Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 5

As Melissa was driving back home her head was spinning. All of what had just happened seemed so unreal to her, she almost expected to wake up and realize that this was all just a crazy dream. But it wasn't. This was all real. And she had just agreed to become a 350 pound fatty.

At home she immediately started pleasuring herself, imagining how her life would change soon. She opened the video of the gaining girl that had started all of this. "Oh my god, eventually I will be bigger than her", she tought as she started to climax. She kept pleasuring herself until she got exhausted from coming multiple times and passed out on her bed.

She woke up the next morning and started to get ready to go to Alisson's house. Summer break had just started and their plan was to make the best out of the 3 upcoming free months. To achive the best results Melissa would stay at Alisson's place for the whole time. Since Alisson's family was really rich Alisson had her own small house where Melissa could stay without being bothered by anyone. Melissa's parents didn't have a problem with her spending the entire break away from home. They were pretty laid back and wouldn't propably even mind Melissa gaining all that weight as long as she was happy.

As Melissa stepped out of the shower she took a look in the mirror. Before her stood a girl with a perfectly toned body most other girls would kill for. But all Melissa could think about was how in a few months all of this would be gone, covered under jiggly layers of fat. Soon nobody would believe her when she would tell them that she used to be the hottest and fittest girl of her school. She could feel herself getting wet once again but resisted to touch herself. It was time for her to leave.

She threw on some hot pants and a tight tank top and said goodbye to her parents. As she was about to open the front door to step outside she realized that this was is it. By leaving the house she would also leave her old live behind, propably forever. Stepping outside would mean stepping into her new life as a greedy fat girl. She reached for the door and stepped outside with a smile on her face.

Alisson also had a smile on her face as she saw Melissa arriving. But hers was more of the mischievous kind. While she at first felt weirded out by Melissa's proposition, after giving it some more thought she now couldn't wait to start turning her into her out-of-control fatty. As soon as Melissa stood at the front porch Alisson opened the door. "Hello piggy. Come inside", she said. "I've got some truly big things planned for you."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 8 years
It's good. SO Good. And realistic in terms of gain pace. Of course more in a month IS possible. With cake batter shakes or heavy cream chugging. 25.30 even 40 lbs in a month has been done by women on this site. They should set a goal for 230 on Thanksgivi
Champ 8 years
We want more!!!😎
Mattnagle 8 years
continues to get better and better, keep it going ,really great read.
Martim92 8 years
It would be interesting, if Allyson would start gaining a few chapters later.
I mean as Melissa gets fatter and fatter, Allyson gets lazier, vanier, because she's the most beautiful girl now and not Melissa, and she exersise less, spend more time with Me
Perenolde 8 years
Thanks for continuing!
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous!
Perenolde 8 years
Great work!
Jazzman 8 years
An unforgettable story. You've done Everything correctly
Perenolde 8 years
I'm interested to see how the dynamic between Melissa and Alisson develops. There is a number of ways it could go!
Jazzman 8 years
Perfect! 20 lbs a month for the first three months. Absolutely within reason given the sloth and overfeeding. She'll probably Still be able to do 12-15 a month even with the moving about that school requires. And holidays! Thanksgiving and Christmas shoul
Twigzybird 8 years
Great stuff man. Keep up the good work
Champ 8 years
Epic chapter! The cliff hanger at the end right before she hears her new weight! Oh maaaan!
Informatio 8 years
Nice story you got me waiting for chapter 10 with that end to chapter 9.
Mattnagle 8 years
Great reading , please keep it going love to see how far the girls wil go. Fantastic so far.
Perenolde 8 years
Alisson is a fantastic antagonist. Perfect foil for Melissa, who was passive even before the deal was made.
Nok 8 years
Love the new chapter. A truly fantastically hot tale.
Qaz 8 years
More pleaseeee!!
Perenolde 8 years
Chapter 8 was fantastic!
Jazzman 8 years
This Plot is Flawless
I have read stories for 16 years. Even wrote a few. This plot line is Unrivalled.
Growingsofter 8 years
Awesome, please continue, soon.
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