The kidnap

chapter 5

He walked slowly over to me, looking at every part of me, he was even talking softly to me telling me how beautiful I was becoming. He gently started rubbing lotion off over my belly, which admittedly felt lovely, my skin was so dry and sore from being stuffed with so much liquid, and I surprised myself by feeling quite aroused. I did try to stay focused and think of my escape plan, but it was hard, this guy was making me feel quite horny.

"OMG, what is that, ARGHHHHH"

I felt myself screaming out loud as Zach attached another contraption to me, this time it was a big black mask, with tubing attached, I glanced sideways and noticed a large machine, that seemed to contain a thick brown liquid, resembling lumpy gravy. The whole time Zach was soothing me whit his voice, reminding me I was going to be his beautiful fat princess, and that soon I could have anything I wanted. I tried to stay calm, but it was so hard, and I let myself down by letting a few tears escape from my eyes and I felt them roll down my cheek.

I was so uncomfortable, just hanging there, with this mask over my face and tubes down my throat, I soon figured it was another feeding machine - but this time is seemed to be automatic as Zach just switched it on and then left me alone while it forced the vile liquid into me. It didn't take long to file me to the maximum again, but the machine kept going, I could feel it forcing my belly out more and more, and the position I was being held in I could see how full my belly was growing, I still cant believe how fat I already was. I was genuinely worried about how fat Zach wanted me to be.

More and more tears rolled down my cheeks, I couldn't stop them now. Every bit of me hurt and I couldn't focus on any happy thoughts to get me through it, and I tried so hard to stop crying when Zach walked back in the room. I didn't want him seeing me so upset, he would never trust me if he saw me like this. I really wish I had tried harder to not cry, Zach seeing the tears seem to anger him....

"I am turning you into a beautiful woman, I am going to spoil you and treat you to everything you could want, how can you be upset with me"

I couldn't stop the tears though, and hearing him shout at me made me more distressed, the tears came faster and faster and I could feel myself shaking too.

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Applepieinth... 7 years
I know it's been like 5 years but it'd be great if you'd write a bit more of this! I remember reading it when it first came out smiley
Hereiam 12 years
Is there another chapter?
Sparkle 12 years
sorry - its been a manic few days - i promise i will add more soon smiley
Sparkle 12 years
Yes I've got 2 more chapters to add.... Just haven't had chance to finish them :/ will get round to it later!!!
Sparkle 12 years
The only mistakes I can see are the ones Ff put it ie the ///// lines...... And that is a fault of Ff not mine!! I do actually use a grammar and spell check thing, so even that hasn't picked up on anything lol!! To be fair I was tired and a little drunk writing this so that may explain any mistakes :/
Badhansel 12 years
I've always loved your work Sparkle - this is no exception! And it gives me an idea...
Fatlilboy 12 years
OMG....Quite unlike Annie, I'm begging you....MORE PLEASE!!!
Sparkle 12 years
Just working on my next chapter now smiley
Bradypig 12 years
YAY!!! Just what I've been waiting for, a great start!!!
Sparkle 12 years
and this is not finishes haha!! I am tired and cant do any more, but will finish tomorrow!! it will have at least another 4 chapters im sure haha!!!
Sparkle 12 years
can i just say the \\\\\\\\ lines are not mine lol!!