The pleasure dome

Chapter 2 - the pleasure dome

Just a few feet from the bed Jane exclaimed warmly, "Oh, honey, I see you're up. Are you hungry? Good! Now you can enjoy a nice, big meal without having to wait....I know how much you hate to wait...and I love watching your weight haha" She grinned slyly as she surveyed my form reclining in decadent comfort in our bed...using the remote she turned up the mattress air conditioner that helps keeps me cool...could that mean...?!?

She paused the cart as a wave of odors, steam, and excess filled the air sampled by my eager nose. Using the remote velcroed to the cart again, she hit the next memory button for the adjustable bed so that I could effortlessly rise to a more comfortable angle for some serious eating.

My belly flowed and rolled into it's other preferred position, as the bed-motor audibly struggled with it's difficult task. Jane finished rolling the cart up to the bed, and gave me a hot good morning kiss on the lips, while rubbing the rise of my stomach and it's many thick curves, rolls, and folds. As we kissed, the electric motor for the bed kept straining mightily under the massive load it endeavored to raise my bulk with Jane adding a tiny bit extra weight to the load. It was like Atlas struggling to hold up the entire Earth, that poor little motor has a tough life.

Her hands sunk right into my belly almost without resistance, the fat conforming to it's builder's strength. I got some tongue action during our kiss as her other hand squeezed a soft, thick upper arm roll. She was always sizing me up as my size went up lol. She knew my rolls, folds, mounds and valleys like the back or her hand or her many recipe books. Her hands lingered here and there as she loved gaging my progress and growth. My fat just yields to her every touch, inviting her caress and adoration. She's always patting, probing, and fondling my belly. She's fascinated by it. Leprechauns have their prized pot of gold, and my wife has my world champion pot belly to cherish: the Pleasure Dome.

After the long kiss, I open my eyes and she places an extra large warmed-up donut into each of my hands while she smiles at her big man. After the sexy good morning kiss it was now time to eat. It was all so nice and easy. I had to make absolutely no effort...which is just my style haha.

"Why don't you enjoy these, while I get your trays in place?" I said nothing as I took a nice, big bite of the first jelly donut. Mmm, I grunted my thanks. I closed my eyes to better enjoy the rich, inviting taste. Quickly I took another bite, an even larger one, while the first was still unswallowed. Again I closed my eyes for a second, enjoying the quick rush of flavor, hitting my pleasure centers like waves onto a beach. As my cheeks bulged out, filled with the warm, sweet pastry, my tongue savored it's wakeup treats. Yummy. I caught some escaping jelly with my tongue, I don't want any to go to waste! I am such a greedy pig, I want it all, all of it, and right now. I smiled, thoroughly enjoying the familiar start to my latest gorge. Mmm...mmm, ahh...swallow...another big bite...mmmm...

Soon she'd placed the heavy trays to either side of my belly, within easy reach. Of course, this meant that she had to walk around to the other side of the bed. There was no way she could reach over and past my belly! Those days were long gone, vanished under a tidal wave of pastry, grease, and sugar in all it's many and varied forms, varieties, and flavors. I am an explorer of extreme pleasure, visiting each island of delights like an old time explored might sail the world. I would rather eat the world. Mmm....mmm, ahh.

She moved with urgency, since I had just two large donuts to occupy me as I lay there relaxing. She frantically worked to get my latest gorge in place. She's fast and well-practiced. The donuts would soon be gone, with just a sprinkling of sugar left on my lips recalling their existence...before I licked even that away, not letting anything go to waste, eyes darting toward the next greasy adventure. She knew I hated waiting and did not want me to run out (omg!) and have to stop eating before the trays were in place and within my reach. That would disappoint both of us. See, we are a team. Our goals are shared.

As I wolfed down my donuts, I noticed with glee mid-swallow that she didn't put the third tray up on my soft, rolling gut. That sly smile just before, the turned-up mattress AC draining heat from my bulk, and now no tray on my jelly-belly...I knew what that meant! I already had a raging erection, and now I wiggled or rolled my wide-spread legs, hoping to loosen the sheets a little bit. That's the extent of my "work" these days haha.

She would pleasure me while I ate and ate and ate all of my long established favorites. Stuffing, feasting, and enjoying myself until I couldn't eat another crumb. See, we already knew we needed to keep trays off of the Pleasure Dome when it was "happy time". It is gelatinous and free flowing, and therefore things could fall over as a wave rippled across it's vast surface. Some precious food could fall off the mountain of fat, and there might even be a mess to clean up. Pity the poor food that would not wind up in my belly, soon to become one with the rest of the fat.

Having to work and having to wait - yuck. Imagine how upsetting that would be...since I'd have to delay my gorge as my belly gurgled and churned, momentarily denied it's treasure, reward, and purpose. I mean I'd be able to smell the gorge, have some of the initial aftertastes in my drool-filled mouth, yet I would not get more for a few minutes. Agony.

I like endless gorging with no waiting or work on my part. And today my taste and stuffing pleasures, if judged acceptable by my wife, would be rewarded with sexual delight, approval, and her loving smile. Well I wanted my extra prize, so it was time to enjoy my rich feed.

With the donuts gone to a better place, I now had numerous treats waiting their turn to either side of me. All of my favorites. What should I have first? So easy, convenient, and efficient. I could eat and eat and eat without any real effort. Everything hot and fresh, the air filled with incredible aromas. My eager mouth drooling away, as firm in it's purpose as my belly is soft, and convinced it would be delighted and put to work. No waiting. All this combined with the lazy sex with my wife doing all of the work while verbally encouraging me to eat, and eat, and to really let go.

As usual she monitored my choices like a hawk, repositioning things for easy access before any delay or inconvenience occurred. I already knew what offerings awaited my belly, since I'd eagerly examined the platters while cramming in my pastry appetizers. Just like a General surveying the upcoming battle field. That way I could formulate my strategy. No matter what I would win, haha.
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Nept13 12 years
Great story!!!
Essjay 12 years
Glad you liked it. Now would you like regular or extra crispy? And yes I brought the gravy...