Please pick me

Chapter 3 - right into the fire

Two days late, Danielle had everything she needed to begin fattening Theresa up. She used her contacts at the gym in order to get her hands on some appetite supplements. The powder would cause whoever ingested it to want to eat more.

Theresa and Danielle had created an agreement years ago that they would take turns cooking meals on the weekends. Theresa had flourished as a cook, but Danielle was not as good. Today, however, she worked tirelessly to create a Western omelet for both girls. In Theresa's, she added a small spoonful of the powder. She figured a slow start would be best.

She also prepared more toast than usual, and put out some fruit to be safe.

When Theresa entered the dining room, Danielle was just putting down the last plate. Theresa raised one eyebrow, still angry about the fight.

Danielle took a deep breath. "Look, I wanted to apologize about fighting with you. I was being really, REALLY childish. I would rather have you as my best friend, than lose you to some guy. Can you forgive me?"

Theresa seemed to think for a minute, then gave a sheepish grin. "You know, I was about to say the same thing. We are just being a pair of silly girls about this. Of course I forgive you."

Danielle beamed with a smile that amply covered her amusement that Theresa had bought such a blatant lie. She beckoned to Theresa to sit, and took a seat opposite. She watched at Theresa took a bite of the omelet, and grinned as Theresa smiled happily.

Theresa was amazed by how well the food had turned out. She knew Danielle was not much of a cook, but sometimes doing the right thing can have some payoffs. After the first few bites, Theresa noticed that she was still quite hungry. She pulled a few pieces of toast over to her plate, and grabbed a banana on a whim. Danielle watched the scene unfold with the faintest trace of a smile. She watched as Theresa began to devour the food quickly, the powder working even better than she could have imagined. Soon, the cow would show who she really was.
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Jazzman 12 years
Your pacing is perfect! Astounding story! smiley
Kamina 12 years
I'm stopped at part 8 and the war is just beginning I sense...
Gary1627 12 years
Love the way this story is going and plenty more chapters to enjoy by the looks of things.
PatchM13 12 years
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I added a few more chapters, but I estimate I am only about halfway through this. I will keep adding more over the next few days. Hope you enjoy the direction it goes!
Jazzman 12 years
This is Terrific. I am almost guessing where it will go. And I like it! smiley
Debela 12 years
I hope you continue!
PatchM13 12 years
Will be putting more up tomorrow. Trust me, this story still has a long way to go before it is over...