Please pick me

Chapter 2 - hatching a plan

Danielle flopped on the bed in her room. She was spent from the fight, and was on the verge of tears based on what seemed to be a losing battle to her. She had seen the way Mark was looking at Theresa, and she was starting to get dismayed. It was obvious Danielle was lagging behind, a position she was not used to. She had always had men eating out of her palm, but she could not seem to get through to Mark.

As she laid in bed, a thought passed through her mind. What if Theresa was no longer attractive? Mark would never want her then, and Danielle could swoop in just like that. She immediately dismissed the idea as cruel, but the thought kept pestering at her, and slowly she warmed to the idea.

Yes, she could ruin Theresa, but how? It was not as simple as just changing her makeup one day. It had to be something lasting, something permanent. But what?

Suddenly, the idea hit her. Make her fat. It was just one of the many differing points between the two girls physically. Danielle got up and walked to the mirror. She looked over her toned, athletic figure, which accented her smooth white skin and shoulder-length blonde hair. She had a surfer's figure, which she had worked for years to cultivate, fighting through periods of anorexia and bulimia.

She then thought of Theresa, who was a few inches shorter than her. Her diminished stature was offset by her advantage in curves. Theresa has gotten her fair share of stares due to her large butt and noticeable cleavage; her tan skin and frizzy brown hair were further indicators of her Hispanic heritage. What most people did not see was the slight outward curvature of her belly. It was something that she always worried about and tried to diminish whenever possible.

And now Danielle was about to use that worry to her advantage. She smiled evilly. "Now, let us see if Mark is still enamored with Theresa if she is a fat cow."

She fell back onto the bed, trying to work out the details. She figured she could make a few calls, and then things would be perfect.
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Jazzman 12 years
Your pacing is perfect! Astounding story! smiley
Kamina 12 years
I'm stopped at part 8 and the war is just beginning I sense...
Gary1627 12 years
Love the way this story is going and plenty more chapters to enjoy by the looks of things.
PatchM13 12 years
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I added a few more chapters, but I estimate I am only about halfway through this. I will keep adding more over the next few days. Hope you enjoy the direction it goes!
Jazzman 12 years
This is Terrific. I am almost guessing where it will go. And I like it! smiley
Debela 12 years
I hope you continue!
PatchM13 12 years
Will be putting more up tomorrow. Trust me, this story still has a long way to go before it is over...