Please pick me

Chapter 4 - snack time

After breakfast (which had taken longer than usual, as Theresa had eaten the rest of the toast) Danielle left for the gym while Theresa, who needed to catch up on some work for Monday, stayed behind. Theresa sat at the coffee table, the papers spread out in front of her. She looked them over, making notes as necessary. Soon though, she began to notice that something felt off. She began to feel hungry again. She tried to push the thought out of her mind. She reminded herself that she had a large breakfast. However, as she thought about the scrumptious meal she had eaten, her stomach redoubled its moans of hunger.

She tried to look back at the papers, but the growling kept dragging her attention away. Eventually she gave up and stood up. She made her way to the kitchen, looking around. She noticed a box of cookies sitting out on the table, and grabbed one, quietly chewing as she looked through the rest of the cabinets. She eventually grabbed chips and salsa, then picked up the box of cookies on the way back. She set everything down, then began to look over the papers again, subconsciously pushing chips and cookies into her mouth. Not even twenty minutes later, she looked down and realized she had polished off everything she had pulled out to eat.

She blushed with surprise, amazed that she had put away all that food. At least her stomach had stopped rumbling. She picked up the remains and threw them in the garbage. Satisfied, she sat back down and got back to work.

A few hours later, Danielle returned. "Hey, I figured you would be busy, so I picked up some Chinese food on the way back. General Tso's, your favorite."

Theresa opened her mouth to object, but a powerful rumble quelled her thoughts. Instead, she got up and sat down with Danielle, who was unwrapping the food. The pair ate in silence, but Danielle kept peek glances at Theresa, who was eating quickly. Danielle offered her some soup, which Theresa gladly accepted.

After dinner, Theresa felt powerfully bloated, and told Danielle that she was going to bed to read. Danielle simply smiled and wished her a good night. Theresa laid down on her back and massaged her bloated gut. She was concerned about how much she had eaten, but she rationalized it by everything that had been going on with Danielle and work. She put her mind at ease, then drifted off to a deep sleep.
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Jazzman 12 years
Your pacing is perfect! Astounding story! smiley
Kamina 12 years
I'm stopped at part 8 and the war is just beginning I sense...
Gary1627 12 years
Love the way this story is going and plenty more chapters to enjoy by the looks of things.
PatchM13 12 years
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I added a few more chapters, but I estimate I am only about halfway through this. I will keep adding more over the next few days. Hope you enjoy the direction it goes!
Jazzman 12 years
This is Terrific. I am almost guessing where it will go. And I like it! smiley
Debela 12 years
I hope you continue!
PatchM13 12 years
Will be putting more up tomorrow. Trust me, this story still has a long way to go before it is over...