Please pick me

Chapter 7 - starving for attention

Danielle was fuming. Something did not feel right. Theresa was happy. Too happy. Danielle could see that her plan had been working. She could almost see the cow getting fatter each day. Theresa had taken to eating even more, even on the days Danielle was not...helping her along.

She was not trying to hide it either. Theresa had taken to wearing much tighter clothing, which showed off all of the curves she had. She did not seem to care that she was getting fat; in fact, she was embracing it.

One day, Danielle was waiting for Theresa to get out of the shower. When she opened the door, Danielle was shocked to see that she was naked. Her body had kept its smoothness even after the weight gain, it just seemed larger. Danielle could feel her whole body lurch just looking at it.

After Theresa passed by, Danielle looked herself over in the mirror. She was still as slim and petite as before. As a joke, she puffed out her cheeks,trying to imitate what it would be like for her to be fat. She couldn't see it working for her though, not that she would ever become fat.

While in the shower, Danielle kept flashing back to Theresa. She had a slight pang of guilt about what she was doing, but she wanted Mark, and she was to do whatever it took to have him. While she was on that thought, She decided that she would pay him a visit. She could seduce him then, and then he would be all hers. Maybe she would keep fattening up Theresa even after Mark was hers; she was feeling schadenfreude at Theresa's expense.

She dressed in her most flattering clothes and went to Mark's door. When he opened it, he was surprised to see her. She cutely asked if she could hang out for a while, and he obliged with a smile. He was just about to have some lunch, and she joined him, the pair sharing a salad they had whipped up. After the meal, the pair sat on the couch and chatted. Danielle was giving off every subtle clue she could think of, short of jumping him.

She could tell it was having an effect, as he began shifting closer to her. Eventually, they were right next to each other. He put his hand around her shoulder, and she moved in quickly. They kissed for some time, then Mark pulled away, almost seeming unsure of what to do.

Danielle went for round two, but was surprised when she was rebuffed. Mark seemed apologetic. "Listen, I really do like you, but I am still trying to figure some things out. Plus, I do still have feelings for Theresa, and I do not want to put a wedge between you two. When I figure things out, I will let you know all right?"

Danielle had not heard half of what he said. She saw red. She put on fake airs, saying she understood and that she wanted him to be happy, but inside she was seething with anger.

Theresa was going to pay.
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Jazzman 12 years
Your pacing is perfect! Astounding story! smiley
Kamina 12 years
I'm stopped at part 8 and the war is just beginning I sense...
Gary1627 12 years
Love the way this story is going and plenty more chapters to enjoy by the looks of things.
PatchM13 12 years
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I added a few more chapters, but I estimate I am only about halfway through this. I will keep adding more over the next few days. Hope you enjoy the direction it goes!
Jazzman 12 years
This is Terrific. I am almost guessing where it will go. And I like it! smiley
Debela 12 years
I hope you continue!
PatchM13 12 years
Will be putting more up tomorrow. Trust me, this story still has a long way to go before it is over...