Deal with the enemy

  By Cali

chapter 9

Soon Melissa had lost all sense of time. She had no idea what day it was, she didn't even know what month it was. And she didn't care. She existed in a haze of food and masturbation. For sure she had gained a lot of weight but she didn't have a clue how much. Her whole body was soft all over by now and the outfit Alisson had gotten her in the beginning was extremely tight, the tanktop not even coming close to covering up her belly. But since she was only laying around all day she couldn't really feel all the changes that had happened to her body. She was living in her small world of constant overstuffing and the outside world didn't matter to her at all. But that was about to change.

The next morning Melissa was awoken at an unusual time. She didn't know what time it was exactly but it felt earlier than usual. "Wake up, piggy", Alisson shouted out as she entered Melissa's room. "It's time to go to school." Alisson could she the shocked expression on Melissa's face and laughed. "Yes it has been three months that you have spent here stuffing yourself non-stop. And it's impossible to deny the results", she said and shook Melissa's belly. "Now go take a shower and get yourself ready, it's time to show off my greedy piggy to the rest of the world."

As Melissa stepped into the shower she couldn't believe that it had really been three months. She ran her hands over her overfed body. "Well I have definately gained quite some weight but three months isn't that much time so it can't be too much weight." Despite that she felt a knot in her stomach. All she wanted to do was to lay back down on the couch and stuff herself silly again. She wasn't ready for everyone to see how she has changed over the past months. But she knew that there was no escape. She has had her fun now it was time for Alisson to have hers.

She put on some tight panties and a bra her breasts were spilling out of and left the bathroom. Alisson had promised her to buy some new clothes when school starts and Melissa was nervous to see what they would be. For sure it would be some tight outfit that would show off ever new inch of fat on her body. When Melissa entered the living room she saw Alisson standing there with a fake look of concern on her face. "I'm so sorry", Alisson told her, "I totally forgot to get some new clothes for you. So I decided it would be best for today if you just wear your clothes that you came here in." She grinned and handed Melissa her old hot pants and tank top. Melissa's face went pale as Alisson walked past her and slapped her ass making it jiggle. "I'm going to get ready myself so you'll have some time to get into your outfit. But that shouldn't be a problem, right? After all you are the schools top athlete." Alisson left the room laughing.

"This isn't good." Melissa thought as she looked at her old clothes in concern. She was expecting Alisson to make her wear someting too tight but she had no clue Alisson would be so bold to make her wear her old clothes. There is no way they would fit. Melissa grabbed her hot pants and started to pull them over her legs. As soon as they went past her knees it became hard to pull them up more. Melissa had to jump around for quite some while until she was somehow able to stuff herself into them. "Oh god, I have really gotten fat", she thought as she was catching her breath form all the exercise. Even though she was able to get them on, her pants weren't close to fitting. They were cutting into her legs making it look like she was spilling out of them. "Thank god they are made out of a tough material, otherwise they would have ripped by now.", Melissa thought as she looked down at her pants in disbelief.

Her next problem was that there was no chance to get them buttoned. She would have to spend the whole day walking around with her pants unbuttoned. Since there really wasn't anything she could do about that Melissa went on and put on her tank top. Again she was in shock at how tight it had become. It wasn't even coming close to covering up her belly, it was rather just reaching the top of it. Besides that her boobs were spilling out of it. "Wow, I must really look ridiculous in these clothes", Melissa thought and felt her panties getting wet.

Finally Alisson came back. "Wow, that's what I call a good piggy", she said and smiled. She was completely satisfied with the image before her. Alisson herself was wearing a somewhat similar outfit to Melissa. The difference was that it fit Alisson perfectly. She had been working out extra hard during the break and by now she looked like a stunning, fit goddess. Alisson could see Melissa staring at her body so she smiled and ran her hands over her perfect curves. "Remember when you had a body like that", she grinned. "You really look amazing", Melissa answered, "you must have been working out like crazy lately." "Well, I can't say the same about you", Alisson said and grabbed Melissa's belly making her blush. "You know what? I thought it would be fun for you to know how fat you have gotten before going to school without knowing how you actually look." Alisson continued. "So i'd say it's time for your second weigh-in. And just so you know: you look pathetic."
36 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Perenolde 8 years
You have a knack for pacing. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds!
Champ 8 years
Greatly anticipate the following chapters!👍🏼
Zinthra 8 years
Great story so far!! Loving the buildup and can't wait to see where it goes!
Jazzman 8 years
Wish I could hit "Like" after every chapter. Such a great story line. A few misspellings are just going to be something to expect I guess. Great Job! smiley
Fatlilboy 8 years
Wow - amazing beginning.
Giantjay 8 years
What a great setup! Can't wait to see how this unfolds. Well done!
Supercode 8 years
Darn double post! LOL
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Supercode 8 years
Nice story so far! I wonder if Melissa doing this will actually make Alison get off via a previously undescovered fat fetish or just being into humiliation. That would make things interesting for both girls...

Either way, hope you continue this sto
Jazzman 8 years
Chapter 4 is Hot! She's going to be very Fat when school starts. Probably 185 or 200. Will Allison make her be on the cross country team? Or at least go to the first practice and miserably fail to finish?
Jazzman 8 years
Proceeding Nicely!
Jojo123abc 8 years
Nice start!
Sonic16 8 years
make it that melissa can't gain weight as she'd like and over the summer allison gains a lot of weight that turns melissa on
Jazzman 8 years
This is Great. So much potential. I would assume that she is Also a cross country runner which takes place in the fall.
I've seen female runners who lose speed over their career .From. unintentional gaining. This is going to be Fabulous
Big Easy 8 years
LOVE IT! This story is feels so personal to me because the way she got into being fat is exactly how I got into fat admiration and feederism smiley
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
Badjane 8 years
great start hope to see more
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