Southern belly

Chapter 4

Her Mom called, “Dinner, Bobby Jo and Matt!” Bobby Jo giggled, patting her belly looked at me and smiled, “Watch this Matt!”

We went and sat down at the table. I did not sit next to Bobby Jo, but across from her. She winked at me and one of her sisters sat down on either side of her. Her Mom set a massive plate covered with rich casseroles and macaroni. Each sister began to literally shove food into Bobby Jo’s mouth, she was chewing and smiling. Bobby Jo finished one plate, another appeared then a huge slice of pie with ice cream. She finished everything put in front of her. I was in awe. I always knew from the first week or two that Bobby Jo had a big appetite, but her performance today was beyond even my fat girl loving imagination!

I helped Bobby Jo up from the table. She deliberately pressed her engorged belly into me without her Mom seeing us. She whispered, “Matt, come with me I know a place we can be alone. I need you to rub my belly, I am so stuffed, I feel like I am going to burst! Burp! Oops sorry, excuse me!

I had to help her walk/waddle out in back of their barn. There were a couple of old lawn chairs there. I helped Bobby Jo lower herself onto a chair hearing it creak under her weight. She smiled at me and then lifted up her dress revealing her engorged orb of a belly, straining against the shiny white nylon of her panty. “Matt please rub my belly, I am so full!” She pleaded.

I turned the other chair to face her and placed my hands on her belly gently shaking it. Bobby Jo let out a huge burp. “Oh Matt that feels so good!” she sighed. I continued massaging her belly, much to our mutual delight. “Bobby Jo what is this spot?” I asked. She giggled, “My sisters and I used this spot to make out. Mom knew about it, but she felt at least she knew where we were. She told us when she was in high school she and dad would come out here to make out and eat. Dad was a lineman on the football team and Mom was the fat cheer leader!”

It was getting late and both of us we tried from the drive. Bobby Jo said she would have to get up really early for “breakfast”. I helped her walk/waddle back to the house, she pressed herself up against me and I lowered my face to meet her lips. “Matt, I need to get to bed. I love you so much!”

I went upstairs right behind her enjoying the view! We kissed again and Bobby Jo went into her old bedroom and I went into her sister’s old room.

Bobby Jo was right about breakfast. I got up early around six thirty and went downstairs. She was at the kitchen table with a plate full of waffles, smothered in syrup. There were two more plates under that one! She was cutting the waffles and stuffing them into her mouth, not even trying to keep the syrup from dripping onto her boobs or chin. She looked and smiled with her mouth full.

I sat down and her Mom put a plate of waffles in front of me. My plate only two waffles, Bobby Jo’s had six. I ate mine while watching Bobby Jo gleefully stuff herself under her Mom’s watchful eye.

When she was finally done (two more servings) I helped her up and we went out on the porch so Bobby Jo and could rest and digest! Her Mom brought out a box of donuts about forty-five minutes later and Bobby Jo laid into them finishing them in minutes.

An hour later her Mom called us for lunch. We went into the kitchen and there was a huge platter of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, potato salad and chips, served with whole milk or regular soda. Again, her Mom made sure that Bobby Jo got totally stuffed.

It was too hot to go back out on the porch and Bobby Jo was full and tired. I helped her into the living room and got her on the couch. She lay there with her bloated, engorged belly sticking up in the air. I gently rubbed it until she fell asleep.

I felt the floor shake and Bobby Jo’s Mom came up behind me. “Matt, dear, can we talk?” “Oh sure Ma’am.” I replied.

I following her Mom back into the kitchen. She turned and said, “I hope you aren’t upset with me for fattening up Bobby Jo. It means so much to me that the girls wear my wedding dress. I was so worried about Bobby Jo when she was seeing the awful boy who made a daughter of mine get thin! Matt it was awful seeing her get skinnier and skinnier. I am so happy she met you Matt. I was so thrilled when she told me she was gaining weight again and that you encouraged her too!”

“Thank you ma’am I really do love Bobby Jo so much, she as so beautiful and such a nice person, the customers at the diner love her.” I said. Mom replied almost in tears, “Thank you Matt, I know my Bobby Jo is in good hands with you.”

Just then we heard a loud burp, “Burp, Matt where are you?” Bobby Jo called from the living room. “I am in the kitchen talking with your Mom.” I went back in the living room, Bobby Jo’s house dress had ridden up on her belly revealing her tight, white nylon panties. Her Mom waddled in behind me. “Bobby Jo, dearest, it looks like it only took three nice big meals to fill you out. Let’s try on my dress again.

I helped Bobby Jo up, as she took the opportunity to press her belly into me again. She waddled into the den and pulled off the house dress. In just a bra and panties she pulled the dress over herself and smoothed it out. It was perfect fit. We were all thrilled. Mom called the sisters and told them the wedding was tomorrow morning.

Bobby Jo pulled the dress off. Her Mom came up to her and poked her belly, “Bobby Jo we better get you married before this dress is too small!” Bobby Jo giggled, “That’s right Mom, because I’m hungry again!”

Since it was just a family ceremony, we could have the service pretty much anytime. Mom called their pastor and he was happy to oblige. The sisters and their husbands were ready too.

The next morning at eleven, I became the happiest man in the world marrying at awesome BBW. Bobby Jo waddled toward me, escorted by one of her brother in laws. Her Dad weighed nearly four hundred pounds and could not walk that far. He did give her away.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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RFBurton 12 years
Superb!! I DEMAND a sequal.....Time Marches On!!! A few years later maybe?
Fanedfox 12 years
Thanks I appreciate the feed back!
Giantjay 12 years
A nice, innocent story, very well written.