Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 6

Melissa walked in, her whole body shaking with exitement. "Here put this on", Alisson said handing her a pair of stretchy leggins and a tank top. "I bought a few of those, they should be stretchy enough to handle your growth for the next three months. I'll buy you some new clothes for our first day of school." Melissa changed into her new clothes, they were a perfect fit for her current slim figure. She wondered how they will look on her once she has spent those 3 months with Alisson. "Alright", Alisson said, "let's get you weighed so we can monitor your progress."

The scales showed 120 pounds. "Ok, I'll write that down. The next weigh in will be on our first day of school. I'm sure we'll see a much higher number by then", Alisson said, winking while she slapped Melissa's ass. "Now we can get started destroying that perfect figure of yours."

Alisson led Melissa into the living room where a large pizza was already waiting for her. "Well piggy, show me what you got", Alisson laughed out loud. Melissa sat down on the couch and hesitantly picked up a slice. She was extremely nervous to eat in front of Alisson. But luckily that nervouseness faded away with every bite she took. By the 3rd slice Melissa had already forgotten about Alisson being in the room. All she concentrated on now was the delicious fattening food filling her belly. Waves of pleasure pulsed through her body as she took bite after bite.

After 2 more slices Melissa was starting to feel full. Alisson noticed that her eating was slowing down and decided that it was time to push her a little. "Come on piggy. This can't be all you've got." She sat down next to Melissa and grabbed another slice. "Lean back and open up that greedy mouth of yours." Melissa did as she was told and Alisson pushed more and more bites into her mouth. Although Melissa was starting to really feel uncomfortably full she wanted to keep going. She wanted to act and feel like a greedy pig and every bite made the wet spot between her thighs grow. When Alisson realized how turned on Melissa was she had to laugh. "Wow, becoming an out-of-shape fatty really makes you get off." She slapped Melissas full belly making her groan with pain.

Melissa pushed herself to finish off the entire pizza. Once they were finished Alisson got up and laughed at the sight before her. Melissa was laying on her back, hands on her belly, moaning from the pain but also pleasure she felt. "That was quite impressive", Alisson said, "if you keep going like that you might even grow out of your stretchy clothes before school starts again. But don't worry if they won't fit you anymore you can just walk around in your underwear. Nobody can see you here anyway and you are not going to leave this house for the next three months. I'll use those three months to turn your mindset into that of a lazy and greedy pig so all you are going to do during this time is to eat and sleep." She grinned and bent forward to whisper into Melissas ear. "Soon you will crave this feeling of being overstuffed all day. I'm going to turn you into my personal out-of-control fatty." Melissa couldn't suppress a moan of exitement, which caused Alisson to smile.

"Alright, I'm going to go for a run. Meanwhile you get some rest. You have far more eating to do later today, piggy." With that Alisson walked out of the room leaving Melissa laying on the sofa hardly able to move. She loved every minute of what was happening to her. She couldn't help but pleasure herself and then dozed off into a happy food coma.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Patotonto 4 years
Now that I think of it, I’d really love to see a story where instead of going to Allison, She just gradually gives up being fit, she stops competing at the highest level, Allison surpasses her as Melissa grows lazier, and she slowly becomes a cow
Plushush 5 years
Depressing to see comments complaining about the sequel being premium. This series is one of the hands down best stories on this sight imo. If you're good at something, never do it for free. Get that money honey.
Cali 5 years
Making it premium gives me a good motivation to make more time for writing, however after 3 months all chapters will become free content, so in the end you'll get more chapters within a shorter time
Kipler 5 years
Whaaa? You have to he a premium member to read the sequel???? DDDD:
GummieTummy 5 years
Argh! That was SO good! I’m so sad to see it end and so anxious for the sequel! I hope Melissa desperately comes to regret her situation and can’t help herself out of it. (he he) Thanks for this wonderfully entertaining story.
Martim92 5 years
Living together sounds good. I hope that hanging out too much with her piggy will have effect on Allison's waistline too.
Kipler 5 years
Dx You're making me cry on the inside!!! But yay! for the sequel. Is it wrong of me to hope for Allison to develop feelings for Melissa? Please continue writing as this is exactly what I come here for.
Jdm 5 years
GummieTummy 5 years
This is so amazing. I want to follow Melissa and Allison through college and grad school! Never let it end!
Perenolde 5 years
Always love when you update!
Fluffylove 5 years
Please keep it coming
Perenolde 5 years
Great update!
1calcom 5 years
Karenjenk 5 years
just wow
i read this all in one sitting.
now late for work.
Supercode 5 years
Great update and glad you are still continuing this! I just hope Allison keeps Melissa around after she reaches her goal weight.
Perenolde 5 years
Thanks for the update! I always look forward to them.
Bruinsean 5 years
Wow! Where has this story been?
Champ 6 years
Excellent! Thanks for continuing this story! I hope you continue to write more in the near future!
Supercode 6 years
Great chapter! Glad you are still posting for this story!
Roguseco 6 years
This is the best story in this site, I keep rereading it, please continue
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