Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 18

With that Alisson had started a new trend. Every day more and more people would come up to Melissa and start feeding her all kinds of snacks. Melissa was delighted. So many people were treating her like a piggy and she spent all of her free time in school being fed and made fun of. Everywhere she went there was someone who would point out her fatness and it seemed like people had already forgotten that Melissa used to be the popular girl.

While at first it were mostly the thin and popular girls that came up to her with some food, Melissa soon noticed to her surprise that almost all of the fat girls were beginning to join in. They weren't feeding her as publicly as the others and weren't making fun of her though. Instead they would wait during break until Melissa finished her lunch and was sitting there with her stuffed belly. Then they would take out all the snacks that they would usually eat themselves, walk over to Melissa and start to feed them to her, smiling as she was moaning with each bite they made her take. Once Melissa finished everything they would wink and giggle as she struggled to get up and then leave her to slowly waddle to her class.

As the month was coming to an end Melissa noticed that there was something different about the bigger girls in school. She couldn't quite put her finger on it at first but after a while she realized that most of them were moving around a little more light-footed. That's when it became clear to her that they were using her as an opportunity and motivation to lose weight. They were now feeding all the snacks that used to make them fat to Melissa instead and it was showing that they were starting to drop the pounds.

Melissa on the other hand was feeling heavier every day. She was rapidly outgrowing her outfits and it made her whole body tingle every time she was putting on clothes that were a few sizes bigger than the ones she used to wear just recently. Her next weigh-in was coming up and Melissa was confident that Alisson would be happy with the results of this month. Every part of her body was feeling softer and jigglier and she felt like her transformation into a true piggy was coming along great.

The day of the next weigh-in finally arrived and Melissa was standing in her underwear, waiting for Alisson to bring the scales. She looked down and grabbed her belly that was protruding out in front of her. She loved the feeling of it and was losing herself in the soft jiggliness that her body was turning into as she kept on kneading it. "You really love it, don't you?" Alisson was standing before her, the scales in her hand and a wicked smile on her face. Melissa blushed and nodded her head. "Well, then let's see how you have been doing this month." Alisson lifted up Melissa's belly and dropped it to send a jiggle through her body. "I can see that there is some extra flab on you."

Alisson placed the scales in front of Melissa who stepped on it, her chubby legs trembling out of nervousness. The display flashed and showed Melissa's new weight: 210 pounds. Melissa let out a squeal of excitement causing Alisson to laugh. "Wow, you really are turning into a piggy through and through. And you have been a really good piggy this month." She looked her up and down with a satisfied look on her face. "We will really have you waddling around in no time if we keep up at this rate." Melissa smiled. She was suprised at how happy it was making her to please Alisson's expectations. She looked at her with big pleading eyes and was about to say something. "Don't say a word, fatty. I know what you want", Alisson cut her off. "You have finally made it over 200 pounds and we are going to celebrate. Sit down on the couch, I'll bring the food."

Melissa sat down, enjoying how her naked belly was dropping onto her thighs. Alisson walked in carrying all kinds of delicious food. Melissa was in awe looking at Alisson's body. She was wearing a tight and revealing outfit that was showing off every trained and toned part of her. Her hips were swaying seductively as she approached Melissa who couldn't take her eyes of her. Alisson grinned as she realized what Melissa was staring at. "You'll never have a body like this ever again," she said as she ran her hands over her flat stomach. "Now eat, piggy." Melissa dug in right away, motivated by what Alisson had just said. Bite after bite disappeared into her greedy mouth and she could feel her belly filling up.

After a while she was starting to feel pretty stuffed and began slowing down. "Come on, piggy. You can't be done yet." Alisson said, which caused Melissa to pick up pace again. She was losing herself in a haze of delicious taste and pain from her stuffed belly as Alisson suddenly ripped off her panties. Melissa let out a gasp of surprise which quickly turned into moans of pleasure as Alisson's head dove between her plump thighs and she began licking her dripping wet pussy. She drifted into a state of pure bliss, only being able to shovel more food into her mouth as Alisson was pleasuring her until Melissa came in a burst of satisfaction. As she was slowly coming down from her high, Melissa began to feel the intense pain of her severely overstuffed belly. There was no way she would be able to move for the next hour. Alisson looked down at her pleased. "Keep on being a good greedy pig and you might get a reward like this again." With that she left Melissa laying there, panting and moaning while holding her round belly.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 8 years
It's good. SO Good. And realistic in terms of gain pace. Of course more in a month IS possible. With cake batter shakes or heavy cream chugging. 25.30 even 40 lbs in a month has been done by women on this site. They should set a goal for 230 on Thanksgivi
Champ 8 years
We want more!!!😎
Mattnagle 8 years
continues to get better and better, keep it going ,really great read.
Martim92 8 years
It would be interesting, if Allyson would start gaining a few chapters later.
I mean as Melissa gets fatter and fatter, Allyson gets lazier, vanier, because she's the most beautiful girl now and not Melissa, and she exersise less, spend more time with Me
Perenolde 8 years
Thanks for continuing!
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous!
Perenolde 8 years
Great work!
Jazzman 8 years
An unforgettable story. You've done Everything correctly
Perenolde 8 years
I'm interested to see how the dynamic between Melissa and Alisson develops. There is a number of ways it could go!
Jazzman 8 years
Perfect! 20 lbs a month for the first three months. Absolutely within reason given the sloth and overfeeding. She'll probably Still be able to do 12-15 a month even with the moving about that school requires. And holidays! Thanksgiving and Christmas shoul
Twigzybird 8 years
Great stuff man. Keep up the good work
Champ 8 years
Epic chapter! The cliff hanger at the end right before she hears her new weight! Oh maaaan!
Informatio 8 years
Nice story you got me waiting for chapter 10 with that end to chapter 9.
Mattnagle 8 years
Great reading , please keep it going love to see how far the girls wil go. Fantastic so far.
Perenolde 8 years
Alisson is a fantastic antagonist. Perfect foil for Melissa, who was passive even before the deal was made.
Nok 8 years
Love the new chapter. A truly fantastically hot tale.
Qaz 8 years
More pleaseeee!!
Perenolde 8 years
Chapter 8 was fantastic!
Jazzman 8 years
This Plot is Flawless
I have read stories for 16 years. Even wrote a few. This plot line is Unrivalled.
Growingsofter 8 years
Awesome, please continue, soon.
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