of everyone. The teacher stopped the class and looked at her confused. "What's wrong Melissa? Do the other clothes not fit you?", he asked. "They'll do fine. But I need some help", Melissa answered and blushed. "I can't get out of my pants by myself." The whole class errupted in laughter. The girl who had given her clothes to Melissa grinned and motioned two of her friends to come with her. The three girls then followed Melissa out of the classroom.

"What made you think you could put these pants on in the first place?", they asked once they entered the changing room. "I just didn't have anything else to wear", Melissa replied. "So you really spent all your break at home eating?" Melissa just blushed and didn't say anything as the girls pointed at the bench. "Lay down there so we can try to pull these off", one of the girls said. Melissa obeyed and two of the girls started to pull on her pant legs. But nevertheless they weren't successful. Melissa felt like she was about to orgasm as she watched the two girls struggling to pull her pants off of her jiggling body. She was so consumed by the humiliation that she didn't notice the third girl standing next to her, filming the whole spectacle on her phone with a grin on her face. After a while they gave up and looked at her in disgust. "Well, I hope these aren't your favorite pants", one of them finally said. "Because I'm going to get something to cut those things off of you."

The girl left as Melissa sat on the bench, excited about the next part of her humiliation that was about to come. The other two girls sat down next to her, one of them grabbing Melissa's belly. "You were always the fit one with the perfect body", she said, "and we all were always jealous of everything about you. But now look at you! Little Miss Perfect has turned into a chubby piggy. We three now have way hotter figures than you do." Melissa moaned slightly as both girls jiggled her belly and smiled.

"Alright, chubby. Stand up so we can finally get these pants off of you", the girl said as she came back with a pair of big scissors in her hand. Melissa got up and the girls once again started to work on her pants. After a while they managed to get a little cut into one pant leg. As soon as this was done there was a loud ripping sound and Melissa's pants snapped off of her body, causing her legs, ass and belly to jiggle violently as they expanded outwards, freed from their restraints. Melissa's stood there jiggling amongst the three girls who were giggling amused. She was just hoping they wouldn't see the wet spot between her legs.

Before Melissa could grab the other pants and put them on one girl walked up to her and pulled her top over her head so she was now just standing there in her tight underwear. The girls examined her body and one of them smiled. "After all this work you deserve a little reward", she said and opened her locker to pull out a candy bar. Melissa hadn't eaten yet so she was dying for some food. She grabbed the candy bar out of the girl's hand and started eating it right away, not even bothering to get dressed. "Wow, you've really lost all self-control.", the girl laughed as she handed her another candy bar, which Melissa again ate right away. "It's going to be so much fun watching you turn into a complete fatty." With that the girls left Melissa to finally get dressed.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Wow! Great new chapters, especially the latest (32). Thank you so much for continuing this epic. But you have only succeeded in whetting our appetites for more, I hope you realize. smiley
Perenolde 6 years
Thanks for the update! This is my favorite story on the site by a large margin. You are really good at writing domination fiction.
Jdm 6 years
Hell yea! Thanks for posting!
Jdm 6 years
Best story on here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love so more! When yiubhsve tine of course
Fluffylove 6 years
Could you do a follow up,with Mellisa and Allison as girl friends in college. Mellisa has gotten fatter,but now in college Allison starts to become the chunky girl.
Fondyfa 6 years
I was hoping we get a Christmas gift and another chapter. It is still by far my favorite story ever. Thank you for such a great story
Champ 6 years
Hope to read more soon.
Perenolde 6 years
Love it! Always look forward to a new chapter.
Supercode 6 years
Great chaper! I love how secretly symbiotic the relationship between Mellisa and Allison is! Even as Allison is humiliating her former rival, she is secretly giving Melissa exactly what she wants! Cant wait for the next chapter!
Cali 6 years
Hey guys, sorry for taking that long but I finally managed to write another chapter and next one is already halfway done so you can expect another update soon smiley
Champ 7 years
I concur with fondyfa!
Fondyfa 7 years
I hoping for a update soon. It the best story ever. It might be time for a Chloe sighting. Thanks for this amazing story
Supercode 7 years
Great update!
Perenolde 7 years
Great update! Thanks for sharing!
Champ 7 years
Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I just re-read the story and it is amazing. Keep up the good work! cheers!
Fondyfa 7 years
I have read this story more than any story ever on fantasy feeder or dimensions. It the greatest story ever. I loved the chapters with her cousin. How they traded places it so hot. I love everything about this story. I go back to chapter 4 a lot where she
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Hope Allison gets jealous of Amy's team humiliating/turning on Melissa like that! I could see Allison getting possesive like that...
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see how fat she will become next! Excellent story!
Nok 7 years
chapter 28. OMG. That pic of her with the coach needs to be illustrated by somebody.
Ottogerg 7 years
In love
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