Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 13

After what had just happened Melissa just wanted to pleasure herself right away. But she realized that she had already spent a lot of time outside class so she had to go back now. She picked up her new clothes and put them on. Just like she had expected they were a really tight fit but at least managed to cover her belly completely. She took another look into the mirror. Her outfit was still not really apropriate for a chubby girl like her but it was still better than the last one. Melissa smiled satisfied with the way she looked and went back to class.

Once there Melissa couldn't concentrate on the learning matter at all. Usually she would have been stuffed by now and this was the first time in three months that she wasn't. She was starving. In addition to that the two candy bars she had eaten just caused her to crave more. She was quickly getting so hungry that all she could think about was food. The morning classes felt like eternity and Melissa was beginning to feel nervous. It felt like she was going through withdrawal. She needed to be stuffed and almost unable to move. She needed to feel like a gluttonous pig.

When it was finally time for lunch Melissa almost jumped out of her chair. She hurried into the cafeteria her whole body craving the feeling of being stuffed. Her plate filled as high as she could she sat down at a free table, ignoring everything around her. She was about to dig in when her skinny track friends sat down next to her. "Hey Melissa, what have you been up to?", they asked. "You know, just hanging around", Melissa answered. "Yeah you must have been hanging around a lot. You've really gotten chubby! But now that school has started you can start working out again and lose it in no time." "Actually I can't. I've sustained an injury and can't do any athletic activities this year", Melissa said smiling. Her friends looked at her a little worried. Then they saw what was on her plate and Melissa could see the shock on their faces. Her plate was loaded with fattening food while each of them just had a small salad for lunch.

"Well, then you should really watch what you eat, this stuff is really not doing your figure well." "But it's so good", Melissa replied not able to hold back on eating anymore. She took a big bite of the burger on her plate, closing her eyes and moaning silently with pleasure. Her friends then watched her in disgust as she devoured the whole burger while not paying any attention to them. "Fine if that's what you want to do then eat all this junk and get fat. But then our friendship is over. We can't be seen around here with a fat girl." Melissa didn't even bother answering. Instead she started shoving fries in her mouth, smiling while doing so. "Ok girls, let's leave this pig alone." Melissa didn't even look up as her friends left. She was way too consumed by the pleasure she was getting from all the food. "I don't need those skinny friends anyways, they would just be a bad influence on my figure", she thought and felt a wave of excitement as she realized that this was another step for her on the way to become the school's fatty.

Soon Melissa had finished her plate and got up to refill it. She knew people were watching her in amusement but she didn't care. She wasn't nearly as stuffed as she wanted to be so she needed to eat as fast as she could in order to reach her goal before the lunch break ended. She sat back down with her plate filled and dug in again.

After the second plate she could slightly feel the familiar feeling of fullness. But it wasn't enough for her. She needed to get more. She refilled her plate again and continued to eat in excitement. As she was beginning to get fuller she could also feel herself getting wet between her legs. This would usually be the time where she would start masturbating, but she knew that she had to hold back somehow now. Every bite was making her more and more aroused, everything around her was starting to get blurry. Without realizing it she started to rub her belly while she kept on stuffing herself. Soon she was too aroused to hold it back any longer. A loud moan escaped her lips as she took a bite out of her burger. Melissa didn't even realize it had happened. She kept on stuffing herself while moaning with every bite she took. A crowd of people was forming around her which she was oblivious to.

When she finished her plate she felt stuffed to maximum capacity. Letting out another moan she leaned back and put a hand on her belly. It was only then that her vision got clear again and she saw all the people standing around her with disgusted expressions on their faces. Her face went red as she realized that she had just put on a show for everyone to see. She quickly wanted to leave for class but getting up wasn't easy being overstuffed.

Melissa slowly managed to scoot to the edge of her chair and started to get up with mayor effort. Just as she was about to stand Alisson stepped out of the crowd and pushed her back on the chair. Melissa groaned from the pain as she hit the chair. "Having trouble getting up, piggy?" Alisson grinned. Melissa was too stuffed to talk proplerly. She groaned again and nodded. Alisson laughed and pulled Melissa's shirt up, exposing her bloated belly to everyone. "Well, now you have shown us how you have gotten so fat in such short time. And I'm pretty sure this is just the beginning, isn't it?" Melissa didn't answer. She struggled to get on her feet again, pulled down her shirt that was now really struggling to contain her belly and then slowly waddled by the crowd that was visibly enjoying what they had just seen.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Wow! Great new chapters, especially the latest (32). Thank you so much for continuing this epic. But you have only succeeded in whetting our appetites for more, I hope you realize. smiley
Perenolde 6 years
Thanks for the update! This is my favorite story on the site by a large margin. You are really good at writing domination fiction.
Jdm 6 years
Hell yea! Thanks for posting!
Jdm 6 years
Best story on here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love so more! When yiubhsve tine of course
Fluffylove 6 years
Could you do a follow up,with Mellisa and Allison as girl friends in college. Mellisa has gotten fatter,but now in college Allison starts to become the chunky girl.
Fondyfa 6 years
I was hoping we get a Christmas gift and another chapter. It is still by far my favorite story ever. Thank you for such a great story
Champ 6 years
Hope to read more soon.
Perenolde 6 years
Love it! Always look forward to a new chapter.
Supercode 6 years
Great chaper! I love how secretly symbiotic the relationship between Mellisa and Allison is! Even as Allison is humiliating her former rival, she is secretly giving Melissa exactly what she wants! Cant wait for the next chapter!
Cali 6 years
Hey guys, sorry for taking that long but I finally managed to write another chapter and next one is already halfway done so you can expect another update soon smiley
Champ 7 years
I concur with fondyfa!
Fondyfa 7 years
I hoping for a update soon. It the best story ever. It might be time for a Chloe sighting. Thanks for this amazing story
Supercode 7 years
Great update!
Perenolde 7 years
Great update! Thanks for sharing!
Champ 7 years
Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I just re-read the story and it is amazing. Keep up the good work! cheers!
Fondyfa 7 years
I have read this story more than any story ever on fantasy feeder or dimensions. It the greatest story ever. I loved the chapters with her cousin. How they traded places it so hot. I love everything about this story. I go back to chapter 4 a lot where she
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Hope Allison gets jealous of Amy's team humiliating/turning on Melissa like that! I could see Allison getting possesive like that...
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see how fat she will become next! Excellent story!
Nok 7 years
chapter 28. OMG. That pic of her with the coach needs to be illustrated by somebody.
Ottogerg 7 years
In love
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