Fat little piggy boy

Chapter 2 - fat little piggy boy

"But I still have some much tasty goodies left," she said with a sad face. She then went off to a counter and came back with two trays full of four dozen cupcakes frosted with think pink frosting. She slid her finger on one and got a nice amount of frosting to cover her finger. She then forced Toby to lick it off.

Toby slowly licked the finger clean. "But I'll explode..."

Amanda laughed. "Now would I allow my fat little piggy boy to explode?" She then proceeded to force all 48 cupcakes in to Toby's mouth.

Toby was barely conscious when he was done. All he could do was moan, groan, and burp. Before he could get any awareness back, Amanda had put the funnel back in his mouth as was pouring a very sweet syrup down his throat.

"You are getting so full!" Amanda exclaimed.

It was then that Toby's chair gave out and brought him back in to awareness. He made a load thud when he hit the floor. He could feel his whole body wobble and jiggle around. Soon his shirt and shorts exploded off of him, leaving him in only his very tight tighty whites and the socks and shoes he had on.

Amanda erupted in laughter and quickly got on the floor next to Toby. She began to shake his belly up and down and then fondle his tits. "Did fat little piggy boy break his chair and drop on his ***?" she cooed.

Toby was lost on what to do and began to cry.

"No, don't cry," Amanda pleaded. "Amanda will make it better."

Toby then felt Amanda's hand make its way to his underwear. She then began to message his dick outside of his tight undies. Soon Toby could feel himself getting hard. Then he felt Amanda tear off his briefs and start jerking him off. With little time, Toby came in to Amanda's hand.

"Oh God," Toby muttered.

"Oh Amanda," Amanda corrected him.

Toby lay on the floor collecting himself while Amanda cleaned herself up. He then noticed that Amanda was taking off his shoes and then socks. He then watched as she began to clean him up with a washcloth.

"My fat little piggy boy is so messy," she said wiping off Toby's chubby face.

"What am I going to wear home," Toby uttered as he realized his outfit was ruined.

Amanda giggled. "I have something that can fit a fat little piggy boy."

Toby was unsure as he watched Amanda leave out of sight and then return with some white piece of clothing. When Amanda unfurled it, he discovered that it was an oversized diaper.

"What is that?" Toby questioned in fear.

"It's what fat little piggy boys wear when they outgrow their clothes, silly."

Toby wasn't sure how to react, but soon found his legs being lifted up, and soon his ass. He was surprised Amanda was able to left his heavy bottom off the floor. Apparently she was stronger then she looked.

"There," Amanda stated once the oversized diaper was pinned on Toby. "Now my fat little piggy boy is ready to go home." She then helped Toby sit up and then get up on his feet.

"But I can't leave looking like this," Toby whined.

"Does my fat little piggy boy want to stay with Amanda then?" she asked gleefully.

"But my stepmom will wonder where I am," Toby exclaimed.

"The stepmother that calls you fat and makes you diet and exercise?"

"But I have to let her know..."

"Don't worry about her," Amanda said gently rocking Toby's belly from side to side with her hands. "Let me worry about that. You worry about being the best fat little piggy boy you can be."

Toby sighed. "So you will take care of me?" he asked with a hangdog expression.

"Of Course," Amanda said and then gave Toby a kiss on the cheek. She then took him by the wrist and he followed her, waddling the best he could, to the back of the house.

"This will be your room," Amanda sad gleefully opening a door.

Toby was baffled when he looked in to the room. It was covered in yellow wallpaper with cute little pink pigs dancing everywhere. There was a yellow dresser with little pink piggy figurines decorating the top of it. Then there was a bed that looked reinforced, with yellow sheets that had a great big pink pig smiling on it. Right above the bed was a dancing mobile hanging from the ceiling that had a half dozen pigs dangling from it. Then in the corner he saw what looked like a fancy digital scale with a large pad on the floor to step on and a box attached to the wall to display numbers.

Before he could respond to anything in the room, Amanda made him waddle over to the large pad. Toby stepped in and began to hear the beeps begin to sound.

"388 pounds!" Amanda squealed. "My fat little piggy boy is almost at 400!"

"388?" Toby questioned. "But I was only 297 this morning..."

"That's 91 pounds you've gained!" Amanda said slapping Toby's diaper covered butt. "We'll make it more tomorrow."

"More tomorrow?" Toby said scared.

"Don't worry," Amanda said rubbing Toby's belly. "Once I get you to 500, I'll let you steady out. Well maybe 600!"

Toby got real nervous and was then led to his new bed. He lay down and Amanda told him she'd be right back. He looked up at the dancing pig mobile and sighed. Amanda soon returned and he was forced to sit up in bed while she cuddled up next to him. He then noticed the big bottle she had in her hands.

"Open up," she commanded.

Toby didn't have much of a choice as the nipple from the bottle was forced between his lips. He was still very full, but began sucking and started to taste the warm and sweet milky liquid pour in to his mouth.

When he finished the big bottle, he was rather sleepy and very gassy. He was moved forward on to Amanda's shoulder and was patted on the back. He then burped and farted at the same time. Amanda laughed.

"Now time for bed," Amanda said leaning Toby down on to a pillow. She then proceeded to cuddle up tightly to his soft, flabby body and fall asleep with him.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 12 years
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DiapeeBaybee 1 year
I would love to hear more about diaper baby Toby.
Love that you added the diaper aspect into the story, I wish more writers here did!
Blubberjiggler1 10 years
I would love to be the young tubby Toby and have a beautiful older woman playfully tease me, poke and jiggle my fat and feed me pies until I was a bed-ridden bloated blimp
Fredi 10 years
I want more
Plumply45 11 years
More please...mmmm
Nathel112 11 years
Liv it
Collegeguy2514 12 years
great story! would love to hear more.
DikkeGert 12 years
Please much more about Fat Toby and his bulky diaper. Wish i was toby