Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 17

Melissa went to school the next day, dying from excitement and curiousity about what Alisson would do to her. She walked inside and was greeted by everyone around her snickering like they did everytime they saw her. Melissa thought back, how just a few months ago everyone was looking at her either in envy or lust. Now the only attention she was getting was when people where laughing at her growing body. This thought made her get goosebumps and deep down she could feel that she wanted so much more than that. She wanted people to be too shocked at her size to even laugh at her at first. She wanted to be a huge wale and get disgusted looks everywhere she waddled.

But nothing else happened until her first class began, which disappointed Melissa a little. She was hoping that Alisson would make her eat something before school started. She was gradually becoming lazier by the day and by now she had trouble getting out of bed early in the morning to have the time to stuff herself. She usually just had time to get into the shower quickly and then eat a normal sized breakfast which wasn't nearly enough for her. She usually was starving by the time she got to school.

Her first class passed and Melissa proceeded to her next one. As the second class was beginning she began to wonder why Alisson still hadn't done anything. Could she have forgotten it? Or was she even done with making Melissa gain? She tried to shake these thoughts off and began listening to the teacher. He was a fun guy and always really laid-back considering his rules in class. His fun attitude made Melissa forget about her sorrows for a little while but they soon came back. She was beginning to get nervous. What if Alisson was so upset with her small gain this month that she wanted to quit? But they had a deal. And all Melissa wanted was to be Alisson's fat piggy. She decided that she had to work hard to impress Alisson this month, which only made her hungrier. She wanted to stuff herself right now and let everyone see what a pig she was becoming. She wanted to make Alisson satisfied with her gain again and be good piggy.

Just as Melissa's anxiety was growing there was a knock on the classroom door. The teacher opened the door and revealed a pizza delivery guy with a family sized pizza in his hands. "I have a delivery for Melissa", the guy said. Melissa felt a rush of ecxitement and jumped out of her chair causing her whole body to jiggle and her shirt to ride up. But she didn't care, all she was thinking about was the pizza that was delivered to her. She quickly walked up to the door. "Here you go", the delivery guy said, "it has already been paid for."

Melissa quickly walked back to her chair, her bally still exposed. She opened the box and took in the smell of the delicious pizza in front of her. "Looks like someone didn't have time for breakfast today", her teacher said and the class laughed as she took a piece of pizza and stuffed it in her face. Melissa overcame a feeling of happiness as she continued to eat while the class went on. Once in a while she let out a quiet moan and made people turn her head to chuckle at her. By the time she finished her pizza she felt full but was craving more. She still didn't feel like she had made a complete pig out of herself so she hoped that Alisson would come up with some more ways to eat for her.

And she did. Melissa was just walking out of the class, enjoying the jiggling of her body and the fullness of her belly when she saw Alisson standing in the hallway with some of her friends. She was grinning and had a chocolate bar in her hand. "Hey fatty, come over here!" Melissa slowly walked over, her eyes fixated on the chocolate bar. "I have a little snack for you. Pretty sure you want it, don't you?" Melissa nodded her head and reached out for the bar. But Alisson pulled it away from her and unwrapped it. "Not so fast. If you really want it you'll eat it out of my hand." She then held the chocolate bar out for Melissa to eat. Melissa was feeling hot. She could feel the stares of everyone around her as she bent down and took a bite. "Wow, what a piggy you are", Alisson said, "you just can't control yourself anymore, can you?" Melissa looked up at Alisson. "No I can't, it's just too good." With that she took another bite as the crowd around her was laughing. "See, I told you guys she wouldn't be able to resist", Alisson said with a smile on her face.

When she finished the bar she was about to leave. But Alisson's friends pulled out some more chocolate bars and unwrapped them. "Come here piggy, we're not done with you yet." Melissa then walked to each one of them and ate the bar out of their hands. Once she was finished her face was covered with chocolate and she was wetter than ever. One of Alisson's friends grabed her belly and made it jiggle. "We are going to have so much fun watching you turn into a disgusting fat pig."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Perenolde 8 years
You have a knack for pacing. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds!
Champ 8 years
Greatly anticipate the following chapters!👍🏼
Zinthra 8 years
Great story so far!! Loving the buildup and can't wait to see where it goes!
Jazzman 8 years
Wish I could hit "Like" after every chapter. Such a great story line. A few misspellings are just going to be something to expect I guess. Great Job! smiley
Fatlilboy 8 years
Wow - amazing beginning.
Giantjay 8 years
What a great setup! Can't wait to see how this unfolds. Well done!
Supercode 8 years
Darn double post! LOL
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Jazzman 8 years
Chapter 4 is Hot! She's going to be very Fat when school starts. Probably 185 or 200. Will Allison make her be on the cross country team? Or at least go to the first practice and miserably fail to finish?
Jazzman 8 years
Proceeding Nicely!
Jojo123abc 8 years
Nice start!
Sonic16 8 years
make it that melissa can't gain weight as she'd like and over the summer allison gains a lot of weight that turns melissa on
Jazzman 8 years
This is Great. So much potential. I would assume that she is Also a cross country runner which takes place in the fall.
I've seen female runners who lose speed over their career .From. unintentional gaining. This is going to be Fabulous
Big Easy 8 years
LOVE IT! This story is feels so personal to me because the way she got into being fat is exactly how I got into fat admiration and feederism smiley
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
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