Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 4

"I can't be seriously considering that", Melissa thought, "that would just be crazy." She had spent most of the night awake thinking about the idea that she had gotten yesterday. While she at first dismissed her idea as an unrealistic fantasy, the more she thought about it the more she could imagine herself going through with her plan. All she knew for sure was that she wanted to gain some weight really bad and right now she only saw one way to achieve her goal.

Her idea was pretty simple. Melissa knew that surpassing her in popularity and success was all that Alisson wanted. So seeing Melissa getting chubby would feel like winning the jackpot for Alisson. Then why not make her pay for it? Alisson could buy all the food and clothes Melissa would need for gaining. In return Alisson would finally become the schools most popular girl. Melissa knew that Alisson wouldn't turn down her offer, especially since money wasn't an issue for her at all. All Melissa had to do now was to propose the deal to Alisson. The thought of confessing her deepest fantasy made Melissa shiver with fear but also just as much with excitement. "Well I guess its my only option anyway, so theres no point in waisting any more time", Melissa thought as she got into her car, took a deep breath and started driving to Alissons house.

As she pulled into Alissons driveway Melissa tought to herself, "this is it, there is no turning back now." She got out of her car and rang the bell. Steps could be heard inside and Alisson opened the door. Besides being roughly the same height and weight Alisson looked quite different than Melissa. She had dark hair and eyes and in addition a stuck up look on her face 24/7 that matched her personality. "What the hell are you doing here?" Alisson asked looking at Melissa disapprovingly. "I need to talk to you", Melissa replied. "Why would I ever want to talk to you?" Alisson shot back. "Come on", Melissa said, "you'll want to hear this." Alisson sighed. "Alright come in. But make it quick."

"You're kidding, right?" Alisson asked visibly disgusted by what she had just heard. "No, I'm not", Melissa replied. "You want me to pay you to gain weight?" Alisson still couldn't believe it. "Please, I need this", Melissa returned, gathering all her courage to look Alisson straight into the eyes. Alisson laughed. "Well if that is what you want to do with your life then I won't stop you. But we'll play by my rules", she finally said. "I will have total control over your diet, you are going to eat everything I'll put in front of you." Melissa nodded. "Besides that I'll get to decide what you will be wearing and you will have to complete every humiliating task that I put you up to." Once again Melissa nodded silently, too ashamed to look up at Alisson. "Finally and most importantly", Alisson continued, "if you want me to pay for all the food you're going to stuff yourself with, I want to get my money's worth. So if you want me to accept your proposal you'll have to pledge to not only become chubby but to become huge. In fact, I want you to become fatter than any girl in our school is right now."

Melissas eyes widened. "There is no way I'll be able to gain that much weight in one year", she pointed out. "No, you won't be able to reach that goal in just one year. That is why once we'll start college we will get an appartment together so I'll be able to make sure that you're staying on your special diet", Alisson replied. "Hm, the fattest girl at school must be around 300 pounds, don't you think? So for you to become visibly fatter than her we'll set your goal to 350 pounds. For now", she added.

Melissa hesitated. This was going out of control. All she wanted was to get a little chubby, she didn't feel comfortable with becoming huge. On the other hand all the thoughts she had masturbated to popped into her head. She saw herself as a huge fatty waddling by a grinning Alisson and could feel herself getting wet. This was her chance to make her wildest fantasies a reality. All she had to do was to accept the deal. It was all right in front of her. And maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to step out of her comfort zone. After all life starts outside your comfort zone. That's what their track coach always used to say. Funny how something that was meant to motivate Melissa to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle turned out to be just the thing that pushed her in the opposite direction. "Ok", she finally replied, her voice trembling, "let's do this." "Good piggy", Alisson responded, an evil smile on her face that made Melissa weak at the knees, "we'll start with your transformation tomorrow."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Wow! Great new chapters, especially the latest (32). Thank you so much for continuing this epic. But you have only succeeded in whetting our appetites for more, I hope you realize. smiley
Perenolde 6 years
Thanks for the update! This is my favorite story on the site by a large margin. You are really good at writing domination fiction.
Jdm 6 years
Hell yea! Thanks for posting!
Jdm 6 years
Best story on here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love so more! When yiubhsve tine of course
Fluffylove 6 years
Could you do a follow up,with Mellisa and Allison as girl friends in college. Mellisa has gotten fatter,but now in college Allison starts to become the chunky girl.
Fondyfa 6 years
I was hoping we get a Christmas gift and another chapter. It is still by far my favorite story ever. Thank you for such a great story
Champ 6 years
Hope to read more soon.
Perenolde 6 years
Love it! Always look forward to a new chapter.
Supercode 6 years
Great chaper! I love how secretly symbiotic the relationship between Mellisa and Allison is! Even as Allison is humiliating her former rival, she is secretly giving Melissa exactly what she wants! Cant wait for the next chapter!
Cali 6 years
Hey guys, sorry for taking that long but I finally managed to write another chapter and next one is already halfway done so you can expect another update soon smiley
Champ 6 years
I concur with fondyfa!
Fondyfa 7 years
I hoping for a update soon. It the best story ever. It might be time for a Chloe sighting. Thanks for this amazing story
Supercode 7 years
Great update!
Perenolde 7 years
Great update! Thanks for sharing!
Champ 7 years
Anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I just re-read the story and it is amazing. Keep up the good work! cheers!
Fondyfa 7 years
I have read this story more than any story ever on fantasy feeder or dimensions. It the greatest story ever. I loved the chapters with her cousin. How they traded places it so hot. I love everything about this story. I go back to chapter 4 a lot where she
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Hope Allison gets jealous of Amy's team humiliating/turning on Melissa like that! I could see Allison getting possesive like that...
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see how fat she will become next! Excellent story!
Nok 7 years
chapter 28. OMG. That pic of her with the coach needs to be illustrated by somebody.
Ottogerg 7 years
In love
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