Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 16

"Honey what happened to you?" Melissa's mom looked at her with big eyes. "I've just been enjoying myself lately", Melissa answered and smiled at her. "But you look huge! You used to be so skinny and pretty!" "Well, I guess weight gain comes with enjoying yourself." Melissa patted her belly. She knew that her parents might be shocked seeing her at such a high weight but was sure she could convince them that it was ok. They talked a little more about her weight and what had happened to her. Her mom couldn't keep her eyes off of her daughter's flabby body.

Melissa told her mom how she was happy with her body and that everything was fine. Her mom had always believed that her daughter knew what was best for her so she accepted the way she wanted to live. "But don't expect me not to poke fun at your flab", she added at the end. Melissa's mom was always teasing people gently for fun and Melissa looked forward to now receive the majority of her teasing.

After the talk Melissa felt hungry so she walked over to the fridge and took everything out that looked good and fattening. Her mom watched her, a little shocked to see what was happening to her little girl. Melissa sat down at the table and started digging in. Once she was finished she leaned back in her chair, her stuffed belly protruding in front of her. Her mom who had been watching everything in silence walked over to her and pinched her belly. "Now I see where all that comes from. I guess I'll have to get used to my daughter being a fatty now." She laughed and walked away. Melissa spent some more time sitting until she felt ready to move again. She then cleaned up and went to bed completely satisfied with her day.

The following days went by the same way. Melissa would walk around in her tight outfit, stuff herself during lunch and PE class and get teased about her behavior from everyone. Even though she had always been nice to everyone she found out that people were excited to see her fall from grace. She had always been the perfect girl without any flaws and that made a lot of girls envious of her. Now they were all eager to make fun of her for letting herself go. Besides that the school's fat girls were amused to see the former popular girl join their fat club.

It would become a thing that people were trying to get a picture or video of Melissa in her most unfortunate situations. People would compete who got the most ridiculous shot of her. Soon there were thousand shots of Melissa stuffing herself, her belly being exposed, her body jiggling when she walked in her tight clothes or Melissa being too stuffed to properly pick up something she had dropped and being laughed at, especially by Alisson. Alisson had made sure that the school now knew Melissa as the former it-girl that had turned into a complete glutton and she loved how she had been able to destroy Melissa's reputation in such a short time.

The first month of school flew by and it was time for another weigh-in. Melissa could feel that she had gained weight. All of her clothes were feeling tighter and she was sure that Alisson would have to get her new ones soon. Besides that she had noticed that her thighs were now rubbing together more and that there were stretch marks appearing all over her body.

Alisson got the scales out once again and placed them in front of Melissa. "Let's see how my piggy had been doing." She walked behind Melissa who was standing there in her underwear and placed her hands on her belly. She began shaking and rubbing it. "Remeber how skinny you were when you first stepped through that door? And now you're soft and flabby all over." Her hands wandered up to Melissa's growing breasts and then down to pinch the soft inside of her thighs. "I can't wait to make you so fat it'll be hard for me to reach around you like that." Melissa shivered at the thought of that. She knew that Alisson was serious. She wouldn't stop until Melissa reached their goal of 350 pounds. Just when she was losing herself in her fantasies Alisson slapped her ass and told her to get on the scales.

Melissa stepped forward and looked at the display in anticipation. The lights flashed and she could see her new weight. 190 pounds. She was pleased with the result considering that she had less time to stuff herself and had to walk around a lot more then she used to before. She turned to Alisson to get some approval and realised that Alisson didn't share her enthusiasm. The smug grin on her face had disappeared, replaced by a look of anger. "Are you even trying, piggy?" She shouted out. "I'm not paying for all of your expenses just so you can relax and only gain half of what you used to!" Melissa lowered her head feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. I did all that I could but it isn't that easy in school to get stuffed as often as here." "You know what, you just sit down on the couch and stuff your pathetic face until you're barely able to breathe. I want this to be your biggest suffing yet. Meanwhile I'll think of something to get you back on track." Melissa went into the living room and began shoveling everything in sight into her mouth. She felt bad for disappointing Alisson and wanted to make it up to her. While she kept on eating she wondered what Alisson would come up with for her.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Patotonto 4 years
Now that I think of it, I’d really love to see a story where instead of going to Allison, She just gradually gives up being fit, she stops competing at the highest level, Allison surpasses her as Melissa grows lazier, and she slowly becomes a cow
Plushush 5 years
Depressing to see comments complaining about the sequel being premium. This series is one of the hands down best stories on this sight imo. If you're good at something, never do it for free. Get that money honey.
Cali 5 years
Making it premium gives me a good motivation to make more time for writing, however after 3 months all chapters will become free content, so in the end you'll get more chapters within a shorter time
Kipler 5 years
Whaaa? You have to he a premium member to read the sequel???? DDDD:
GummieTummy 5 years
Argh! That was SO good! I’m so sad to see it end and so anxious for the sequel! I hope Melissa desperately comes to regret her situation and can’t help herself out of it. (he he) Thanks for this wonderfully entertaining story.
Martim92 5 years
Living together sounds good. I hope that hanging out too much with her piggy will have effect on Allison's waistline too.
Kipler 5 years
Dx You're making me cry on the inside!!! But yay! for the sequel. Is it wrong of me to hope for Allison to develop feelings for Melissa? Please continue writing as this is exactly what I come here for.
Jdm 5 years
GummieTummy 5 years
This is so amazing. I want to follow Melissa and Allison through college and grad school! Never let it end!
Perenolde 5 years
Always love when you update!
Fluffylove 5 years
Please keep it coming
Perenolde 5 years
Great update!
1calcom 5 years
Karenjenk 5 years
just wow
i read this all in one sitting.
now late for work.
Supercode 5 years
Great update and glad you are still continuing this! I just hope Allison keeps Melissa around after she reaches her goal weight.
Perenolde 5 years
Thanks for the update! I always look forward to them.
Bruinsean 5 years
Wow! Where has this story been?
Champ 6 years
Excellent! Thanks for continuing this story! I hope you continue to write more in the near future!
Supercode 6 years
Great chapter! Glad you are still posting for this story!
Roguseco 6 years
This is the best story in this site, I keep rereading it, please continue
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