The new assistant part 1

chapter 2

What do you want me to do with them?"

"Shit! Sorry, I almost forgot, Anita. Alright, show the first one in."

She hated interviewing. She hated asking all those questions, putting people on the spot. She hated the thought that she might miss the right hire and pick the wrong person to be her new assistant. After eight interviews, she was mentally exhausted and a little depressed. No one seemed right for the job. She so badly wanted to scurry home and soak in a hot bath with a glass of red wine, but she still had one more interview to go.

And then he walked in. And suddenly, the world seemed like a kinder place.

Kate jumped out of her chair to shake his hand. "Hi, Kate Carlson."

"Hi, I'm Matt Tucker."

She stared at him just a little too long before coming to her senses. "Please, have a seat." She could feel herself blushing.

He gave a little laugh and said, "Thanks," before settling into the chair nearest her desk. She sat down, smoothed her hair with her hands, then started shuffling papers around, looking for his resume.

"Matt Tucker, Matt Tucker...ah, here you are. Alright! Tell me a little bit about yourself," she said a little too brightly. She looked up at him and gave him a big smile. She knew she must have seemed slightly crazed. She hoped there wasn't spinach stuck in her teeth from lunch.

He gave a little laugh again and smiled. "Well, I just finished up at the University where I graduated in marketing, and I'm currently working on my master's...," but Kate was only half-listening. She was trying extremely hard not to mentally undress, really, that had landed in her office in the last hour of the worst workweek in recent memory.

He was young. Way too young for her, probably 25, tops. He had dirty blonde hair that he wore short and slightly spiky. He had lovely brown eyes that crinkled in the corners when he flashed his killer smile, which was made even better by a cute little dimple in his left cheek. But his body--oh--his body. He was pretty average height, probably about 5'10", but he had to be at least 220, maybe 230 lbs. Not huge, but deliciously chubby, nonetheless. He had the beginnings of a double chin, and little man boobs that were slightly visible through his dress shirt. When he first walked in, his love handles and cute belly were the first things she noticed. Now, with her desk between them, she was trying not to be too conspicuous about staring at his middle. She knew she was probably failing miserably.

She would come out of her reverie long enough catch the tail end of what he was saying and ask him another question, and then return to studying his adorable boyish face and soft body. As they were finishing the interview, she was tempted to hire him on the spot, but she knew that she really needed to do a second round of interviews, with him and at least one other candidate. She didn't want to seem unprofessional (or overeager). Plus, although he seemed to be the right person for the job, she was afraid it was just her hormones talking.

They wrapped things up and stood to shake hands. "Well, Matt, I'm going to be doing second interviews next week, so I'll be sure to have Anita give you a call to set that up! Thank you for coming in." She beamed at him and again hoped that she didn't seem too over-eager.

"Thank you, Ms. Carlson. I'll be looking forward to it." He flashed that amazing smile again and Kate went a little jello-y inside. Did she imagine it, or did he wink at her?

"Oh, you can call me Kate!" she giggled. Oh, my gosh. What was she, 19 years old? He needed to go, before she lost it completely.

He turned to leave, and that's when she caught the first glimpse of his ass. Icing on the cake. His slacks were possibly purchased 20 lbs ago, and they hugged every curve of his sizable derriere. She stifled a moan as she moved to close the door behind him.

As she was leaving for the day, she stopped to talk to Anita. "So, how were the interviews, Kate?"

"You know, they went pretty well, in the end. Can you set up second interviews with Matt Tucker and, ah, Jenny Stokes for next Tuesday?"

"Sure, Jenny Stokes and Matt Tucker...wasn't he the chubby guy that came in last?"

"Was he chubby? I didn't really notice...." Kate smiled to herself and practically skipped all the way to her car.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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Obsessed 4 years
I simply could not resist my favourite story for the umpteenth time..
Miss talking to you, sir x
FrecherTyp 9 years
hehe i loved the scene when he was eating so much just right beside her cubicle and she had a hard time not jumping at him smiley
Obsessed 11 years
This is the second time i have read this in only a couple months.. my fantasy pinned to a T and my most favorite story on here!! Xx
Lizzyny 12 years