Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 31

By the time Melissa was done showering the rest of the girls had already left the locker room. Scared that they would leave without her and she would miss out on the food she hurried over to her locker and got her clothes out. She quickly started to put on her pants but had to slow down as she found it to be too tiring to get dressed at this pace. Once she finally got her pants over her massive thighs and got them to button, which took quite some effort, she threw on a top, feeling her flabby arms jiggle and then hurried out of the locker room.

She waddled over to the parking lot already starting to get out of breath as she was getting closer. Realizing that the other girls' cars were already gone a wave of panic overcame her and she began to waddle as fast as she could. As she reached the middle of the parking lot she finally spotted Alisson waiting for her by the car in the far corner. Alisson signed her to hurry over so Melissa continued her fast waddle.

Alisson watched her closely as Melissa inelegantly made her way to the car. A surge of excitement cursed through Alisson's body as she saw her former teammate's body jiggle violently with every step and she marveled at the thought that it was her doing that this once fit popular athlete had turned into an unfit blob, letting herself be degraded whenever Alisson felt like it. When Melissa reached the car she could see Alisson looking at her with a grin on her face. "Oh come on, don't tell me that shower was all for nothing because you fat pig are already out of breath and sweaty from that short walk." Melissa was too out of breath to answer and opened the car door. Alisson got into the driver's seat and with an amused smirk watched as Melissa plopped her fat body into her seat while loudly gasping for air. The drive to the restaurant took about ten minutes and it took Melissa just that much time to recover and get her breathing back to a somewhat normal level. Melissa was about to heave herself out of the seat when Alisson grabbed her by the belly and looked at her. "You know what you have to do. It's time for you to shine, fatty." Melissa nodded obediently and was then released to make her way to the restaurant.

The rest of the team was already seated inside and they motioned Melissa to a free chair. Her chair was in the middle of the table, the only problem being that it was on the side that was next to the wall and Melissa could immediately tell that it would be a really tight squeeze for her to get there. She sucked in her belly but it didn't help much. As she tried to get through behind the first chair she immediately got stuck and had to forcefull yank herself out so she could continue. This went on with each of the other chairs. Everytime she squeezed through, the girl sitting in the chair got a full load of her boobs and belly, causing Melissa to receive a lot of disgusted looks, comments and also some slaps against her belly or ass. "You girls should be glad that this pig at least has the decency to suck in her fat belly otherwise she would have smothered you all", Alisson laughed. Finally Melissa reached her chair in the middle of the row but quickly realized that the girls on the left and right were sitting to close to her and she wouldn't be able to fit in between them. "What's the problem now, fatty?" Alisson asked. "I need them to scoot over", Melissa said feeling her cheeks get red. She looked up at Alisson, who was looking at her with an expectant look and Melissa knew that she had to continue. "Because otherwise my fat ass won't fit", she elaborated. The girls laughed as they scooted over and Melissa could tell that Alisson was pleased with her answer which filled her with hapiness.

Now that Melissa was finally seated they could order their meals. Each of the girls ordered a small meal while Melissa ordered a meal that was meant to feed three people. While they were waiting for their food all the girls began to talk to each other. A year ago Melissa would have been right there with them, talking about the meet or other activities but now that her whole life only revolved around getting stuffed and lazing around she found it impossible to talk to anyone. So she just sat there, listening to the others talk about their workouts or who had made out with which boy recently while all she could think about was the fattening meal she was about to pig out on.

When the waiter finally brought Melissa's big meal to the table he asked where to put it so all of the three people eating it could reach it. "Oh that's all for her", Melissa said with a grin as she pointed at Melissa. "You know, she once used to be a runner like us but lately she has gotten so greedy that only meals like that somewhat satisfy her hunger." The waiter handed the meal to Melissa who immediately dug in, not paying attention to the disgusted look he was giving her. The girls began slowly eating their meals and talking while Melissa greedily stuffed her face, the rich flavours making her body shiver and causing quiet moans to escape her lips after each bite. Melissa continued pigging out at this fast pace, not caring about getting stains on her cheeks and top, until she had finished her huge meal before any of the girls were even halfway done with theirs.

She leaned back placing one hand on her round belly. After that meal and all the snacks at the track meet she was feeling somewhat full. Nevertheless she was looking forward to order some desserts to fill up her belly some more. The only thing that was bothering her was the tightness of her pants. It had already been hard to button them before the meal and now that her belly was even fuller they were straining even more. Alisson noticed that her piggy was done with her food and looked at the other girls with a grin. "You girls want to see somthing funny?" she asked as she pushed her plate into Melissa's direction. "Hey fatty, I can see that you don't want to stop eating yet. Why don't you have some of my food." The girls giggled as Melissa immediately nodded and tried to reach for the plate but failed multiple times because her belly prevented her from reaching that far. They finally helped her out and placed the plate in front of her so Melissa could dig in eagerly. One after another the girls pushed their leftovers towards Melissa while she devoured everything, not caring where it came from.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Supercode 7 years
Another awesome chapter! And great to see Melissa taking so much joy in humiliating herself for Allison's obvious pleasure. Still think those two should become an actual couple soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Champ 7 years
Cali 7 years
I'm glad you guys like it smiley and don't worry, there is still a lot more to come
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see what happens next. I check for updates almost every day lol
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Please continue this soon!
Mickmac 7 years
Excellent Story looking forward to more chapters.
Blaireau 7 years
Great chapter ! But I would have liked that Melissa takes part in the meeting smiley
Champ 7 years
Thank you for adding more chapters! Cheers!
Honking Ante... 7 years
Waiting for more! Melissa and Alisson are my new favourite pairing now
Supercode 7 years
Very nice! I hope that Allison and Melissa keep the humilation bit and Melissa's weight gain going. But perhaps, in time, their relationship can become a more loving one in private. The opposite of love isn't hate, after all, but indifference.
Growingsofter 7 years
Growingsofter 7 years
Jazzman 7 years
Great story. I hope eventually Allison can just let go and feed her and be her lover. The end result of fatness would be the same.
Supercode 7 years
Still a grear story! Nice update! By now, it has become apparent that Allison wants Melissa around for more than just humiliation purposes.. although they both obviously enjoy that aspect of their...relationship? It will be interesting to see what comes o
Perenolde 7 years
Great update!
Fondyfa 7 years
This is my favorite story of all time. Thank you
Champ 7 years
Such a great chapter!
Growingsofter 7 years
Mooooooooooore, please. What's Melissa's weight now?
Perenolde 7 years
You know all the right buttons to press with humiliation fiction! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.
Perenolde 7 years
Thanks for sharing! Loved the latest chapter!
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