
chapter 3 - into the evening

Putting her hands out to her sides, she gingerly propped herself up, panting a little. Her belly was just so heavy, but again she needed a bit more to eat. It was a bit late, but she felt maybe some pop tarts would do. Waddling into the kitchen, she again rummaged through the cupboards pulling out the pop tarts box and looking at it. "12 toaster pastries huh... I wonder if that will even be enough" she said as she rubbed her hugely round belly. "Let's see." Shoving a couple of the pop tarts into the toaster, it was only a few seconds before they were all toasted up and all ready for her to eat.

Sitting down she shoved both of the pop tarts into her mouth, feeling the sweet warm filling hit her taste buds. "So good" she thought, "need more". She toasted another two pop tarts and then more and more. Before long she was lying back moaning softly while rubbing her incredibly stuffed belly, empty box of pop tarts and bare plate in front of her. Her belly gurgled gently as it worked away to digest all of the sweet pastries she'd just consumed. She was amazed that she just seemed to be able to keep eating and eating somehow and still not quite get full.

As time passed by, it hit close to dinner time, and fierce hunger pangs hit her once again. It didn't matter that she'd eaten so much throughout the whole day already, right there and then she needed to eat. Rubbing her pregnant looking belly she slowly got to her feet and carefully wandered over to the cupboard and fridge, grabbing all the ingredients she needed to make her meal - some lasagna. As she worked away on crafting the meal, cooking and layering the meat, pasta and sauce, she gulped down some more soda and snacked on a couple of potato chips to try and sate her groaning belly.

Eventually the lasagna was done, and she sat down to dig in. "I know I'm hungry, but am I going to eat this whole thing?" Her belly just let out another growl in response. Bracing herself, she took a bite of the lasagna. As soon as she tasted it, she knew she'd have to have more. She spooned out more and more of the meal, eating it like she was starving, belly bloating out and expanding as it stretched out to fill with her dinner. She ate and ate and ate and ate, gulping down some water to wash it down with, and before long she was lying there with her belly looking more massive than ever before.

Breathing heavily, she looked down at the results of her gorging. Her belly now resembled a gigantic soft and swollen globe, filled and stretched to the very limit with food and drink. It was audibly gurgling and sloshing as it tried to contain her day's worth of eating within it. She could feel its contents shifting around inside her trying to keep steady. Her shirt had lifted up almost entirely. Rubbing her bloated abdomen, she closed her eyes and tried to soothe it as much as she could. There was no way that she could move, all she could do was sit there and let it digest.

After some time, right on cue, the cravings came back. Looking at the hour, she thought that it was about time for dessert. She tried to get to her feet, but to her shock she suddenly found that she couldn't! Her stuffed and gorged belly was just way too heavy for her now, and there was so much of it in the way to bend and get up properly. Straining, she sort of rolled over onto her side, then pushed down hard with her hands and eventually managed to rise up from her chair. She took it very easy this time when entering her kitchen for more food.

"Cake" she thought, "that's what I'll have". She'd already baked a chocolate cake the other day in preparation to have it with some friends when they came over, but it looked like that plan was right out the window. All she could feel was terrible cravings for cake, so much cake. Grabbing the cake out of its container she roughly shoved it over onto her table, got a knife and began to cut and eat slice after slice. It tasted incredible, she could feel the rich frosting just melt in her mouth, and she savoured the strong and dense flavour of the chocolate cake itself.

Finishing off the entire cake, she gulped and rubbed her swollen balloon of a belly. It was so large by now that she looked pregnant with twins at this rate. As she soothed it, she realised just how full and heavy and tired she felt - it was time for her to go to bed and rest it all off. Carefully getting up for the last time that day, she walked off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then she started getting into bed. The bed creaked heavily beneath her weight, and she shifted around to lie on her back, gazing down at the vast dome of her tummy sticking up underneath the sheets. Listening to the gentle gurgles of her stomach as it digested all of that food, she drifted off into sleep.

The next morning she jolted awake as her alarm went off. "That was quite a crazy day I had yesterday" she thought as she yawned and stretched out. As she looked down, she saw her tummy definitely didn't appear as it did the previous morning. While it wasn't massively swollen out like it was, there was distinctly a new layer of fat on it, all of her abs were just gone and buried beneath all the softness, and overall she could feel the extra weight in there, like it was a little bloated. She felt her newly fattened tummy over, gently rubbing and squeezing it and seeing how plump, soft and sensitive it was to the touch. Just then, it let out a loud growl of hunger, and she realised she felt like she was starving. "Here we go again" she said to herself, and got up to make some breakfast.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 7 years
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Dicklovesbabs 7 years
I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, this is a great way to end the story. On the other hand, she's clearly just getting started and I want to see what happens next.
Darkwarrior 7 years
Hopefully there will be more as inspiration strikes. You write very well and I'd love to see your descriptions as her hunger continues and her capacity grows.
Dicklovesbabs 8 years
I think this is my favorite story on this site.
Bradypig 8 years
Excellent, more please!
Noarthereonl... 8 years
intriguing introduction smiley
Hallster 8 years
Excellent start