Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 27

Melissa spent most of the next day dreaming about the things she would have to go through during the meet and by the time the school bell finally rang she was shivering with anticipation. She left the classroom as fast as she could, which was still slower than anybody else since her heavy body and poor stamina prevented her from doing anything fast nowadays. As she made her way to the back door that was leading to the stadium she saw Alisson approach her.

Alisson was wearing the school's track uniform which consisted out of really short spandex hot pants that just so covered her amazing ass and a short top that was more like a sports bra. Their school was known to have a really laid-back attitude considering their athletes uniforms and boys all around the county were coming to watch them compete. Today even turned out to be the first really warm day of the year so it was warm enought to walk around without a jacket. Melissa could tell how much Alisson was enjoying showing off her perfect body, swaying her hips seductively as she walked towards her.

"Ready for your big moment, piggy?" She grinned and held out a track uniform. "Here put this on. After all you're getting an award for your athletic achievement. And since you don't have the body of an athlete anymore you should at least wear an athlete's outfit." She jiggled Melissa's belly. "It's not the small size you used to wear since, let's face it, your fat ass would just rip those apart if you would try to put them on. We usually don't let fatties into our team so we don't have your huge size either. This is the closest to it I could find, I'm sure you can make it fit somehow. Now go change and show the world what has happend to our school's most promising runner. You know, last year I've heard so many guys say that you were the hottest thing they had ever seen when wearing this outfit. Let's see what they will say now." She laughed and walked outside.

Melissa waddled into the locker room nervously. The last time she had been in there was on the first day of the school year, when she had to change her outfit. She was releaved when she realized that everybody else had already changed and left the room. Looking at the skimpy outfit in her hands she thought back to a year ago, when this used to be her favorite thing to wear. Now this was the most unflattering outfit that she could think of.

She took off her clothes, already getting out of breath and grabbed the spandex hot pants. They were stretched out to their maximum as she pulled them over her huge jiggly thighs but she managed to put them on. She struggled a little more with the short top as it was hard to get it over her head and to fit her big boobs inside but she finally got it to fit somehow. Melissa felt like a huge blob, breathing heavy just from putting on some clothes, as she waddled over to the mirror to look at her reflection.

Looking at her from the front it wasn't possible to tell if she was wearing any pants at all. Her hanging belly covered any signs of the hot pants underneath. Even from the back you couldn't tell that she was wearing pants as half of her fat butt was hanging out, making it look like she was wearing poorly fitting panties. Her tight top was barely containing her breasts and was digging into her back fat causing her fat rolls to become even more prominent.

Melissa looked at her reflection in awe, getting more and more turned on by seeing what she had done to herself over the past year. She ran her hands over her flabby belly, picking it up and letting it drop against her thighs, moaning as her whole body was jiggling. Just as she was about to start pleasuring herself she had one quick moment of clear thought and managed to quickly turn away from the mirror. She knew that it was time for her to show up at the stadium so she started waddling out of the locker room. Her belly was slapping against her wobbly thighs with every step she took, the feeling and sound of it making her head spin. As she reached the door she took one last deep breath and then opened it to step outside.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Supercode 7 years
Another awesome chapter! And great to see Melissa taking so much joy in humiliating herself for Allison's obvious pleasure. Still think those two should become an actual couple soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Champ 7 years
Cali 7 years
I'm glad you guys like it smiley and don't worry, there is still a lot more to come
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see what happens next. I check for updates almost every day lol
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Please continue this soon!
Mickmac 7 years
Excellent Story looking forward to more chapters.
Blaireau 7 years
Great chapter ! But I would have liked that Melissa takes part in the meeting smiley
Champ 7 years
Thank you for adding more chapters! Cheers!
Honking Ante... 7 years
Waiting for more! Melissa and Alisson are my new favourite pairing now
Supercode 7 years
Very nice! I hope that Allison and Melissa keep the humilation bit and Melissa's weight gain going. But perhaps, in time, their relationship can become a more loving one in private. The opposite of love isn't hate, after all, but indifference.
Growingsofter 7 years
Growingsofter 7 years
Jazzman 7 years
Great story. I hope eventually Allison can just let go and feed her and be her lover. The end result of fatness would be the same.
Supercode 7 years
Still a grear story! Nice update! By now, it has become apparent that Allison wants Melissa around for more than just humiliation purposes.. although they both obviously enjoy that aspect of their...relationship? It will be interesting to see what comes o
Perenolde 7 years
Great update!
Fondyfa 7 years
This is my favorite story of all time. Thank you
Champ 7 years
Such a great chapter!
Growingsofter 7 years
Mooooooooooore, please. What's Melissa's weight now?
Perenolde 7 years
You know all the right buttons to press with humiliation fiction! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.
Perenolde 7 years
Thanks for sharing! Loved the latest chapter!
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