Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 26

Realizing that she was the fattest girl in school wasn't the only milestone Meilssa reached that month. Her weigh-in at the end of the month also showed that she had now reached the 300 pound mark. Alisson was just as happy about that as Melissa was. She loved seeing her piggy expand into massive dimensions. After the weigh-in she made sure to stuff Melissa until she was unable to move and then lick her until she had multiple mind-shattering orgasms.

Over the time Alisson had realized that she started to love the jiggling belly her piggy was growing and the way she was surrounded by soft fatness everytime her head dove between Melissa's thighs. She always made it seem to Melissa as if she was pleasuring her out of pity and because she wanted to have her at her complete control. While both things were true, by now Alisson mainly loved the feeling of Melissa's fat and was getting just as much pleasure from it as her piggy was. But she didn't want Melissa to notice it, so everytime Alisson felt like she was being drawn to Melissa too much she began thinking about how much she had hated her over all those years when she was taking all the positive spotlight away from her. This helped her to get back to wanting to humiliate her as much as posible for letting herself become such a massive pig. And the next opportunity to humiliate her piggy was just around the corner.

Track season had started about a month ago and on the first weekend of april it was time for their High School to host a meeting. Melissa had already feared that Alisson would make her come to watch the meeting and she was absolutely right.

The night before the meeting Melissa was laying on Alisson's sofa breathing heavy from being stuffed as Alisson approached her with a grin. "I bet you know what I'm going to say. Tomorrow is our track meeting and I want you to be there." Melissa nodded her head. Even though she had expected this she was still feeling nervous about it. There would be a lot of people there tomorrow that hadn't seen her for a year, like a bunch of parents and all the athletes from the other schools. She was hoping that nobody would recognize her but she was sure that Alisson wouldn't let that happen.

Alisson sat down next to Melissa and put a hand on her thigh. As soon as her hand sunk into the soft fatness of Melissa's thigh Alisson felt a rush going through her body. For a moment all she wanted to do was grab and jiggle them, then dive her head between them and enjoy the warm fatness around her. She quickly shook those thoughts and looked Melissa in the eyes. "Now, I just want to make sure that you know what you have to do there. All I want to see you doing is to eat. All the time. The only time you're allowed to be seen without food in your hands is when you're in line to get yourself more of it, do you understand?" Melissa nodded again, she would have done just that even when Alisson hadn't ordered her to do it. By now she was way to addicted to eating and it was impossible for her to just sit around without putting something fattening into her mouth. "And just so we're clear, waddling up to receive your award isn't an exeption from this rule. I want you to have both hands full of snacks while you are up there in front of everybody!"

Melissa gasped. She had completely forgotten about her award! Last year she had set a new school record over 400 meters. And it was a tradition that athletes who had set a new record would be recognized at the home meet the following year. All of her hopes of not getting recognized at the meet were gone. Everybody would see what had happened to the former athletic superstar, how she had transformed into this out of shape caricature of her former fit self. It would be the ultimate display of how far this once attractive beauty had fallen.

Thinking about the things she would have to go through tomorrow made Melissa incredibly wet. Soon she was competely lost in her fantasies of complete humiliation. Her hands were kneading her belly, jiggling it and letting in fall into her lap and small moans were escaping her mouth. She was about to reach between her legs when Alisson grabbed her hand. "Not today, piggy. You have to earn that tomorrow and then I'll make sure to satisfy you completely", Alisson said, while barely being able to withstand her desire to jump on top of her piggy and do everything to make her come. "Now go to bed and get some rest for your big day."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Supercode 7 years
Another awesome chapter! And great to see Melissa taking so much joy in humiliating herself for Allison's obvious pleasure. Still think those two should become an actual couple soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Champ 7 years
Cali 7 years
I'm glad you guys like it smiley and don't worry, there is still a lot more to come
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see what happens next. I check for updates almost every day lol
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Please continue this soon!
Mickmac 7 years
Excellent Story looking forward to more chapters.
Blaireau 7 years
Great chapter ! But I would have liked that Melissa takes part in the meeting smiley
Champ 7 years
Thank you for adding more chapters! Cheers!
Honking Ante... 7 years
Waiting for more! Melissa and Alisson are my new favourite pairing now
Supercode 7 years
Very nice! I hope that Allison and Melissa keep the humilation bit and Melissa's weight gain going. But perhaps, in time, their relationship can become a more loving one in private. The opposite of love isn't hate, after all, but indifference.
Growingsofter 7 years
Growingsofter 7 years
Jazzman 7 years
Great story. I hope eventually Allison can just let go and feed her and be her lover. The end result of fatness would be the same.
Supercode 7 years
Still a grear story! Nice update! By now, it has become apparent that Allison wants Melissa around for more than just humiliation purposes.. although they both obviously enjoy that aspect of their...relationship? It will be interesting to see what comes o
Perenolde 7 years
Great update!
Fondyfa 7 years
This is my favorite story of all time. Thank you
Champ 7 years
Such a great chapter!
Growingsofter 7 years
Mooooooooooore, please. What's Melissa's weight now?
Perenolde 7 years
You know all the right buttons to press with humiliation fiction! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.
Perenolde 7 years
Thanks for sharing! Loved the latest chapter!
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