Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 34

The class had already begun when Melissa finally left the locker room and she could hear everyone jogging in circles as a warm up. "Well, look who's finally joining us", she heard the coach say as he looked at her in disgust and disappointment. Melissa looked around the sports hall nervously and realized that Allison must have spread the news about her workout attempts to the whole school as the stands where full of people waiting for the spectacle. Wherever she looked she was met with amused smiles and cameras that were pointed towards her.

She slowly waddled inside, trying to postpone the inevitable as long as possible. Her stuffed belly weighed her down even more and she was panting as she reached the circle everyone was running in. There was no other way now, Melissa took a final deep breath and started running. She immediately felt miserable. Her belly was jiggling all over the place and loudly slapping against her thighs while her giant boobs were bouncing up and down and hitting her in the face. It was incredibly hard to walz her massive thighs past each other and she knew that it didn't look like she was really running. Instead it looked like a slightly faster and more bouncy waddle. It really seemed to amuse her audience though as the hall immediately filled with laughter and cheering. But Melissa didn't really notice much of that. She also didn't notice how her running was about as fast as a normal person would walk and she was passed left and right by other students. All she could think about was the agony her body was in. Her untrained legs felt the weight of every step and were already hurting pretty bad, her chest was burning as she was gasping for air and she could feel her whole body getting drenched in sweat.

Lucky for her the warm up jogging was over after she finished her first round. Now it was time to do some stretching. But while everyone began with that, Melissa was too occupied with catching her breath and cooling down a little. Eventually she figured that it would be best to do some stretches while sitting, that way she could give her hurting legs a little break, so she got down on the floor. Once she was seated she quickly realized that her fat was getting in the way with every exercise she was trying to do. She had gotten too inflexible to do anything properly but she knew that Alisson was watching and wanted her to try, so she kept going. The problem with that was that her fat did not only cause trouble with stretching, it also cut off any air she could breathe when she bent forward. Because of that she didn't get to properly catch her breath and was panting and sweating throughout. She also realized that sitting down might have looked like a good idea but it really wasn't, as soon as stretching time was over. The coach had called everyone around him in a circle and while the other students quickly got over there, Melissa was still plopped on the floor, mentally preparing herself for the strain that standing up would put on her poor body.

The coach paused and gave her an annoyed stare as everyone turned around to observe her struggle to get up. Meanwhile Melissa rolled herself over so that she was now on all fours. She paused for a minute to take some deep breaths while the students on the stands took this opportunity to berate her about how much of a pig she was looking like in that moment. After a minute she was ready to put up one leg and with a loud grunt heave herself into a standing position. She could feel her body crying out for her to stop moving around this much as sweat streamed down her chubby red face. Waddling over to the coach she dreaded what he had planned for the rest of the class.

It turned out that he had set up multiple workout stations where the students were supposed to train at for 5 minutes and then after a short break proceed to the next station. Melissa's first one was rope jumping. The coach blew his whistle and Melissa was in agony once again. She barely managed to get her heavy body off the floor just enough so the rope could pass underneath her. Once again her whole body was seriously bouncing and jiggling all over. Her boobs slapped her face even more and her belly made even louder smacking noises as it hit her thighs. Her ass was also jiggling around and she felt like it was getting more exposed every minute. Even her chubby cheeks were bouncing up at down, as well as her flabby arms as they grew weaker and weaker from the exercise. Every time Melissa managed to jump she inevitably had to let out a moan of exhaustion.

When it was time to proceed to the next station Melissa felt light-headed. Lucky for her the next task was not so much based on fitness but on coordination. Even though she was able to go very slow on this one she realized that she had lost a lot of her coordination due to her not being used to move in such ways with all her recently added fat. Every coordinated move she was trying to make ended up failing and left her looking like a clumsy fatty. It didn't help either that she was unable to see where her feet were stepping as her view was obstructed by the giant wobbly masses of both her boobs and her belly. But she didn't care at this point, she stumbled her way through the exercise and used it to catch her breath a little.

