Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 25

By the time New Year came around Melissa had packed on another 20 pounds, putting her at 250. Her belly was now a round mass of fat, hanging over her pants. Her thighs were rubbing together so much that she was beginning to develop a slow waddle. Alisson loved how fat her piggy was getting. She couldn't stop teasing her and making fun of her just to stuff her until she was ready to burst when they got home and pleasure her at great lenght once all of the fattening food had found its way into her belly. Melissa loved the feeling of letting herself completely go and embracing the fat lifestyle while being under the command of a fit beauty.

However there was one problem that had been developing since the school year had started. Since Melissa was spending most of her time thinking about food, eating or being in a food coma she really didn't spend any time studying. Because of that her grades were getting worse as her waistline was expanding. Alisson wanted Melissa to attend the same college as her but for that her grades had to improve at least a little. They wouldn't need to be the best since Alisson had a lot of connections and could arrange for Melissa to get into college with mediocore grades.

So Alisson convinced Melissa that she had to take it a little slower for two months. She would still get to stuff herself but before that she would have to study for a bit. And if she would put enough effort into it, her grades would emprove enough so that she could return to her old lifestyle after two months.

Even though Melissa had to take it slower, Alisson had it all planed out perfectly so that she would still gain at almost the same rate. At the end of january she had gained 15 pounds and by the end of february another 15 pounds, putting her at 280. By now Melissa began looking like a fat blob. Her flabby belly was developing a serious hang and her walk had now completely turned into a waddle. She was also getting so unfit that even the slightest exertion, like putting on her clothes, was causing her to get out of breath.

All in all those two months were a real succes since Melissa's gain didn't slow down all too much but her grades improved significantly and were now good enough to make it into the same college Alisson was going to. Nevertheless Alisson was glad the she now could go back to her old routine of ruthlessly stuffing Melissa and working on bringing her mothly gain back up to 20 pounds. It seemed like this was the natural rate at which her body would grow.

So as soon as the first day of march came around Melissa went back to being a completely lazy pig. She was sitting at lunch and devouring another huge plate filled with fattening food as she saw the group of the school's fattest girls approaching her. This was nothing out of the ordinary as they were coming to her table almost everyday, feeding a bunch of snacks to her. Usually Melissa was too busy stuffing herself with the food from her plate and never really paid much attention to them as they waddled towards her but this time she looked up and her eyes widened.

Since Melissa didn't pay much attention to them before and was only interested in the food they fed her she had stopped noticing that they where getting a little thinner every week. And by now they weren't the fat girls Melissa remebered. They all were still quite chubby but their slow waddle was gone, instead they were walking a lot faster and with an energy that Melissa hadn't seen before. Each one of them had a bright smile on her face and a bag of snacks in her hand.

"How is our piggy doing?" One of them asked as they reached Melissa's table. Not expecting an answer she unwrapped a chocolate bar and grinned as Melissa ate it out of her hand right away. They took turns feeding Melissa until finally the girl that Melissa remembered as being the fattest of the whole school stepped forward. As she began feeding Melissa she placed on hand on her belly and began rubbing and jiggling it. "Do you happen to know how much you weigh now?" She asked and held back her snack so that Melissa had to answer. "About 280 pounds", Melissa quickly answered and blushed while continuing to be fed. "That's great", the girl said. "You know, a year ago I used to be the biggest one around here. I was at 300 pounds. But over the last few months each one of us has managed to lose about 70 pounds. So it's great to hear that I'm not the fattest one anymore."

Hearing this sent a shiver through Melissa's body and she could instantly feel herself getting incredibly wet. Without realizing it she began eating faster, getting chocolate all over her face. "That's a good fatty." The girl laughed, then picked up Melissa's belly and let it fall into her lap, causing her to moan. "You're just too addicted to eating to stop, no matter how fat it is making you, am I right? Just a year ago I would have never dared to think that one day I'll get to call you a fatty. But now look at you, fatty! Look how out of contol you are!"

Melissa's head was spinnng, she was so turned on that all she could think about was to devour more and more snacks. Just as she felt like she was about to come from all the teasing, the bell rang and snapped her out of her haze. The girls smiled down at her as she moaned and held her stuffed belly. "See you tomorrow, piggy." With that they began walking away, their hips swaying seductively and some of them turning around to smirk at the chocolate covered and panting Melissa.

It took a while to catch her breath but after a few minutes Melissa, the now officially fattest girl of her school, raised herself out of her seat. Not even bothering to clean up her face she got herself some chocolate bars from the vending machine and then began to slowly waddle to her next class while putting the first chocoalte bar into her mouth.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Perenolde 8 years
You have a knack for pacing. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds!
Champ 8 years
Greatly anticipate the following chapters!👍🏼
Zinthra 8 years
Great story so far!! Loving the buildup and can't wait to see where it goes!
Jazzman 8 years
Wish I could hit "Like" after every chapter. Such a great story line. A few misspellings are just going to be something to expect I guess. Great Job! smiley
Fatlilboy 8 years
Wow - amazing beginning.
Giantjay 8 years
What a great setup! Can't wait to see how this unfolds. Well done!
Supercode 8 years
Darn double post! LOL
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Jazzman 8 years
Chapter 4 is Hot! She's going to be very Fat when school starts. Probably 185 or 200. Will Allison make her be on the cross country team? Or at least go to the first practice and miserably fail to finish?
Jazzman 8 years
Proceeding Nicely!
Jojo123abc 8 years
Nice start!
Sonic16 8 years
make it that melissa can't gain weight as she'd like and over the summer allison gains a lot of weight that turns melissa on
Jazzman 8 years
This is Great. So much potential. I would assume that she is Also a cross country runner which takes place in the fall.
I've seen female runners who lose speed over their career .From. unintentional gaining. This is going to be Fabulous
Big Easy 8 years
LOVE IT! This story is feels so personal to me because the way she got into being fat is exactly how I got into fat admiration and feederism smiley
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
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