Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 8

As the days went by Melissa's mindset was rapidly transforming into that of a greedy pig. Her toughts were now circling around food 24/7. Everything else was becoming unimportant to her, her former life degenerating into a distant memory almost as if it had never existed. She didn't think about having to go back to school and having a somewhat normal social life. All that mattered for her was to be laying on the couch unable to move from being overstuffed. She was living in a bubble of food and complete sexual satisfaction.

After what had to be around three weeks Alisson walked into the living room, a sheet of paper in her hand and a grin on her face. "Remember when I told you you didn't have to worry about the PE classes?" Melissa nodded, curious about how she could get out of them. "Well, since my parents are pretty successful they have a lot of connections around town", Alisson said, "some of those happen to be doctors. So I asked in a favor from one of them and in return he wrote me this paper. It's saying that you sustained a serious injury during summer break and won't be able to participate in any athletic activities this school year."

Melissa felt a wave of relief. She had dreaded the day she had to demonstrate to her class mates how out of shape she was getting. And she could really feel that she was getting more unfit every day. All the exercise she did was to take a shower in the morning. After that she would just lay around all day. She couldn't deny the effects this was having on her figure. Every part of her body was feeling softer by now. While a lot of that was due to a layer of fat covering her whole body some of it was also due to the loss of her muscles. They were deteriorating at an alarming rate. Her once toned and muscular arms and legs were now soft and jiggly. Everything she had trained for the past years was quickly disappearing. Her abs were gone as well, replaced by a potbelly and love handles giving her a cute muffin top.

"That's great", she said as Alisson handed her the sheet of paper. Melissa took a look at it and realized that something wasn't quite right with the date on it. "Oh the doctor made a little mistake", she pointed out, "the school year actually lasts one week longer than the date on this paper says. He'll have to change it so I can be the lazy piggy you want me to be." "Oh piggy, you couldn't be more wrong", Alisson answered, "the date on it is perfectly fine. The last week will be your time to shine." She grinned. "You're going to participate in all the athletic activities during our last week of school. I mean we will spend the whole year getting you fat and out of shape it would be a shame if we wouldn't demonstrate our results, don't you think?"

Melissa's eyes widened. This was even worse than having to participate in the PE classes every day. That way people would have at least gotten used to her slowly getting more out of shape every week. But now people will only see her at her fattest and will be shocked at the results. Alisson was going to turn this into a big spectacle for the whole school to watch.

Alisson could see the dread in Melissa's eyes. "Come on, don't be so uptight", she said as she picked up a piece of cake and fed it to Melissa. "Just imagine the awesome feeling of all your flabby fat bouncing around as you try to keep up with all the sexy trained people." Melissa began to imagine herself spilling out of her workout clothes, waddling into the gym while everybody is staring in disbelief. She would be winded before the class would even properly start and people would laugh at the sight of her body jiggling violently with every step and take videos to show to their friends. She became extremely aroused by the tought of all of this becoming a reality soon.

Alisson could see the exitement building up inside Melissa. She grabbed another piece of cake and fed it to her while rubbing and jiggling her belly with the other hand. "You're going to give your class mates a show they will never forget. Come on, tell me that you want this", she demanded. "I do. I want you to make me so out of shape everybody will laugh at me", Melissa moaned, the excitement reaching a new peak. She couldn't help herself but to start masturbating to those thoughts.

Just as her hand reached between her legs it was swatted away by Alisson. "Oh no, piggy. You have to earn that pleasure first." She shoved another piece of cake into Melissa's mouth. Melissa moaned loudly and began swallowing as fast as she could, getting hornier with every piece.

The cake was finished in no time and Melissa was once again left with the familiar feeling of being overstuffed. "Ok piggy. You have earned your right to pleasure yourself now." As soon as Alisson finished her sentence Melissa's hand shot between her legs and she started to masturbate furiously. Alisson got up and laughed. "You really are a pathetic pig", she said, causing Melissa to come in a burst of ecstasy. "Now rest, we'll continue later."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Jazzman 8 years
It's good. SO Good. And realistic in terms of gain pace. Of course more in a month IS possible. With cake batter shakes or heavy cream chugging. 25.30 even 40 lbs in a month has been done by women on this site. They should set a goal for 230 on Thanksgivi
Champ 8 years
We want more!!!😎
Mattnagle 8 years
continues to get better and better, keep it going ,really great read.
Martim92 8 years
It would be interesting, if Allyson would start gaining a few chapters later.
I mean as Melissa gets fatter and fatter, Allyson gets lazier, vanier, because she's the most beautiful girl now and not Melissa, and she exersise less, spend more time with Me
Perenolde 8 years
Thanks for continuing!
Jazzman 8 years
Absolutely Fabulous!
Perenolde 8 years
Great work!
Jazzman 8 years
An unforgettable story. You've done Everything correctly
Perenolde 8 years
I'm interested to see how the dynamic between Melissa and Alisson develops. There is a number of ways it could go!
Jazzman 8 years
Perfect! 20 lbs a month for the first three months. Absolutely within reason given the sloth and overfeeding. She'll probably Still be able to do 12-15 a month even with the moving about that school requires. And holidays! Thanksgiving and Christmas shoul
Twigzybird 8 years
Great stuff man. Keep up the good work
Champ 8 years
Epic chapter! The cliff hanger at the end right before she hears her new weight! Oh maaaan!
Informatio 8 years
Nice story you got me waiting for chapter 10 with that end to chapter 9.
Mattnagle 8 years
Great reading , please keep it going love to see how far the girls wil go. Fantastic so far.
Perenolde 8 years
Alisson is a fantastic antagonist. Perfect foil for Melissa, who was passive even before the deal was made.
Nok 8 years
Love the new chapter. A truly fantastically hot tale.
Qaz 8 years
More pleaseeee!!
Perenolde 8 years
Chapter 8 was fantastic!
Jazzman 8 years
This Plot is Flawless
I have read stories for 16 years. Even wrote a few. This plot line is Unrivalled.
Growingsofter 8 years
Awesome, please continue, soon.
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