The new assistant part 1

chapter 7

"Yay! Kate brought treats!" Anita called out. Kate realized it had been a while since she'd brought in anything, definitely not since Matt started working for her. She took them to the break room and six or seven employees followed her in, including Matt. She was like the pied piper.

"Alright, kids, have at them! Just don't make a mess." Feeling bold, she winked at Matt on her way out. He just grinned at her.

An hour later, he poked his head into her office. "Those cookies are AMAZING. I think I ate, like, a dozen of them. What do you put in them?"

"Milk and dark chocolate chips, browned butter, and toasted pecans. Glad you like them." She smiled at him. "Just don't make yourself sick!" (But please keep eating them! she thought to herself.)

"Oh, don't worry. I don't think I could. They're like magic cookies or something...." He wandered off to grab a couple more before going back to his office.

"Mmmm, magic cookies," Kate murmured to herself. "Let's hope so."

A few weeks after Operation: Treats started, Anita stopped Kate on a Wednesday morning carrying in an amazing banana cake with cream cheese icing. "So Kate, what's the deal?" she said in a conspiratorial tone. "Why have you suddenly started bringing in treats for us every week?"

"Well, you guys have been doing such a great job, I just thought maybe you deserved a reward!" She was hoping her face wasn't as red as it felt.

"And you're sure it doesn't have anything to do with a cute chubby new assistant?" Anita smiled her I'm-on-to-you grin.

Shit. Was it that obvious?

"No! I just, you know, I love to bake. Thought I'd put my talent to some use."

"Well, if you say so..." Anita laughed to herself and answered the phone as Kate scurried off to the break room.

Four months had passed since Matt started working for Kate, and it was now an undeniable fact that he was getting fatter. Between Friday brunches and Wednesday treat days and his own growing appetite, Matt's wardrobe didn't stand a chance. He'd already bought new clothes the month before, and it appeared that he would need to head to the mall again soon before he popped a seam in his pants.

This fact was not lost on his coworkers. From the guys: "Hey, Matt, dude! Looks like you need to hit the gym, buddy!"

From the girls: General giggling behind his back.

From Kate: Subtle ogling sideways glances and more treats.

If he noticed the ogling, he ignored it. He figured there wasn't much chance that a woman like Kate would be interested in him. He wasn't sure any woman would be interested in him at this point. He hadn't stepped on a scale in months.

Thanksgiving had just passed, and Matt had caught a bit of flack from his family. They weren't a remarkably skinny bunch, but they did their best to stay in shape, so when they saw his big gut and double chin and big bum, they had something to say about it.

From his Mom: "Sweetie, are you alright? I'm worried about you."

From his brother: "Matt! Bro! Time to hit the gym!"

From his sisters: General giggling behind his back.

From his grandma: Pinching of his chubbier cheeks.

From his dad: "Ignore them, son."

He and his dad had always been close. His dad was a big guy, too. He figured Matt was old enough to take care of himself.

Still, Matt was starting to get a little worried himself. And he was starting to wonder...

On the first Wednesday of December, as Kate was bringing in double the normal treats (Hey, it was Christmas time!), he followed her into the break room.

"Hi Kate!"

She spun around quickly. "Matt, geez, don't sneak up on me like that!"

He laughed. "Sorry, I'll work on that. So," he said, peering into the various containers, "what did you make for us?"

"Chocolate toffee cookies, gingersnaps, and thumbprint cookies with buttercream frosting. My mom's specialty."

"Wow! Do you have elves helping you out or something?"

She just laughed and kept her mouth shut.

"Sooo, Kate..." He took a deep breath and dove in. "Are you trying to fatten us all up or something?" He was trying to play it cool, but he was genuinely anxious to hear her reply.

Here it was, the moment of truth. Kate swallowed hard and looked him in those beautiful brown eyes. "No, Matt--just you." She grabbed her bag and hightailed it to her office, shut the door, and immediately got on the phone.

Matt was left standing by himself in the break room. He let out a low whistle. "So, THAT would explain some things..."
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 2 years
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Obsessed 4 years
I simply could not resist my favourite story for the umpteenth time..
Miss talking to you, sir x
FrecherTyp 9 years
hehe i loved the scene when he was eating so much just right beside her cubicle and she had a hard time not jumping at him smiley
Obsessed 11 years
This is the second time i have read this in only a couple months.. my fantasy pinned to a T and my most favorite story on here!! Xx
Lizzyny 12 years