Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 7

"Wake up piggy. It's time for a snack." As Melissa sleepily opened her eyes she saw Alisson standing above her, a cake in her hands. "But I'm still full", she complained. "Oh come on. We need to get your stomach stretched out as fast as posible. And besides that: I know you want to eat this cake." Alisson was right. When Melissa saw the cake in her hands she immediately got excited again. Even though she was still pretty full from the pizza she wanted to be overstuffed again and feel like a naughty piggy. So Melissa sat up and took the first piece of the cake.

Alisson smiled. "See, I know what's good for you, piggy." She sat down opposite to Melissa. "There are some more rules for you to follow during your stay here. First: there are no mirrors in the house and no other surfaces where you can see your reflection. The first time you will see your new figure will be at school. Second: I will take away your cell phone so you won't be able to take any pictures of yourself. And besides that you won't need it anyway. That phone is the last part of your old skinny life that's left, so I'm taking that from you. From now on all you need to be entertained is some food to get stuffed with. And finally: to lower your metabolism and get rid of all your unnecessary muscles you will do as little exercise as possible. You might go to the restroom and take a shower but that's about all you're allowed to do. You will spend the rest of the day on your ass, making it fatter. And even when school has started again you're going to be as inactive as possible."

Melissa nodded, her face full of cake. "But what about the mandatory PE classes? Everybody has to attend those", she replied. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that. All you have to worry about is how you can stuff more food into your belly." Melissa smiled and shoved another piece of cake into her mouth. She loved the way Alisson was taking control over her life. Melissa had always been an independent girl and giving all that up was a huge turn-on for her. All she wanted to do was to let herself go and be at the mercy of Alisson.

Alisson on the other hand loved having all the contol over the girl that always used to steal the spotlight from her. She couldn't wait for school to start again. All the ways she would be able to humiliate Melissa were making her excited. This would be the best year of her life so far.

So both girls were putting all of their effort to make the best out of the summer break. Melissa was constantly pushing herself to stuff more food into her belly than she had the day before. Alisson always provided more than enough food for her and helped her push herself past her limits every day. Soon Melissa lost all sense of time. Every day mostly consisted of eating non-stop. All she lived for was food. Being so overstuffed it hurt was becoming a daily routine for Melissa. She spent most of her time on the couch moaning and rubbing her belly. She was in heaven.
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Patotonto 4 years
Now that I think of it, I’d really love to see a story where instead of going to Allison, She just gradually gives up being fit, she stops competing at the highest level, Allison surpasses her as Melissa grows lazier, and she slowly becomes a cow
Plushush 5 years
Depressing to see comments complaining about the sequel being premium. This series is one of the hands down best stories on this sight imo. If you're good at something, never do it for free. Get that money honey.
Cali 5 years
Making it premium gives me a good motivation to make more time for writing, however after 3 months all chapters will become free content, so in the end you'll get more chapters within a shorter time
Kipler 5 years
Whaaa? You have to he a premium member to read the sequel???? DDDD:
GummieTummy 5 years
Argh! That was SO good! I’m so sad to see it end and so anxious for the sequel! I hope Melissa desperately comes to regret her situation and can’t help herself out of it. (he he) Thanks for this wonderfully entertaining story.
Martim92 5 years
Living together sounds good. I hope that hanging out too much with her piggy will have effect on Allison's waistline too.
Kipler 5 years
Dx You're making me cry on the inside!!! But yay! for the sequel. Is it wrong of me to hope for Allison to develop feelings for Melissa? Please continue writing as this is exactly what I come here for.
Jdm 5 years
GummieTummy 5 years
This is so amazing. I want to follow Melissa and Allison through college and grad school! Never let it end!
Perenolde 5 years
Always love when you update!
Fluffylove 5 years
Please keep it coming
Perenolde 5 years
Great update!
1calcom 5 years
Karenjenk 5 years
just wow
i read this all in one sitting.
now late for work.
Supercode 5 years
Great update and glad you are still continuing this! I just hope Allison keeps Melissa around after she reaches her goal weight.
Perenolde 5 years
Thanks for the update! I always look forward to them.
Bruinsean 5 years
Wow! Where has this story been?
Champ 6 years
Excellent! Thanks for continuing this story! I hope you continue to write more in the near future!
Supercode 6 years
Great chapter! Glad you are still posting for this story!
Roguseco 6 years
This is the best story in this site, I keep rereading it, please continue
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