Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 35

When Melissa finally had made it home later that day all she wanted to do was lay down on the couch to get stuffed, teased for being such an unfit piggy and then be pleasured into multiple orgasms. At first it looked like she would get all that she wanted. Alisson came into the room with a grin on her face and bags full of burgers that she set in front of her piggy. "Eat", she commanded and Melissa immediately grabbed a burger to stuff into her greedy face. Meanwhile Alisson sat down next to her and began kneading and jiggling her fat. "Look at what happened to you. You failed miserably today, like a pathetic fat pig." Melissa moaned and began stuffing her face even faster while Alisson's hands explored all of her fat body. "Good piggy. Keep eating, I want you to have an even harder time tomorrow. Everybody will see that you're too fat for any kind of activity, all you're good for is eating like a pig and getting humiliated." Alisson kept teasing Melissa as she worked her way through all of the bags in front of her. By the time Melissa had finished all of the food she was dripping wet from being stuffed, teased and jiggled. She spread her legs and lifted her belly so that Alisson's fingers could enter her and work their magic. But today was different. Instead of feeling Alisson's fingers wander between her soft thighs her touches stopped. Alisson stood up and looked down at her piggy. "Get some rest, those following days will be just as hard as this one", she said and walked away, leaving Melissa sexually frustrated and wondering what this was about.

Alisson was right. The following days Melissa woke up with all of her muscles being terribly sore and just the act of waddling around being a serious chore. Each day she would get a big bag of snacks before class to gorge herself on and each day she would put on some way too small outfit and then fail at anything they had to do in PE class. On the second day it was time for Pilates. Once again it didn't help that Melissa had stuffed herself just before starting. She felt way too heavy and weak to hold any of the positions for more than a few seconds and on top of that her fat was getting in the way constantly. Basically all she did in that class was to try for a moment and then collapse on the floor with a loud groan of exhaustion.

On day 3 it was time for Dodgeball. While they could easily hit Melissa with their first throw, her classmates took their time and first threw some balls that missed her just to see her bounce around in her pathetic attempts to dodge. Only when she was visibly exhausted and panting loudly they would hit her and allow her to take a break. A year ago Melissa was one of the best Dodgeball players in her school. Now she had gotten way too slow and weak to hit anyone with her attempts and the others made it a fun game to humiliate her as much as possible before she was too tired to continue.

Day 4 consisted of lifting weights. Again Melissa was confronted with the drastic decline of her fitness over the year. She had to do all the exercises without any weights, the weight of her newly gained fat being enough to cause her to break out in a sweat immediately and cause her to get exhausted after a few repetitions. All that abnormal exercise caused Melissa to come home really tired each day, ready to get stuffed and pleasured. And each day she would get stuffed and get all her fat played with until she got done eating. Then, instead of being allowed to orgasm she was being sent to sleep to "recover from her hard day". So far this had been the worst week of her life as a piggy and the sexual deprivation was slowly driving her crazy with lust.

However, things finally began looking brighter on Friday. Melissa waddled her sore body into class, absolutely not feeling up to the task of working out again. Therefore she was delighted when the coach called her out in the beginning and told her that he couldn't take watching her embarrass herself anymore and she should just sit down in the stands during the class. She knew that she should be embarrassed. The former athlete who is now being called out for getting too fat and unfit to even make it through one week of PE class. But she wasn't embarrassed at all, instead she couldn't hide a big smile as she heard her coach and the whole class turned around to make fun of her. All she felt was immense relief. She didn't even feel the tiniest bit of embarrassment when she made a detour when on her way to the stands and waddled to the vending machine to fill up on snacks that she could gorge on while watching the class. As she was sitting in the stands, shoveling food into her chubby cheeks she felt undiscribable waves of happiness as her already stuffed belly was filled to the max with even more calories.

Melissa felt considerably better that evening when she was laying on the couch being approached by Alisson who had a ton of fast food in her hands. She stuffed herself with a lot more vigor and enjoyed every second of it. Sadly for her, once again Alisson stopped her attention as soon as all the food was gone. This time it was with the reason that she wanted her piggy to be well rested for the graduation ceremony the next day. Melissa had no idea why she had to endure being so sexually frustrated but she knew better than to ask any questions. Alisson had a plan for her and it was her job to be an obedient fatty that lets her do as she pleases.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Supercode 7 years
Another awesome chapter! And great to see Melissa taking so much joy in humiliating herself for Allison's obvious pleasure. Still think those two should become an actual couple soon. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Champ 7 years
Cali 7 years
I'm glad you guys like it smiley and don't worry, there is still a lot more to come
Champ 7 years
Can't wait to see what happens next. I check for updates almost every day lol
Supercode 7 years
Great chapter! Please continue this soon!
Mickmac 7 years
Excellent Story looking forward to more chapters.
Blaireau 7 years
Great chapter ! But I would have liked that Melissa takes part in the meeting smiley
Champ 7 years
Thank you for adding more chapters! Cheers!
Honking Ante... 7 years
Waiting for more! Melissa and Alisson are my new favourite pairing now
Supercode 7 years
Very nice! I hope that Allison and Melissa keep the humilation bit and Melissa's weight gain going. But perhaps, in time, their relationship can become a more loving one in private. The opposite of love isn't hate, after all, but indifference.
Growingsofter 7 years
Growingsofter 7 years
Jazzman 7 years
Great story. I hope eventually Allison can just let go and feed her and be her lover. The end result of fatness would be the same.
Supercode 7 years
Still a grear story! Nice update! By now, it has become apparent that Allison wants Melissa around for more than just humiliation purposes.. although they both obviously enjoy that aspect of their...relationship? It will be interesting to see what comes o
Perenolde 7 years
Great update!
Fondyfa 7 years
This is my favorite story of all time. Thank you
Champ 7 years
Such a great chapter!
Growingsofter 7 years
Mooooooooooore, please. What's Melissa's weight now?
Perenolde 7 years
You know all the right buttons to press with humiliation fiction! This is absolutely one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.
Perenolde 7 years
Thanks for sharing! Loved the latest chapter!
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