The kidnapping

Chapter 9

He pulled into the driveway of his home and turned the car off placing his forehead against the steering wheel. He was still trying to assimilate the fact that he was now free again. He was naked in his car with a huge gut and no idea of where he had been or who had done any of this to him, but, he was free. Thanking god he had his keys and it was still dark outside he made his way into his house. Turning on the lights he saw his mail had been picked up and placed on his kitchen counter. He was sure his family was freaking out by now hell he was freaking out. He went into his bedroom and flipping on the lights he walked toward the bathroom off the side. As he journeyed past the mirrors on the outside of the closet doors he jumped. All he caught in the very corner of his eye was a big person. Stopping dead in his tracks he slowly turned toward the image in mirrors. Staring back at him was a total stranger. He touched his face and saw the man in the reflection do the same there was no denying it really was him. His double chin was slightly scratchy to the touch. His chiseled cheekbones were gone in their place was puffy chipmunk cheeks. Looking further down he was not completely prepared for the sight of that mighty rounded out belly that stuck out in a way he just was not quite prepared for. Turning to the side he ran a hand over the expanse and looked at himself. He just could not equate what he was seeing. He sat down on the edge of his bed and felt completely dazed. Then getting back up he took a shower and toweling off wandered back into his kitchen and looking through his cupboards found a box of cookies and sitting down in a kitchen chair taking out a few of the sweet treats thought about how he was going to explain all of this to his family and friends and as he kept eating he found himself once again aroused.

Within an hour he had gotten on his phone and called his family and friends to let them know that he was once again at home. Naturally they all wanted to know what had happened to him. As his stress grew he looked through his cupboards for even more things to eat. He fortunately had always kept things pretty stocked around his house. Although quite frankly right now the biggest issue he had found was trying to find clothes to put on. All of his normal clothes were obviously too small for him now the only thing he could actually squeeze into at all was a pair of stretchy pj bottoms that had been really baggy when he left and were now tight as could be and a t shirt that barely covered his middle. The t shirt kept riding even higher the longer he talked to people on the phone because he kept eating away. he had become so used to the feeling of being full he hardly knew what it felt like and it felt just not normal anymore not to be full. His mother would be there in a few minutes and of course most of the people he talked to wanted to know why he had not called the police yet?? He had no idea how to even begin to explain what had happened to him exactly and really did not want to talk to the authorities tonight he just wanted to lock his doors and calm himself. A moment later his mom was ringing the doorbell. He took a deep breath and opened the door to her.

Oliver's mom came flying across the thresh hold and into his arms. She began sobbing on his shoulder so happy to see him and so relieved he was still alive. She clung to his neck for a good ten minutes refusing to let go of him. Finally calming down a bit she stepped back to really look at him and wasn't quite sure what to say except, “what happened to you?" Oliver sighed and led mom over to a chair next to his sofa. They both sat as Mom took his hand. Oliver began his twisted tale about going into the bar that night and waking to find himself strapped down. He told her about the forced feeding and the drugs he was fed. He tried to limit the details about the sex involved it was really the last thing he wanted to talk about with his Mother. He watched the expressions on her face as he told her about the fact that he had no idea who had taken him or where. Mom squeezed his hand and told him that she was just happy he was home. They talked about calling the police and reporting everything, but, Oliver just wanted to put the whole thing behind him and move on with his life. Mom didn't really like the idea, but, it was his experience and she knew as an adult she had no real choice and except to respect his decision. A few hours later his Mother reluctantly left and Oliver locked his door up again tired and just wanting to sleep in his own bed.

That night as he lay in bed he dreamed about his experience. He dreamed of being stuffed full and woke to the sound of his stomach grumbling for food. He lay still for a few minutes rembering he was back in his own place. Getting out of bed he went to his kitchen in search of food and comfort and that high he was now so used to. After filling his gnawing belly he was not surprised to find himself once again aroused and taking his box of cookies with him went back to his bedroom and climbing back into bed kept eating as he comforted himself in another way. Julia had completed her true plan even now that he was free he was not free of the addiction he now had.

The next day after ordering more clothing online for overnight delivery he had had to take his measurements so he knew what size he was horrified to discover he was now almost a 3x. He settled down on his couch and falling asleep he had those dreams again. The next day after his new clothing arrived and dealing with the delivery girls stares at his body almost bursting completely out of his pj's and t shirt he got dressed and went to the grocery store.

His accounts had not been used at all while he was gone. He owned his house and the only bills he had had were utilities. He knew he had plenty of money to buy what he wanted at the store. His family owned a construction company and he was a partner with his dad. His Mother continued to run things while he was gone as his father was no longer with them. The construction company was part of the reason he had actually been able to keep his body in such a mazing shape for all those years after school. Walking down the aisles he found himself drawn to all the fattening treats and foods he had been stuffed with all the time he had been held. He filled his cart full before he even realized what he was doing. Just thinking about stuffing himself full again later he was turned on. He saw the pointed looks from the skinny girls walking by him in the isles. He knew they were thinking well it's no wonder he's so fat just look at all that. The strange thing was although it would have bothered him not long ago and the truth is he knew he had given similar looks to people himself when he had seen someone else in his shoes he could not bring himself to care much in fact as odd as it seems he actually found himself enjoying those stares just a little. He had always gotten stares in the past and admittedly it had been because of his rock hard abs yet now it was almost liberating not to have to think about them they were at least at present not coming back any time soon.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 7 months
I don’t know how I missed your stories.

This is just so erotic.

Thanks for sharing your talents and this tale. We
FrecherTyp 8 years
my that was hot puhh !!! ;-)

hehe i liked the revenge in it and the team up :-) and it would have been nicer when he got one of the girls in the end yolo ^^ maybe one would pretend to be a fitness instructor to see him struggling so hard trying to loo
Badhansel 11 years
Have to say that you have a deliciously wicked story line that I just love, Barbie. Thanks!
Raido 12 years
Loved the story! Almost envied the guy of getting so much undivided attention.
Nerdy Girl 12 years
Thanks guys I appreciate the thumbs up :-)
Balloon 12 years
Lovely story!
Supercoop 12 years
That was awsome, I have a month to kill!
Daj462 12 years
Nice story smiley