Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 29

Once again Melissa got so many things that they had to look for another big bag. When she finally held it in her hands and was about to go back to her seat someone yanked the bag out of her hands. "Filling up on your snacks, fatty?" Melissa turned around to see Amy holding her bag with a grin on her face. Amy was a star runner from another school. Back in the day the two of them had a big rivalry going on, even bigger than the one Melissa had with Allison. It was either Melissa or Amy who would usually win a race with Alisson following close behind.

"I got hungry.", Melissa replied. "Oh I bet you did. Gotta work on your figure, don't you, fatty?", Amy pinched her belly and laughed. "Good god, I have heard rumors about you getting fat but I didn't expect this! How pathetic do you have to be to become like this? And what made you think that you can wear this sports uniform? I'm not even able to see if you're wearing any pants because of your disgusting fat gut."

Melissa gave Amy a pleading look. "Can I please have my food back?" Amy smiled. "If you want it, why don't you come and get it?" With that she jumped back and began jogging away slowly. Melissa followed her awkwardly. Her slightly faster waddle caused her whole body to jiggle and she could feel herself getting out of breath. Amy laughed as Melissa couldn't even keep up with her slow jogging. "Having trouble keeping up?" She stopped for a moment to enjoy the sight of the obese girl trying to catch up, her face already red from the slight exercise and her flabby body wobbling with ever step.

As Melissa was about to reach Alisson she continued to jog away, heading for the corner where the rest of her team was sitting. "Look who's desperate to stuff her fat belly again!", she yelled as her team began to laugh. "You really want this food, don't you?", she asked with a grin as Melissa finally reached her. Melissa nodded weakly. "Well, maybe my teammates have more sympathy with you", Amy said as she handed the bag over to another girl. The girl walked over to Melissa and held the bag out for her to grab. Before Melissa could reach it she let out a laugh and jumped to the side, handing the bag over to another girl. Melissa tried desperately to reach the girls but they kept on jumping out of the way, handing the bag to someone else. A year ago Melissa would have no problem to get the bag since she used to be a way faster runner than any of them. But now she was hopelessly outmatched. She followed the girls, feeling her big ass wobble with every movement and her belly slap against her cellulite covered thighs, while they kept laughing and skipping out of the way.

After a few minutes Melissa got too winded to keep this up and finally had to admit her defeat. She let out a groan as her legs gave in and she plopped onto her fat ass causing an immense wave of ripples to flow over her body and her big boobs to slap into her face. As she leaned against a wall trying to catch her breath the girls formed a circle around her. "What a pathetic pig you have become", Amy said as she stepped forward and lightly kicked her belly to make it wobble. She took a donut out of the bag and held it over Melissa's face. Melissa had to heave herself up a little to reach the donut which caused her to let out another loud groan. When she had finally reached it she plopped back and greedily stuffed the donut into her mouth. "Wow, you have really lost all self control and dignity."

Amy crouched down in front of Melissa. She was holding the bag in her hands and Melissa thought she could finally have it. But as she bent forward to grab it Amy pushed her back against the wall and grabbed both of her hands. "You don't get to decide what you're eating, fatty", she said as another girl took out a donut and shoved it into Melissa's face. The girls took turns stuffing Melissa with food from the bag, making sure to smear a decent amout of it all over her face while Melissa was being held down and unable to move. Melissa was overcome with pleasure. She moaned with every bite she took and was just getting turned on more and more by the laughter around her.

Finally Amy let go of her hands, grabbed another donut and stuffed it into her face. Then she tossed the bag a few feet to the side. "I don't think I've ever come across a human being as disgusting as you are. I can't believe I've ever lost a race against you. But I guess that's what happens when you lose all self respect. Now get out of here, unlike you we have to prepare for our races instead of being greedy fat pigs." Melissa nodded and with another groan managed to get herself on all fours. She then slowly crawled a few feet until she was able to reach her bag of food. It took a few tries until Melissa managed to get onto her feet. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and then began waddling away, the laughter of the girls slowly beginning to fade but her arousal staying at an all time high. "Look at this disgusting fat pig, she doesn't even bother to get her face cleaned up", was the last thing she could hear Amy say.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Wow! Great new chapters, especially the latest (32). Thank you so much for continuing this epic. But you have only succeeded in whetting our appetites for more, I hope you realize. smiley
Perenolde 6 years
Thanks for the update! This is my favorite story on the site by a large margin. You are really good at writing domination fiction.
Jdm 6 years
Hell yea! Thanks for posting!
Jdm 6 years
Best story on here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love so more! When yiubhsve tine of course
Fluffylove 6 years
Could you do a follow up,with Mellisa and Allison as girl friends in college. Mellisa has gotten fatter,but now in college Allison starts to become the chunky girl.
Fondyfa 6 years
I was hoping we get a Christmas gift and another chapter. It is still by far my favorite story ever. Thank you for such a great story
Champ 6 years
Hope to read more soon.
Perenolde 6 years
Love it! Always look forward to a new chapter.
Supercode 6 years
Great chaper! I love how secretly symbiotic the relationship between Mellisa and Allison is! Even as Allison is humiliating her former rival, she is secretly giving Melissa exactly what she wants! Cant wait for the next chapter!
Cali 6 years
Hey guys, sorry for taking that long but I finally managed to write another chapter and next one is already halfway done so you can expect another update soon smiley
Champ 7 years
I concur with fondyfa!
Fondyfa 7 years
I hoping for a update soon. It the best story ever. It might be time for a Chloe sighting. Thanks for this amazing story
Supercode 7 years
Great update!
Perenolde 7 years
Great update! Thanks for sharing!
Champ 7 years
Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I just re-read the story and it is amazing. Keep up the good work! cheers!
Fondyfa 7 years
I have read this story more than any story ever on fantasy feeder or dimensions. It the greatest story ever. I loved the chapters with her cousin. How they traded places it so hot. I love everything about this story. I go back to chapter 4 a lot where she
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Hope Allison gets jealous of Amy's team humiliating/turning on Melissa like that! I could see Allison getting possesive like that...
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see how fat she will become next! Excellent story!
Nok 7 years
chapter 28. OMG. That pic of her with the coach needs to be illustrated by somebody.
Ottogerg 7 years
In love
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