She would need that as her next station turned out to be sprinting back and forth across the hall. All that Melissa wanted to do was to take it slow but she knew that Alisson was watching her and wanted to see her give it all she's got, so she took off running as fast as she could. However she didn't last more than a few seconds before her out-of-shape body forced her to slow down more and more. It didn't help that her stuffed belly made her feel even heavier and soon her running had changed into her regular slow waddle, only with a lot more wheezing. She managed to keep this up for the required 5 minutes and make it to the next station but then collapsed on the floor, unable to do anything else. Her head was spinning as she was laying there, not caring that the next round had already begun and people were telling her to join in. Instead she stayed down on the floor as the groups were passing by. She could hear people on the stands laugh about how little exercise was needed to put her into this miserable state as she was incapable of doing anything else than catching her breath. Even when some people walked up to her to write "Pig" on her belly with a marker and take some pictures of it, all she could do was lay there helplessly and let them do whatever they wanted.

It took a long time but eventually Melissa felt a little better and was able to sit up to see what was going on around her. The class was still going but she could see that it was close to the end and she had no intentions of joining in again. While she was sitting there she was approached by a girl from the stands. "The pig must be thirsty", she said as she handed Melissa a big bottle of soda. It was true, all the exercising had left Melissa really thirsty and overall miserable and a bottle of soda was just the right thing to make her feel better. She smiled at the girl and thanked her before putting the bottle to her lips and gulping down. The sugary sweetness sent a rush through her whole body immediately as if it has been going through a terrible withdrawal. Her abused body craved every sweet calorie and so Melissa gulped down the whole bottle without stopping for a second. She then layed back down on the floor with a smile on her face as the sugar and feeling of her massively bloated belly finally made her feel happy again.

As she was laying there Melissa soon realized that the combination of her exhausted body and bloated belly would make it impossible for her to get up again on her own. She was too tired to even try it, instead she just laid there while the class was over and people were passing her by on the way to the locker rooms. She got a lot of amused looks down at her but no one seemed to be interested in helping her and she began to get worried that she would be left to her own when finally the coach called out two boys to go and help her. As they stood over her Melissa recognized them from being on the track team last year. They grabbed her arms and got her back up on her feet with quite some effort. "I can't believe I ever used to be attracted to you", one of them murmured as he looked her up and down with an appalled look on his face. His look grew even more disgusted as the gas that Melissa had gulped down earlier now forced its way up, causing her to let out a loud burp in response.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 8 years
It's good. SO Good. And realistic in terms of gain pace. Of course more in a month IS possible. With cake batter shakes or heavy cream chugging. 25.30 even 40 lbs in a month has been done by women on this site. They should set a goal for 230 on Thanksgivi
Champ 8 years
We want more!!!😎
Mattnagle 8 years
continues to get better and better, keep it going ,really great read.
Martim92 8 years
It would be interesting, if Allyson would start gaining a few chapters later.
I mean as Melissa gets fatter and fatter, Allyson gets lazier, vanier, because she's the most beautiful girl now and not Melissa, and she exersise less, spend more time with Me
Perenolde 8 years
Thanks for continuing!
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous!
Perenolde 8 years
Great work!
Jazzman 8 years
An unforgettable story. You've done Everything correctly
Perenolde 8 years
I'm interested to see how the dynamic between Melissa and Alisson develops. There is a number of ways it could go!
Jazzman 8 years
Perfect! 20 lbs a month for the first three months. Absolutely within reason given the sloth and overfeeding. She'll probably Still be able to do 12-15 a month even with the moving about that school requires. And holidays! Thanksgiving and Christmas shoul
Twigzybird 8 years
Great stuff man. Keep up the good work
Champ 8 years
Epic chapter! The cliff hanger at the end right before she hears her new weight! Oh maaaan!
Informatio 8 years
Nice story you got me waiting for chapter 10 with that end to chapter 9.
Mattnagle 8 years
Great reading , please keep it going love to see how far the girls wil go. Fantastic so far.
Perenolde 8 years
Alisson is a fantastic antagonist. Perfect foil for Melissa, who was passive even before the deal was made.
Nok 8 years
Love the new chapter. A truly fantastically hot tale.
Qaz 8 years
More pleaseeee!!
Perenolde 8 years
Chapter 8 was fantastic!
Jazzman 8 years
This Plot is Flawless
I have read stories for 16 years. Even wrote a few. This plot line is Unrivalled.
Growingsofter 8 years
Awesome, please continue, soon.
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