Now & then

Chapter 2 - part 2

NOW: Setting the four bags by the pizza boxes, she steps around the coffee table and sits next to her behemoth of a boyfriend. She pokes her finger into the side of his belly and slowly pushes it deeper to see how far it will go. She grins devilishly as his fat swallows her hand nearly to the wrist. She extracts her finger and leans forward to rub his belly.

Tommy breathes through his nose deeply, his lungs struggling to find space, as he chews the last bite of his first slice. The glob of pizza rolled around his mouth getting squished and flattened and broken up and molded before rolling to the back of his throat and down his esophagus.

She realizes the moment he's no longer eating and brings another slide to his puckered lips. He opens wide and takes a bite. He moans again, as if approaching orgasm. Taking more deep breaths through his nose, the laziest of activities now causing him exertion.

He holds his breath and pauses his chewing for a moment. She can feel him subtly tensing up and she knows what's coming. "Come on baby, you can do it. Look how much more you have to eat for your pre-dinner snack. Make room for me, baby."

A muffled fart buzzes against the cushion of the couch and she can even feel it humming under her seat, the sensation tickling her nethers, making her wet.

"Mmm, good boy!" she says, patting him on the belly. "Sounds like you cleared up a lot of space."

He starts chewing and breathing again, rubbing circles around his belly in a desperate attempt to calm it down. But it's just working too hard to keep up with his pace. The constant need to dispel the internal pressurization of an overloaded stomach comes with the territory.

And even though she is accustomed to being in the presence of such sounds and smells, she waves her hand in front of her nose playfully. "Whew!"

Tommy blushes and swallows his current bite, giving a bashful smile. "It's okay, sweetie. No need to feel embarrassed. It's the smell of progress! If you were any less flatulent, I wouldn't be doing my job right."

She winks, pushing forth more pizza.


THEN: Lisa was sitting at a table in the cafe, a small cupcake on a tiny plate by her mug of coffee. She clutched the mug with both hands and took a sip as she heard the bell by the door ring. She glanced over to see a Greek Adonis enter the cafe and remove his sunglasses.

She let him look around for her while she studied him from afar. Shame she was unable to alter his trajectory, even after their split. He had apparently returned to his active lifestyle. But with this meeting came promise. Having gotten him up to 220 pounds a few years before, she was well aware of Tommy's true potential. With the right method, he could end up her fattest conquest yet. Maybe even...immobility?

No. She was getting ahead of herself. One step at a time. Don't let your lofty goals derail your present efforts, she thought to herself.

She caught his gaze and he jerked his head back in acknowledgement. He moved between the narrow gaps between table like water through a stony brook. She noted his subtle agility.

He extended his arms and she stood so they could embrace in a friendly hug. They each took their seats.

"I got you a cupcake," Lisa said, nudging the small plate closer to him.

Tommy sighed through a chuckle. "Of course, you did. Maybe this was a mistake..." Tommy trailed off.

"Oh come on!" Lisa said, annoyed. "One itty bitty cupcake isn't going to turn you into a whale! You need to enjoy yourself sometimes."

Tommy raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Good point," and looked down at the cupcake. He paused for a moment but eventually picked it up between his index finger and thumb and popped it into his mouth.

"See?" Lisa said, smiling. "Nothing wrong with indulging every now and then."
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
Really enjoyed the past/future format of this piece, really delightful scenes here.
GummieTummy 6 years
Oh my gosh. This is so good! So clever with the then and now format. Wow! I love it. Wonderful! (Gloved clapping)
Th3f4t5ide 8 years
And some end precisely when they're supposed to. I know it goes against everything we stand for to say this, but: don't be greedy. smiley
BeSoft 8 years
This story totally different! Love the now n then issue so damn much!.. Very well written, cong!
Th3f4t5ide 8 years
I'm a minimalist. This story is done.
Po123 8 years
Add more great start
Th3f4t5ide 8 years
To add to my last comment, I almost added "THE END" to signify the end, but seeing as how Lisa will continue to fatten Tommy well beyond immobility, I couldn't bring myself to slap a definite "THE END" on it.
Th3f4t5ide 8 years
Nah, it ends pretty much where I intended it to. This was meant to be a short, one-off.
Th3f4t5ide 8 years
Thanks so much! Glad you both liked it!