Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 14

Melissa spent the next class rubbing her belly amazed at how far it was sticking out and how much it was straining her tight t-shirt. Sitting there stuffed to the brim amongst her classmates was making her feel enormous. The class went by pretty fast and Melissa didn't pay any attention at all, being way too occupied playing with her round belly.

Next up on Melissa's scheldule was the PE class. Melissa walked up to the teacher and handed him the doctor's note she had gotten from Alisson. Her teacher looked at her, surprised about her growing figure and then told her that she would have to sit on the stand if she couldn't participate. Happy Melissa took a seat and gazed at the people that were in her class. All of them were pretty fit and she noticed that she was already the biggest and most unathletic of them all. Just three months ago she would have won a race against each one of them but now she was an out-of-shape chubby girl who would propably get winded just doing the warm-up. She imagined her last week of school where she would have to participate again. By then she would be a pathetic ball of flab getting outrun multiple times by each one of the others. She squirmed getting excited about the humiliation she would have to go through.

Melissa then remembered the bag Alisson had packed her in the morning. It was filled with all kinds of sweets and Alisson had made it clear that she expected Melissa to eat all of it while she was sitting out her PE class. The bag was pretty big so Melissa realized that she had to eat really fast to get through everything in time. She quickly opened it, took out a donut and stuffed it into her mouth.

Her classmates looked at her in disbelief as they ran past her while Melissa devoured one snack after the other. She felt her belly expanding and a rush of pleasure going through her body. Being surrounded by all those athletic people while stuffing herself silly was making her feel like a lazy fat pig and she loved it.

After a while Melissa looked into her bag to see that she had already eaten almost all of the contents. She was pleased with herself since she still had quite some time left. Now she could eat a little slower and enjoy all the flavors. As she reached into her bag again she found a spoon laying on the bottom. "Weird, it must have somehow fallen inside by accident", she thought. Just then she saw a big jar of Nutella sitting in the corner of the bag. Melissa realized that Alisson wanted her to spoon the entire jar and blushed. Eating Nutella straight out of the jar would be the ultimate shameless fatty thing to do. Her hands trembled as she opened the jar and ate her first spoonful.

Nobody had said anything while Melissa had eaten all of the snacks. They just gave her weird looks as they ran by. But now a girl stopped running as she saw the jar in Melissa's hands and walked over to her. "Seriously? You've been stuffing yourself the whole time and now this? Do you even have a little bit of self-control?" "It's just soo good", Melissa replied, "you should try some." The girl laughed. "Thanks, but I prefer keeping my figure. I would never let myself go like you did." "Well good, then there's more for me." Melissa smiled and ate another spoonful. The girl stared at her, shaking her head and then ran off.

Melissa kept on eating Nutella mindlessly while she watched the class. She didn't pay any attention to the time and when class ended she realized that there still was quite some content left in the jar. The first students were already leaving the changing rooms to go to their next class. Melissa didn't want to disappoint Alisson and she knew that she now really had to speed up her eating in order to make it in time. She started to shovel spoonful after spoonful into her mouth as fast as possible. She managed to finish just in time to quickly pack her stuff and run to her next class. But she wasn't aware of all the Nutella stains that were now on her face due to her hasty eating.

Melissa wondered why people were laughing at her when she sat down at her desk. She looked down at herself to check if maybe her shirt had ridden up and part of her was exposed. But everything was alright, she still looked like a chubby girl in tight clothes. There was no apparent reason for her why people were laughing that much. It all became clear to her when the teacher entered, took a quick look at her and grinned. "Melissa you might want to go to the bathroom and clean off your face a little. Your last snacks have left some traces." Melissa blushed and quickly left to go to the bathroom.

Once there she looked into the mirror and gasped. Her face was covered in stains everywhere and she had no idea how they could have gotten there. She must have been so consumed with eating that she didn't care about anything else. Melissa was amazed how in just three months she had turned into such a piggy. She smiled, washed her face and went back to class.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Perenolde 8 years
You have a knack for pacing. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds!
Champ 8 years
Greatly anticipate the following chapters!👍🏼
Zinthra 8 years
Great story so far!! Loving the buildup and can't wait to see where it goes!
Jazzman 8 years
Wish I could hit "Like" after every chapter. Such a great story line. A few misspellings are just going to be something to expect I guess. Great Job! smiley
Fatlilboy 8 years
Wow - amazing beginning.
Giantjay 8 years
What a great setup! Can't wait to see how this unfolds. Well done!
Supercode 8 years
Darn double post! LOL
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Jazzman 8 years
Chapter 4 is Hot! She's going to be very Fat when school starts. Probably 185 or 200. Will Allison make her be on the cross country team? Or at least go to the first practice and miserably fail to finish?
Jazzman 8 years
Proceeding Nicely!
Jojo123abc 8 years
Nice start!
Sonic16 8 years
make it that melissa can't gain weight as she'd like and over the summer allison gains a lot of weight that turns melissa on
Jazzman 8 years
This is Great. So much potential. I would assume that she is Also a cross country runner which takes place in the fall.
I've seen female runners who lose speed over their career .From. unintentional gaining. This is going to be Fabulous
Big Easy 8 years
LOVE IT! This story is feels so personal to me because the way she got into being fat is exactly how I got into fat admiration and feederism smiley
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
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