Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 15

The rest of Melissa's first day of school went by pretty fast as Melissa was only able to concentrate on the sensation of her full belly pushing against her t-shirt. She was absolutely in love with the way her body felt and began to wonder how amazing it would feel to develop a belly hang and a waddle. Thinking about this made her wet and hungry so once she was finished with her classes she hurried to her car and drove off.

Alisson had told Melissa to go to her house right after school. There would be plenty of food waiting for her and she was ordered to stuff herself while Alisson went to work out after school. Melissa was relieved once she sat down on the couch. She hadn't walked this much in a long time and was exhausted. Most of the day she had dreamt of being on her couch, stuffed and unable to move. She opened one of the bags on the table in front of her and began to eat while rubbing her belly and thinking about all the things that had happened today. Never in a million years had she imagined being humiliated as much as she had been today. All the different embarrassing situation popped into her head and her body was getting filled with pleasure. She wanted to masturbate really bad but Alisson had told her to wait with that until she got home. So Melissa instead began to eat faster moaning loudly between each bite she took.

After a while Melissa was too full to keep on eating so she layed back, breathing heavy. Her hands began exploring her growing body and every soft spot she discovered was turning her on more. She was about to give in and reach between her legs when she heard Alisson come inside.

Alisson was still in her sports outfit and she looked stunning. Melissa loved the way she feeled when she looked at Alisson. Every part of her body had the perfect shape. She was working out and getting hotter by the day while Melissa was letting herself go completely getting fatter and fatter. Alisson had won the competition of becoming the school's hottest girl and this intimidated Melissa. She could feel herself getting more submissive with every pound she gained. She would do anything this goddess would tell her to do. Becoming Alisson's fat waddling piggy and being completely under her control was all that Melissa wanted.

Alisson walked up to Melissa and gave her a shopping bag. "Here I got those for you to wear, since your old clothes won't do anymore." She grinned. "Try some of it on!" Melissa took out a dress and quickly put it on. It was fitting rather tight and was showing every layer of fat on her body and she loved how it looked. "Yes, that will do until you grow out of it soon", Alisson said, "now take it off, I want to see your body in it's whole glory." Melissa stripped down to her underwear and stood there, her full belly protruding in front of her. Alisson walked over and started pinching her body. "I've really done a number on you those last months, haven't I? Everyone was shocked to see you today and wondered how this could have happened. But I know how it happened. I know what a greedy pig you are deep inside. I know how much you want this. You want to be my piggy, right? You enjoy this too much to resist." She pointed at the huge wet spot on Melissa's panties with a devilish look on her face. "Tell me how much you want this!"

Melissa looked up at Alisson with big pleading eyes. "Please", she said breathing heavy, "let me be your piggy." "Don't worry, I will turn you into the fatty you're destined to be. I see you have already put away quite the amount of food. But I'm sure with my help we can push some more into that fat face of yours. Now sit down." Melissa took a seat and Alisson began feeding her with one hand while the other hand was rubbing Melissa's growing curves. Melissa was so turned on she didn't bother hiding it. She was moaning loudly as bite after bite found its way into her belly. Suddenly Alisson's hand slipped into Melissa's panties and she began pleasuring her. Melissa let out a scream of ecstasy. Everything around Melissa faded and she was in pure bliss.

Melissa wasn't the only one enjoying the procedure. Alisson had always loved to control and manipulate people. Turning the girl she had envied for as long as she can remember into a complete fatty and seeing her laying there chubby, stuffed and helpless while Alisson was making her come was turning her on more than anything she had ever done before. She loved having total control over Melissa, she was feeling excitement pulsing through her whole body and had to watch out to not start moaning too. But she managed to hold back. She didn't want to let her guard down. After she made Melissa come in a burst of ecstasy she told her that it was time for her to go home at last. Melissa got dressed quickly and stumbled out of the house. As soon as Alisson heard the door close her hand shot between her legs and she masturbated until she had the best orgasm of her life.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Patotonto 4 years
Now that I think of it, I’d really love to see a story where instead of going to Allison, She just gradually gives up being fit, she stops competing at the highest level, Allison surpasses her as Melissa grows lazier, and she slowly becomes a cow
Plushush 5 years
Depressing to see comments complaining about the sequel being premium. This series is one of the hands down best stories on this sight imo. If you're good at something, never do it for free. Get that money honey.
Cali 5 years
Making it premium gives me a good motivation to make more time for writing, however after 3 months all chapters will become free content, so in the end you'll get more chapters within a shorter time
Kipler 5 years
Whaaa? You have to he a premium member to read the sequel???? DDDD:
GummieTummy 5 years
Argh! That was SO good! I’m so sad to see it end and so anxious for the sequel! I hope Melissa desperately comes to regret her situation and can’t help herself out of it. (he he) Thanks for this wonderfully entertaining story.
Martim92 5 years
Living together sounds good. I hope that hanging out too much with her piggy will have effect on Allison's waistline too.
Kipler 5 years
Dx You're making me cry on the inside!!! But yay! for the sequel. Is it wrong of me to hope for Allison to develop feelings for Melissa? Please continue writing as this is exactly what I come here for.
Jdm 5 years
GummieTummy 5 years
This is so amazing. I want to follow Melissa and Allison through college and grad school! Never let it end!
Perenolde 5 years
Always love when you update!
Fluffylove 5 years
Please keep it coming
Perenolde 5 years
Great update!
1calcom 5 years
Karenjenk 5 years
just wow
i read this all in one sitting.
now late for work.
Supercode 5 years
Great update and glad you are still continuing this! I just hope Allison keeps Melissa around after she reaches her goal weight.
Perenolde 5 years
Thanks for the update! I always look forward to them.
Bruinsean 5 years
Wow! Where has this story been?
Champ 6 years
Excellent! Thanks for continuing this story! I hope you continue to write more in the near future!
Supercode 6 years
Great chapter! Glad you are still posting for this story!
Roguseco 6 years
This is the best story in this site, I keep rereading it, please continue
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